RIGGED: Realities Intertwined, Good Guys, and Evil Doers


My exams are finished.

Roll call; in 48 hours anyone who confirms they're in shall be placed on the spreadsheet. :)
Gah, I'm really sorry, but I feel that I can't do my nation justice with my time constraints. Sorry. :(
In List:

Terran Emperor

Small, but it'll at least be manageable. I'll have a spreadsheet and map up shortly and we can begin. :)
Turn I


Stats (details below)
For this turn, everyone shall begin with 45 income. You all possess 6 supply, 2 dreadnoughts, and 1 carrier. My suggestion is to send your carrier with a Dreadnought escort, with another dreadnought remaining behind to prevent any surprising shelling by an outside faction.

Units are not used on the turn they are built.

Resources are not on the map, but shall be added soon.

Let the games begin.
Oops; I am late to set myself in this game?

As for system name: Royal Scorpio System or the Scorpio Kingdom Cluster or the Koopa Scorpio Sector?
You're added, Ailedhoo. Same income and setup as everyone else. :p
Suppose I'll set orders as locking after... 72 hours?
Oops; I am late to set myself in this game?

As for system name: Royal Scorpio System or the Scorpio Kingdom Cluster or the Koopa Scorpio Sector?

Oh yey, my long standing turn-0 war enemy!

We will crush you beneath the treads of our cities!
Oh yey, my long standing turn-0 war enemy!

We will crush you beneath the treads of our cities!

OOC: can we wait RC? Especially as your war declaration was... silly.

IC: we of this galaxy must have counsel to consider how to deal with the great aggressor!
OOC: can we wait RC? Especially as your war declaration was... silly.

IC: we of this galaxy must have counsel to consider how to deal with the great aggressor!

It is only logical that the Empire joins this war, this threat to the galaxy is dealt with.
- Commander Spock

For the good of all the Terrans, The Dominion and The Empire are willing to put forward our best efforts to help eradicate this menace.
- Emperor Valerian Mengsk
It is only logical that the Empire joins this war, this threat to the galaxy is dealt with.
- Commander Spock

For the good of all the Terrans, The Dominion and The Empire are willing to put forward our best efforts to help eradicate this menace.
- Emperor Valerian Mengsk

...and so the pieces come together. Who will make the first move?

- Kane


-King Bowser
So it's past the lock...

But I only have 2 sets of orders.

Extending deadline by 24 hours.
Alright. Orders locked, update inbound...

Official inactivity policy: money is invested into factories.
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