Rising Tide - First Impressions


Sep 29, 2005
I do not know if MP is fixed but base game is much better in this expansion. Especially early game. I am competing myself not AI in just about all 4x games anyhow and atleast this game has hall of fame.


Jun 22, 2012
I got the ancient alien leashing quest done. Now I have three krakens, one worm, and a bunch of rippers, sea dragons. It's so easy yet so amusing. The krakens still destroy your tiles if you move the unit onto them so that was pretty interesting.


May 7, 2011
So, how was everyone's experience with 6/6 hybridization? This is the stage that buffs your patrol boats and marines and they take on the hybrid theme.

I just got it, Purity/Harmony, and WOW it's such a leap in power. I'm steamrolling over things hard. Nobody has anything that can go up against them; this is on Apollo too, not that it matters (it should though! If they ever fix things). Brasilia even had the nerve to declare war on me the turn I made the leap -- he's regretting it now!

My 48 strength argos are tanks. They easily one shot ocean cities and conquer them, it's ridiculous. Plus, I think I have a perk with them that gives them a bonus attacking cities, plus I have the auto-heal perk; I forgot the other one. Also, I got some kind of artifact bonus which gives my naval units 100% defense vs ranged attacks... haha.

I just have to wait for my slow-as-hell embarked Champions to make there way over so they can conquer inland.

Is there any tech bonus later on which grants a movement buff to embarked units?

Getting 6/6 wasn't really that difficult, though I'm trying out some heavy Might this game, so that definitely helped achieve that with the free affinity level and % bonus to points. Hybridization really makes the Might tree shine, I suppose.


The Dutch Daredevil
May 7, 2002
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
OK have to admit that I really liked my first game. Extended my winning by waiting with sending my last unit to earth for the Emancipation victory to see most of the hybrid units.
Found lots of bugs already mentioned and diplo annoyances like mentioned before.
After 10 times telling me how much they love/hate/approved/disapprove or whatever it gets old and that was at turn 50. So 200 turns later I was ignoring all messages. They have to tune down all those communiques. If I'm at max fear/respect it doesn't matter anymore they like something.
Disappointed by the victory movie though. I expected a movie and not an animated (if you can call hands waving and a moving light in the gate animation, in game the gate was more animated, lol) screenwide drawing.
Found it strange that I couldn't play with all sponsors on a massive map (max was 10). In vanilla I could play with 12 on a massive map so that must be a bug I guess (probably can be modded to have at least 12 again I think).
As PAC I had some problems with building some wonders in 1 turn that needed firaxite to build it. If I build them the normal longer way it was no problem. I couldn't figure out what it was that prevented me to build those specific wonders (forgot which ones).


Stagnating amongst the Siliconians
Dec 13, 2013
San Jose, CA, USA
My first impressions:

- I love the music this time. Much more quirky than Vanilla, IMO.

- There is so much to see in the artwork, especially the terrain and units, that if you love "the shiny", like I do, you'll love BERT.

- I'm the sort that loves the early game... building a nation, exploring, digging up artifacts, and I couldn't care less about war... and that said, I love the additions in RT. My one disappointment with the artifact system so far is that I'm getting a lot of artifact combos that give me the same building. I would think they'd each be different.

- I've played through about 150-175 turns so far with Duncan three times (each time thinking, "Rats, I screwed this start up... I need to start over." I'm getting the feeling from the way early progression happens, though, that I could built a one-city, sea-going nation with Duncan and just move around, gobbling up territory while beelining a contact victory. That's what I'm going to try when I've got my beginning strategy figured out. And, that said, I'm about to start my fourth game because... arggggghhhhh!!!!:

Spoiler :


Oct 9, 2015
"Come back when you have a better deal."

Gee I'd love to, but it doesn't look like I'm allowed to change any of the terms.

Absolutely no bargaining permitted when it comes to trade.

I know right. They replaced one system with another, instead of merging them both. What if i want to pay an enemy to go to war with another civ? what if i want to trade resources manually?

sometimes I feel like the devs dont really play this game


Sep 7, 2014
Yeah, it's all gone.

If you want someone to declare war on someone else, you have to ally with them and then drag them into a war that you yourself have to start. And even that won't be possible until they release a patch.

Basically, political intrigue of any kind is just gone.

And aside from a few token phrases thrown in here and there, what little personality there had been previously is gone as well.

Can't bribe them, can't ask or demand that they do anything, it basically comes down to "yes or no" choices, with no way to alter the deals in the slightest.

And sometimes they'll refuse your offer, but they'll never make a counter-offer. They can't, and neither can you.

The whole thing is a wash. Basically a way to pick and choose bonuses and not much else.


Aug 27, 2014
I just got a turn 1 pristine artifact from a resource pod. Popping it gave me 96 culture, which was enough for my first 3 virtues, so I essentially just started with two settlers.

I don't know how to feel guys.

Halcyon 7

Oct 1, 2015
Huh, I can build Observatories and those clone-buildings that improve xenomass with production in (water-)cities that don't have those ressources. Another city has xenomass though. And yet another has Firaxite in range, but not in the borders. :rolleyes:

Yeah I had an issue with this too.

I am unsure if that is a bug due to incoming traded resources or what but it was insane by the end.

Requires an improved resource. Not so much.

HOTFIX please.


Oct 29, 2014
Well I finished 2 games today/last night. (I'm sick so I have nothing but time right now)

Seconding the resource building bug. You can build buildings that require certain resources in cities without that resource. As in, once I got firaxite and xenomass improved by my second city, I could build stuff like the Observatory in cities that did not have any firaxite in range. Needless to say the xenolabratory (or whatever it's called) for the 15% science boost in any city you want, with or without any actual xenomass by it seemed.. unintented to say the least. Since the tooltip still says "requires workable X resource at city" I'm pretty sure it's a bug. Guess I'll post that in the bugs section later.

Since nobody else seems to be playing the PAC, lemme just just say the new ability is amazing and hilarious. Not sure if it's as OP as Polystralia's 3874329 trade routes, but man.

As Ryika said, the AI on apollo will easily start to hate your guts since their bonuses make them think you're crap at everything until later on. However, I basically averted anyone DOW'ing even if they otherwise were talking trash about my little army or anything else since I had so many WONDERS. I settled 7 cities total and built probably 10 wonders total (so only 3 hard built) I kept getting enough respect from popping out wonders that I kept the AI from dropping low enough to attack me, even when they all had 0-1 fear since I was purposefully neglecting units. I also had more capital than I knew what to do with. (+300 by the time I won, between wonder + ability + deals)

I'd call it OP but I don't want to complain, since this literally justifies my wonder-whoring playstyle more than I've ever been able to before. :lol: (Also my bad habit of letting lots of energy sit around in my bank is helpful now! AI's like my shiny stash ;) )

I won on turn 210 in my games, with messing about, teching around for some of the new wonders, and no academy spam. And yes they have been nerfed pretty good, but I actually got an artifact bonus that was +50% worker improvement speed, so the 18 turns was only 11 for me. Basically, I had an excuse to spam if I wanted to but only made a couple of them. There's so many new sources for.. everything, that you don't even need academies to get a lot of science now, or at least that's my impression so far. Energy and health were no problems at all after the very early game either. I settled 5 cities by turn 100 and didn't even have -10 health yet, and my energy was around +100.

Extra note: I was on the fungal map in my second game and built 2 of my water cities by fungus nodes with that huge food bonus, then in one I built(for free) the +2 production from coast tiles wonder and then hard built the +1 science on coast tiles wonder soon after. That was a hell of a city and gave me CiV V Spain + natural wonder types of tile yield glee. Only a shame the game was close to over by the time I had both wonders done there. :( Water cities can really get some insane yields.


Jul 8, 2007
I've only played a few hours, but so far I love the new Diplomacy system. Also, overall, the world seems a lot more dense, full of things, which is a good thing!

But, my only gripe so far: How do I turn off these ten million diplomacy notifications?? I mean, chatty leaders is legit entertaining, but do they have to beep every time? Also, the advisor "suggestions" for agreements was educational for the first five minutes, but they keep telling me about the same agreements (that I don't want, and often can't afford) every turn. I like having advisors for other things, but this is too much.


Jun 30, 2012
So Polystralia badly needs nerfs across the board. You don't even have to play as Polystralia to get a trillion trade routes, you just need to sign agreements with them and bam, swimming in trade routes. Bonus trade routes in capital, and big reductions to population requirements for additional trade routes in every city? Who the hell thought that was balanced?

Also ITRs are back to being incredibly silly. Industry virtue + trait for better ITR yields combined with the above silliness means my capital is sending 4 different cities between 14 and 19 food (14/19/19/19 to be exact) and 10 and 12 production (10/11/12/12) each turn. Meanwhile 2 other cities sent ITRs to my capital and are getting similar yields. My capital is getting a few dozen production out of this to boot. Honestly, what the hell man?


Oct 29, 2014
Also ITRs are back to being incredibly silly. Industry virtue + trait for better ITR yields combined with the above silliness means my capital is sending 4 different cities between 14 and 19 food (14/19/19/19 to be exact) and 10 and 12 production (10/11/12/12) each turn. Meanwhile 2 other cities sent ITRs to my capital and are getting similar yields. My capital is getting a few dozen production out of this to boot. Honestly, what the hell man?

Just an FYI, there's also an artifact building I got in my last game that gives +50% yields from internal trade routes in the cities you build it in. Imagine that cherry on top of your sundae.


Jun 30, 2012
Just an FYI, there's also an artifact building I got in my last game that gives +50% yields from internal trade routes in the cities you build it in. Imagine that cherry on top of your sundae.

The artifact buildings hurt my head in general. RNG loot drops potentially giving you buildings that allow a city to work 2 extra tiles, get better ITRs, or let units inside instantly heal is insane enough, nevermind the wonders that make techs 30% cheaper, or virtues cost half as much.


Where am I? What turn is it?
Jun 7, 2012
Milwaukee, WI, USA
All these wonderful bonuses make the game much more exciting. That said, the game goes even faster as a result. They need a full expansion dedicated to making better victory conditions (update the affinity and possibly contact victories similar to BNW revamping of cultural victories and make domination require holding all caps and/or set percentage of owned tiles. This would become way better than BNW for me with just that and some new sponsors (possibly a non playable native species civ which gets major affinity bonuses).


Oct 29, 2014
Even though it's RNG and they can be OP I quite like the stuff from artifacts. Balance-wise I maybe shouldn't like them, but it's just so fun when you get an insane bonus thanks to your exploring that I can't help it. Even the lesser ones like 100% outpost growth speed were fun for me. I got that while I already had a +30% outpost growth agreement with somebody and was in the process of settling 2 new cities in really good spots. The turned into cities almost right away with the bonuses + an extra trade route I sent, letting me get rolling much faster. I got the building for healing fully while in a city but unfortunately I didn't have a war happen that game to see how useful it actually is.


Jun 30, 2012
It's fun having a reason to run around and explore the map, but artifacts and marvels don't have to be so stupidly OP to encourage that. The bonuses could be toned down a fair bit and they'd still be rewarding. Sub-t200 win times are going to be the norm with all the stuff they've added, and Apollo is back to feeling like CiV's emperor difficulty.
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