Salvia. Should it be legal? (with poll now)

Should Salvia be legal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 7 11.7%
  • Yes, but there should be some age restrictions for purchase (16, 18 or 21 perhaps)

    Votes: 33 55.0%

  • Total voters
I haven't tried either, but from what I have read about both, it seems that weed will not give you that much of a high, nor give you hallucinations. Whereas Salvia will give you both. Although weed is longer lived and makes you gitty, so it is sort of like alcohol. Is that about right. I'm sure people are effected in slightly different ways though, like with alcohol, which definitively effect people differently.

Correct in that weed doesn't give you hallucinations, but it can get you pretty damn high if you smoke enough. I don't find that it makes me giddy, but rather just more mellow and such.

Salvia on the other hand causes strong hallucinations, and when I used it it made me pretty giddy and laughable. I remember looking at a concrete wall, and to me it looked like a painting. I knew it was the salvia at work, but it still looked like a painting.:crazyeye:

well, acid and shrooms are supposed to be like that, but party tripping is fun!

also, has anyone here ever eaten salvia? can i get a description of the taste?

I haven't eaten Salvia, but after smoking it I can say it tastes pretty crappy. Not at all like herb, which can taste pretty good sometimes.
But should be illegal for kids? Is asprin illegal for kids? Do you think it should be?

Yes No Yes (only a bad parent would give asprin to under 12s because of a rare but very serious reaction that can occur)
Yes No Yes (only a bad parent would give asprin to under 12s because of a rare but very serious reaction that can occur)

Only in combination with a viral infection.
Yes with the age restriction would be ideal. Ideally it should be 18 but in the US I'll be realistic and say 21 because the US likes to treat grown adults like children for some reason.

Age restrictions sound good enough.

It should be age-restricted (until adulthood, which varies from place to place), like all drugs including alcohol.

Never heard of it before. From the wiki article, I'd say it should probably be legal, but with age restrictions - 18 or 21 sounds fine, and of course driving under its influence (unlikely given its apparent short duration, but you never know) should be illegal. Make its legality the same as alcohol in pretty much every respect, I'd say.

It should be legally available for over 18's.

Don't kid yourselves. It will turn out to have some harmful effects. But then again so does asprin. It should not be illegal for adults.
I ask myself this troubling question. Is it true in some cases that a person of age who is restricted by law to consume legal mind-altering substances act more mature than another person of age who is not restricted by law to consume legal mind-altering substances? My experiences tell me that it is true in some cases.

And no it shouldn't be banned. Banning things is just stupid.

Legal. We don't need yet another thing criminals and police can maliciously make money on.
We don't need anymore laws period.
Am I the only person who constantly gets this drug mixed up with with the sweetener stevia?

And what do we do with the people who grow salvia simply because they think the flowers are pretty?
Isn't that that stuff that your mouth excretes?
I don't think any drug should be illegal unless it's extremely dangerous or extremely addictive.
Yes. Kids smoke spit now days.

Wouldn't surprise me if they did. Kids'll smoke anything these days...I mean, seriously, cloves? That stuff's for pumpkin pie.
Wouldn't surprise me if they did. Kids'll smoke anything these days...I mean, seriously, cloves? That stuff's for pumpkin pie.

You know we should just spread rumors that smoking various food stuffs produces a high and make up some medical mumbo jumbo to make them think it's real. Like get them to smoke some roast turkey in a crack pipe or something. :lol:
It should be legal. It won't ever be especially popular - it causes far more bad trips than good ones. It also only lasts for a few minutes, and anyone who uses it while driving is begging for a Darwin award.

The one time I tried it, I felt like I was in a force field, and I made sure to point out the demon that was lurking in the corner of the room to my friends. Very strange.
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