[Scenario] Europe 1939-1945

putting this here from steam for reference for when I'll update this scenario:

Mabu 19 hours ago

Just spent some time and came to these results. Not a complete list but it already changes many important cities to their real population number of 1939. Also marked cities whose number is totally fine. Hope i could help you with that, would be an honour to me!

Cologne 8 -> 11
Frankfurt 12 -> 10
Lisbon 8 -> 10
Moscow 18 -> 20
Cairo 12 -> 13
Istanbul 16 -> 11
Baghdad stay at 8
Belgrade 10 -> 9
Tehran 16 -> 10
Kurs stay at 6
Smolensk 8 -> 6
Leningrad 16 -> 18
Helsinki 11 -> 7
London 28 -> 25
Paris 20 -> 22
Marseille 12 -> 10
Rome 16 -> 13
Naples 9 -> 11
Venice 5 -> 7
Milan stay at 12
Thessaloniki stay at 9
Prague stay at 12
Sofia stay at 8
Odessa stay at 9
Krakow 6 -> 7
Danzig 6 -> 7
Berlin 18 -> 20
Copenhagen 12 -> 10
Oslo 12 -> 9
Stockholm stay at 10
Barcelona 8 -> 12
Tripoli 8 -> 6
Zurich stay at 8
Metz stay at 4
Magdeburg 4 -> 8

Mabu 17 hours ago

Cherbourg 3 -> 4
Hamburg 12 -> 14
Nuremberg 5 -> 8

Munich seems badly misplaced, a solution could be: delete Passau, move Munich to the railroad-tile west of Passau. To counter Germany having 1 city less, you could add "Essen" (pop 10) two tiles north of cologne. Essen and other big cities like Duisburg & Dortmund in that area were heavily important for the german military industry. So in that area should engineer-improvements be concentrated more heavily than around most other cities in germany. Don´t know how you feel about that, but seems damn cool to me. Too bad i cant help with other countries :(

ps: that magilone line is great, finally a reason to make it trough belgium in the scenario :O
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