[IAAR] ROTQM11: RNGod's Opportunity to Quash Morons

Turn 165 (inherited turn)

A brief survey. Gilgamesh has one holy site that we can see, in Eridu. My plan this set is to scout around and find other splitters to plunder.

Turn 166

Metal casting comes in. We can build bombards. However, we don't have nitre hooked up. We *do* have some in our borders, though. I chose mass production next, for our research. I started harrassing some of Gilgabro's troops, but no killin', yet. There are a couple of religious units in odd spots (an inquisitor at a city state?) so I'm moving them toward Sumeria, anticipating those being our lands soon.

Turn 167

Diplomatic service came in and I went for exploration.

Turn 168

Shipbuilding came in, because I didn't notice that it's a prerequisite for mass production. Now we're really learning mass production. A new barb camp seems to have popped up at Antium.

Turn 169

This bothers me. We have an encampment that cannot fire on the barb. Why? Do you need walls in the city for the encampment to fire? Meanwhile, I purchased the only unit I could, a scout, hoping it can stop that warrior from pillaging. I also set Rome to build walls.

Turn 172

Mass production came in and I went for industrialization (10 turns). Also, one of my forward scouting apostles was killed by a barb horseman and that barb near Rome has pillaged a lumbermill. All in all, barbs are a real neusance. Not quite a problem, yet. But I've killed one real enemy and four or five barbs this set.

We took Lagash this turn and gained a worker to boot. Good deal.

Turn 173

We sniped one of Gilgabro's settlers. No idea what to do with it, though.

We found a goody hut and they shared celestial navigation knowledge. That's actually pretty useful as we can't embark yet.

We found the city of Nipur and another holy site! Nipur now follows our religion.

Turn 175

Exploration came in. I did not swap governments, or civics, figuring the group could make the selection. Personally, I like Theocracy and I like both the policy cards that come with exploration (native conquest: gold for beating units from an earlier eraz and colonial office: +15% growth for cities not on your continent). I also didn't select a new civic to research, but I vote to go toward the enlightenment.


  • ROTQM11 t175.Civ6Save
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There's a continents lense. The only time it's worth using is when you're America or evaluating this card. I haven't checked yet. I just assume that our sprawling layout would touch a few continents.
OK had a look at the save. All our cities are on the same continent. Yerevan in the north and Eridu in the south are on a different one so I think we should leave Colonial Offices alone for now. Not sure what is the best economic policy, Serfdom (worker get extra actions)? Medina Quarter (+2 housing where 3+ districts)? Native Conquest looks better than Retainers for now as well.

Enlightenment seems a good goal for civics as well.
Well, let's have an honest conversation here. Is anyone still participating in this SG, other than Ozbenno and myself? It's okay to bow out. I've had a private conversation with Ozbenno and he and I will finish it alone, if needed. In fact, we'll probably finish quicker if we know that someone isn't there. So I'm revising the roster.

  • Rex Tyrannus >> just played
  • ozbenno >> up
Alternates who are more than welcome to slot back in:
  • pholkhero >> last posted Feb 14
  • imhotep >> last posted Feb 10
  • Ruff Hi >> last posted Jan 30, out until March
  • Hero of Flames >> last posted Jan 29
  • nfora >> last posted Jan 15
  • Anyone else who thinks this might be fun
Also, given the current state of things, I'll make myself available to play weekdays. I'll just need to break it up over multiple days.
hey all ~ it was a got it, but as the end of the month came to a close, I got hyperfocused and getting a new apartment to move into on the 1st. Good news, I should be starting to move in tonight, but bad news is i dropped the ball on this.

I want to continue this to the bitter end (and even try out the Aussie civ despite 6's lackluster half a year), but will be out of pocket still for a day or two more until we get the internet sorted. Notwithstanding the previous (!), I may get wifi there and be able to play tomorrow night.

tl:dr ~ still in it to win it
I've played 5 turns and stopping here for advise.

I've never really played much with the military side of things (and never played V) so feel stuck with how to attack.

Here is the situation. Got three cities with walls (and one military district) and mountains restricting access. How should I approach? Take out the middle first or the north or south. What troops are good in this situation, what are obsolete?

Any ideas would be good because I've got none...

EDIT: Save attached as well


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I moved the army up to Nippur to take it first, but I guess I hadn't discovered Abu Salabikh. It might be worth taking Abu first, now. However, you might be able to rush Nippur. I *think* you can park a unit on his encampment and it won't fire on you. Maybe you have to pillage it? I don't know. Safest is to attack Abu first. More fun might be to take Nippur while distracting Abu.
looks like (unfortunately) coming from the south, taking the encampment and then taking nippur will get you access to abu. don't know there's enough melee and ranged tiles on the west to allow you to bombard and take the city.
correction, i like abu then heading south. if you odn't mind, i actually have a plan in mind. can take the save maybe and at least set up in 10 turns

--correction: where's our siege? just one cat and a few xbows??
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