Role Play Challenge, The Next Generation: Sid Meier, The Civilized Tyrant

HRE is definitely in the way here, too bad he is vassal to Justy. Perhaps after Persia/Maya there can be a limited war against Justinian just to clear this continent. Then declare peace and move on to whoever is unlucky enough to be due East of your northern continent.

Also, rushbuy bombshelters before declaring the next war!
Woo hoo I got a city, didn't think I was up. A nice 10 pop one too.
I'd download the save to look at it except I had to get rid of most of my mods to make the game SGOTM compatible.
I've never liked the population Demographics. Your Empire is huge yet you still don't have the population of the United States!
I wouldn't mind a city if you didn't get me already :p I started posting around the middle of the classic RPC cities and temporarily force quit CIV for the first few months of the Next Generation ones so your list probably missed me (though I was Cyrus in the Genghis Earth 18 game). Anyway it's been a pleasure reading your RPC's throughout the last couple years and I want to thank you for doing them for so long and with such patience.
I've never liked the population Demographics. Your Empire is huge yet you still don't have the population of the United States!

But it's still higher than the population of Russia, currently the largest country in the world. Land is seldom populated as well as you want it to be.
I wouldn't mind a city (no idea where I'm at on the list :D)

Awesome idea for an RPC! Your computer must hate you though :p
Yeah, crazy. But crazy fun to watch.

I don't remember seeing my name on the list of cities yet, but maybe I just missed it in the shuffle. What are you up to?
Even though I am only a lurker I have posted some and would be honored to name one of the civfanatics cities. So if u run out of names Im your man. Cant believe its soon to be over. Sniff
I think most of you have cities and if not your at the top of the list (so practice you Persian or Mayanese).
Newish people deserve city names, well hopefully
Yeah the floating island of steel and death was awesome :D

I love civ, but I can imagine that, even on a good pc, that having to micro, or even just normally manage, each city, would be quite the painstaking process.

Which is probably why you have a ridiculous amount of money left over :p, c'mon Mad, if you don't want to rushbuy stuff per turn, you can at least turn up the slider, because that money is just wasting away.

The again, you could go and try and get a lot of gold, and then build a tower of gold and swim in your money, you'd be Scrooge McMeier.
He doesn't need to turn up the slider. The Internet steals all the techs he needs.

And just because he doesn't rushbuy every turn doesn't mean that it's just getting wasted. The more cities you have, the more money you need to rushbuy from every city in one turn.
Yeah there is not much help from the slider at this point except culture. Teching towards future tech doesn't mean much right now and I have eberything else. I am not micromamanging with spies and as pointed out rush-buying is insanely intense at this point.

SO I will simply se ehow big of a treasury Sid can acquire off the work of the Civfanatics!

Next segment is done, will post later today. As more civc die the computer is running faster now although micromanagement is still tough.
This is great! I've been away for several months (stupid real-life) I got a city for myself during the absence:D. Thank Mad for the city and for all the RPC games :goodjob:
I am not micromamanging with spies and as pointed out rush-buying is insanely intense at this point.

Just ctrl+click cities on big continents (or alt+click for mega-quick cash-wasting :lol:) from time to time and press the rushbuy button with all those cities selected. I wouldn't worry about wasting some gold on rushing builds with no hammers invested at this point.
Or, if it's possible with the amount of cities you have, you could try marking all of your cities in the city window and then press rushbuy.
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