RR7 -Big in Japan

Good luck with the Green Piglets, Ad Hoc! Do snatch that worker if possible. Also good to see gold for another luxury resource. Seems to be in Washington's 3rd ring though, so will take a while to get. Maybe we can settle 2W of it where our warrior is right now. Gold, rice, fp, hills, riverside, all in all not too shabby. But we can decide later when we see the whole of W's BFC.

Agree about the marble and trying for Oracle. Failure cash is always good.
Too bad the Marble isn't hooked up, could have whipoverflowed next turn into Oracle while chopping the prechopped forest, would build 2/3 of it :) Should we abandon the whole thing? Or just hook up the Marble and build it for failure cash / accidental mega-MEGA-late Oracle?
Ok, I'm the one that is on painkillers ( not THAT kind of painkillers though... more the one of " This thing makes people so sleepy that they shouldn't drive while taking it " ), but is you that is seeing green piglets :D Marble IS connected: First, marble is riverside ,second there is nothing between the river mouth ( river mouths act as cities/forts in terms of connecting resources ) and our cap that can prevent trade routes, so the marble and our cap belong to the same trade group... if you don't believe me, check either the trade group overlay or the city screen.
I believe you all right... Is total news to me that river mouths act as ports, green piglets or no, so I didn't even check :blush: Well, at least I learned something :p
I believe you all right... Is total news to me that river mouths act as ports, green piglets or no, so I didn't even check :blush: Well, at least I learned something :p
Don't worry, you're not the first person to whom I have to explain this kind of stuff ;) In the end it is a question of logic: if you want the rivers to connect resources , they have to be able to proxy with the sea trade groups regardless of having cities or forts in the river mouth. The quickest and dirtiest way of doing that is making river mouths to act alwats as cities/forst in terms of resource connections, and obviously the coder got that way ... ;)

Note that river mouths ALWAYS act like this, regardless of being in or out of your territory, as long as they aren't controled by a entity that blocks it from you ( barbs or a city with no OB with you ). This sometimes help in terra maps ;)
started playing last night and after five turns reached a critical point...ie Oracle, whipped overflowed into oracle and chopped forest, oracle next turn, we are still 4 or 5turns from writing, do we delay oracle and head for CoL or take MC with oracle for forges. :confused:

i'll finish turns this evening after your much superior advice
Hum, I really don't know, I guess taking MC is the play from my famed textbook (the authority of which does not have the Rolo Seal of Approval :D), but waiting for CoL tickles my FPS fancy, considering failure gold would be immensely useful as well (though not nearly as useful as a big fat tech :D). My "superior advice" is... listen to the advice of the others!

In other news, I found a picture of our army! Who knew they actually had imaging equipment back then.

Spoiler :

I don't see the big benefit of CoL right now. We only have 2 (maybe 3) cities so no need for courts at the moment. Founding conf seems to be the only one.. Therefore I'd take MC and the prophet points (from Oracle) as save forges would benefit us more than risky courts. In case we really want to found our own religion we could wait for the prophet and bulb Teo.
You're right, MC is probably better, even if we didn't have to delay Oracle for CoL. Never mind my indecision :p My main driving point (besides the synergy of founding a religion with a GPr point wonder) behind CoL was that it's more useful as a prerequisite. Tech trading on a near-pangaea mostly mitigates that, so...
MC or monarchy are good in here IMHO, but I really don't see CoL as a big benefit right now: as said above, we don't have so much of cities. We have atleast 1 Ind civ around ( maybe 2 , because we still have that mistery civ ) and this Oracle is late, very late... there is a big danger of losing the thing if we delay it as well.
This little piggie went to market
this little piggie stayed at home
this little piggie had roast beef
this little piggie went had none
anf this little piggie went to WAR!

Warrior piggie dashed through the woods to catch Washingtons worker and ended up next to an archer... gulp. The piggie axes advanced on Washington

Preisthood in ,writing next

piggie warrior breathed a sigh of relief as the archer moved away

switch scene to command tent....

Colonel ad-hoc: ah, piggie axe 1, what have you to report
Piggie Axe 1: how may archers did Squadron Leader Rolo say
Colonel ad-hoc: didn't say exactly, not too many
Piggie Axe 1: Five!
Colonel ad-hoc: FIVE!.. GULP
Piggie Axe 1: And you know he said they weren't on a hill
Colonel ad-hoc: yes
Piggie Axe 1: they aren't
Colonel ad-hoc: phew!
Piggie Axe 1: no, they're hiding behind 30' stone walls
Colonel ad-hoc: ah!

Undaunted, the brave piggies assaulted, the bacon brigade were lost to a rash attack, the sausage squad were hung out to dry, the pork patrol were chopped and the hamburger horde didn't relish the final attack but in the end...

Meanwhile, judicous use of whips had enabled a fitting monument to the brave fallen pigs to be raised in Osaka and with this the knowledge of how to make barbeques…I mean forges

Writing in and research set to hunting for the camps

Well rested and healed the Little Green Piggies advanced on New York



  • RR7 - Big in Japan BC-0900.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Well, before America maybe hamburgers were made of Pigs? Now that America is mostly ours, we got the Beef to make them the American way. Or maybe we should start making Elephant-burgers in our new shiny barbeques?

Great success and great report :goodjob: Washington looks nice indeed.
That or we are feeding our green piglets with cow ( hence being called the hamburger horde ... because they eat a lot of them :D ) Maybe we should start feeding our phants with burgers as well ;)

Now on the unfun part : the planning ;) What do we do with NY ? We don't have much of interest on keeping it ( really , what was wash thinking when he chose that spot ? :confused: Oh I see , has incense :p ) but it will mess heavily with Wash ( city ) if we let it standing. To make things worse, Wash ( leader ) settled his third city ( and soon to be his cap ) in a place with rice in it's BFC :gripe: . My gut feeling is to raze NY and end the war there....

On MM: bad work on Osaka. We don't need to grow that city to the point of trading a perfectly decent mined grass hill for a unimproved riverside grass tile ( ok, the hap cap will grow in 2 turns, but even then ). The cap could do the exact oposite: as the hap cap will grow as soon as we have hunting we can definitely trade the non-riverside grass hill mine for the corn and grow it just in time to take that hap cap change to profit. Wash ( city ) could start a library after the monument ... we have plenty to chop there if we want to ( in fact that city has a pretty good potential for a nice prod city )

So, and to end, a roster:

Ad Hoc -just played
Cam_H - UP
Thy_Spellcraft - on deck
Didn't look at the save yet, just quick comments on the above:

About Philly(IIRC :D), we could actually settle a very nice city 1SW or 1S of the Rice (+ 2 unused FPs, mass riverside) and almost certainly get to keep it (at the Sushi stage at the very least). 1S may be stronger even though it has more Wash overlap, since it grabs the Gold for our new barbeques.

Razing NY would indeed make Wash a prod powerhouse, so I think we want to do that. In either case I think we should hurry a settler to the Rice position up the river as it's probably hungrily eyed by both Wash and Hannu already. (though for the former we can always apply some :hammer: )

More comments after actually looking at the situation :)
Thanks ... got the save but will hold back for a bit until Silu (and anyone else) would like to make some further observations. :)
I like 1S of the rice (as I mentiones before :mischief:). In any case I think it's indeed time to get some settlers out. Also for razing the barb city and settle in between rice and pigs.

A thought crossed my mind: couldn't we leave Wash with NY and rather raze and resettle the Boston area (not Phil IIRC :D)? NY is crap tiles anyway. If we "encircle" the Americans along their west we more or less protect them from future harm by other AIs, as we have to see that Washington survives till the end...
^ Yeah, it will at least steal 2 plains hills and some plains tiles, plus the Cows for a good while while we're working on getting pops in Wash. I agree that this is too much nerfing and NY should be wiped out. :hammer:

In miscellaneous micro news, Osaka doesn't need an extra mine right now as it can use the Jumbo for a good while. Maybe farm the riverside, or better yet, chop out some Settlers - at least the first one is semi-urgent.

I like 1S of the rice (as I mentiones before :mischief:). In any case I think it's indeed time to get some settlers out. Also for razing the barb city and settle in between rice and pigs.

Heh, seems I subconsciously plagiarized your site proposition :lol: After that and the Pig Rice Prod Heaven, we should probably work our way up the coast. There's a Clam+Rice site some ways up that would be nice to catch in our initial expansion phase.

Taking a second look at the NY area, are we sure we want to raze that? It doesn't really interfere with any good city sites, and there really aren't any better spots for it in the immediate area. We probably have to backfill somewhere around there sooner or later, so might as well keep it? It's not that horrible, at least it's on a plains hill :) Mid-term the Spice and chain irrigation make it halfway decent.

Should also OB to Hannu and Mao IMO, I think that river gives us TRs to Carthage without a long-ass road. Sailing gives us TR access to Mao on the east coast.
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