Scenario: 1940AD on GEM

have you considered grouping PLA with USSR and Kuomintang with USA.

Yes I have. In the current order, Communist China can be grouped into the USSR team. However, I decided to place Nationalist China between France and Communist China because it is more likely for it to be grouped with Communist China or France as compared to USA in a MP game. USA by itself is already too big.
I've again made lots of changes. Check the first post for the detailed list.

The most significant changes are: 1) India is now fully controlled by Britain. 2) All the British Commonwealth countries are no longer vassals of Britain.
Especially the changes in Asia will make it more realistic I think. UK capturing all those Tibetan and Uighur cities was bugging me.

Is it possible to prohibit changing of civics? Your new civic changes are all good, but when I tried the previous version, many AI nations had revolutions in the first turn.
Trying to understand the mechanics of the German/UK Science change.

Germany can research faster than any other nation?

UK research at 50% of Germany?

How does this relate to the rest of the world?

Which country is the baseline and how do these and the other major nations research compare? How was it modified, Great Scientists, code, etc..?

Just trying to understand the method and amount of this change

I've again made lots of changes. Check the first post for the detailed list.

The most significant changes are: 1) India is now fully controlled by Britain. 2) All the British Commonwealth countries are no longer vassals of Britain.

IMO most changes add to the degree of realism.;)

Except: "15) Added two anti-tanks in Russia." I think I can understand why you did this, but I believe anti-tank weapons were developed during the war (i.e. for the Russians after June 1941). Most Soviet tanks in Europe were destroyed in the 1st six months; luckily development of the T-34 was just starting in late '41.
Well... I think the Anti-Tank weapons are actually representive of the Russian weather. Think of them as mobile mud holes which the German's found a wee bit troublesome. :rolleyes:
Trying to understand the mechanics of the German/UK Science change.

Germany can research faster than any other nation?

UK research at 50% of Germany?

How does this relate to the rest of the world?

Which country is the baseline and how do these and the other major nations research compare? How was it modified, Great Scientists, code, etc..?

Just trying to understand the method and amount of this change


I think you misunderstood what I said (or maybe I didn't express it correctly).

There were two examples I gave:
1) Germany can research at a faster rate
2) Britain can do research at 50% as compare to only 10% in v1.3 because of heavy city maintenance cost.

The research balance is now finalized (I did a lot to make this balance, can't tell you what I did exactly :lol:), But I can tell you the result:

Edit: deleted the list since it is outdated.
So realistically USA can have Rocketry in 12 turns. Britain, about 20 turns. and then Germany, Japan, Russia and France can get at about 30 turns. Italy, Nationalist China, Australia, Canada and Brazil can get at about 40 turns.

Also need to take into account is the fact that, Germany will take over France soon and Japan will also grow. So the rate for Germany and Japan can increase depends on how fast they expand.
IMO most changes add to the degree of realism.;)

Except: "15) Added two anti-tanks in Russia." I think I can understand why you did this, but I believe anti-tank weapons were developed during the war (i.e. for the Russians after June 1941). Most Soviet tanks in Europe were destroyed in the 1st six months; luckily development of the T-34 was just starting in late '41.

You are probably right. But well, there were already some anti-tanks in v1.3. I gave anti-tank to those minor nations that Germany should not invade, such as Switzerland and Sweden. So, giving only 2 anti-tanks to Russia I think is reasonable. Russia did cause a lot of German loses even early in the war, although they were losing quickly.
I gave a lot of effort to make Russia research at a much faster rate. It was however still limited by the fact that it is using State Property (i.e. less one trade route) and no open border with many nations.
And whats happening if Russia switches from State Property? Looking at real Russia it would need a decade or two at least to go through the following upheaval and get back to its former research rates. Maybe Russia is getting too strong in the game by a simple switch? Maybe we should look into that.
And whats happening if Russia switches from State Property? Looking at real Russia it would need a decade or two at least to go through the following upheaval and get back to its former research rates. Maybe Russia is getting too strong in the game by a simple switch? Maybe we should look into that.

Yes. I can test that and see. But I suspect it won't give a big push unless it can open border with the Americas/Oceania players.
You are probably right. But well, there were already some anti-tanks in v1.3. I gave anti-tank to those minor nations that Germany should not invade, such as Switzerland and Sweden. So, giving only 2 anti-tanks to Russia I think is reasonable. Russia did cause a lot of German loses even early in the war, although they were losing quickly.

Unless event-scripted, Germany might then also be deterred from invading Russia. (For non-intended war participants anti-tanks won't matter, but for intended participants it will. Also most German losses in '41 were by attrition and, in the case of Kiev, from sending tanks into a city - were they are most vulnerable.)

EDIT: As concerns civics, would it be possible just to lock these for all civs?
Only the second greatest mistake, his greatest mistake was to exile or murder the most active parts of Germanies Economy and Academia: the german Jews. Without that he could have had the bomb by 1943 ... and both USA as well as USSR would have been delayed by at least 5 years. The bomb was discovered by germans: predominately jewish-germans in the USA and USSR got it by (partly) capturing the german V2 research teams.

About Russia: he didn't have much choice even from a military pov: he needed the oil from Baku and surroundings, as coal transmutation wasn't enough to keep the heavily motorized war engine going. The other "nearby" oil reserve was in the near east, an area Germany got only involved in to cover up for italian stupidity.
Both issues - invading Soviet Russia and virulent anti-semitism - weren't mistakes, but two - of the many - flaws in the Nazi mindframe. Both followed from Hitler's anti-socialist attitude and both were - in general, there were exceptions - followed, if not applauded, by the Wehrmacht. The mistake was that, due to sheer size, Blitzkrieg wouldn't work in Russia; once the battle for Moscow was lost, the die were cast. But Hitler was a warmonger, uninterested in the toil of daily politics; the Munich settlement of 1938 actually enraged him, because it deprived him of the opportunity for war. So he made sure that this wasn't going to happen in 1939 with Poland. Hitler's mistake was either a mental one - the belief that the result of WW I (the Treaty of Versailles) could be overturned - or a military one: a two-front war. As it was, this was exactly what he got: failing to defeat Britain, he invaded Russia anyway. (Thereby repeating the WW I situation.) But then, Hitler was not a military man...
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