Scenario Request Thread

yes, 1821 will be a good idea. yu could star with only units and no city and try to take all greek cities.

well you could start as the Greeks and have to fight off the Turks and Egyptians, while receiving maritime aid from European powers. Who knows, maybe you can reenact the Battle of Navarino by setting the stage for it.
I would absolutely love to see a Timeline 191 scenario, in any of the major wars. For those unfamiliar, it's an alternate history playing with the idea of what the world would look like after the Confederacy wins the Civil War. The Brits and French help them do it, which drives the truncated US to ally with newly united Germany, and completely changes the look of the World Wars. Would be so cool to play.
italian indipendence would be cool, just to show how genius tactics vs dumb austria could make the difference lol
anyway, seriously, i would really like an RTW(that default bts mod) for CIV5
also China VS Usa VS Europe VS Russia (WW3 :p) with:
-China that reached the industrialization of west nations and the most rich civ with modern and big military(remember they are already developing THEIR stealth fighter)
-USA that are an average economy and military.
-EU with a powerful economy and a medium(worse than USA's) military
-Russia with poor economy and big military but not as modern as the other's (no stealth bombers for example, but yes lasers)
Firstly, i bought recently all the DLCs for Civ 5 : no problem so far if you include any extra civs...

I would like an Earth 750 BC scenario or an Earth 2000 BC scenario or an Earth 1000 AD Civ 5 scenario (not the just converted one)...

Why not an Earth 1450 AD ?

Only one wish : map should be a Standard Earth not a Huge or Large Earth...
My comp can't handling too big maps...

You will say to me : "You can making these scenarios yourself", "Perhaps, BUT the creating tools for Civ5 aren't available on Macs", self explanatory isn't it ;) ?
I disagree, I don't feel like buying four civilizations for $20, and often times they aren't super relevant..
I know there's a few WW2 ones out, but they are all global which doesn't give a good enough European conflict I would like to see one on a European theater or maybe one with Europe and USA like back in civ 4.
Feudal Japan is the actual trend! haha! With Total War: Shogun 2 just released and Sengoku by Paradox coming out, I would love to see a scenario focusing on the Japanese Feudal Civil War or Sengoku Jidai! I do recall a scenario with this setting from Civ IV and it had a really well done map of Japan. In CiV, it has to be awesome.
Terraformed Mars

Basically, I am interested in playing on a terraformed Mars. According to Robert Zubein, Mars might be terraformed within 1000 years, so a theoretical start date for the scenario could be in the year 3112. My idea is that with climate change here on Earth increases at an alarming rate, the United Nations decides to endorse terraforming operations on Mars, largely backed by America, China, Russia, Europe, maybe also India and some pan-Arab state, or some other combination that seems reasonable to get a good cross section of Earth's cultures. Maybe the scenario could start in 2111, and the nations/bases on Mars could somehow terraform the planet through the corse of 1k years? I dont know if this is possible.

Here is a map of a terraformed Mars by Fractal Terrains. It may serve as a basic starting point for a terraformed map. The region to the extream south ... that "landmass", is about the size of Africa.

The idea would be that these nations would establish bases on Mars and form the first “cities” from which players could start from. The idea would be that the nations on Earth suffer some apocalypse and the colonists on Mars are stranded… albeit on a fully terraformed planet, or a plenet somewhat terraformed. The apocalypse might entail some kind of virus which causes occasional plagues (maybe zombie-ish?) which might wreak havoc on occasion. With the apocalypse, each player would be able to have the knowledge of the whole geography of the planet as it has been recorded from space, but dated. But for the most part, each nation starts off at a single base, and the vast planet is available for expansion.

Now, on a terraformed Mars, it is theorized that the total available land mass that would be above water would be the size and area of Africa.

Also interesting, is perhaps some of the technology had retrograded somewhat, so that some things have to be relearned? Or perhaps simply have everyone start off with modern tech. But other aspects may need to be tweaked too, such as new monuments and nation achievements specific for Mars. New cultural achievements for Euro-Martians, for instance, and American-Martians, act.

Mars already has a well documented geography, and one could see the northern flatlands becomeing the Chryse Ocean. I wish there would be some way to link the potential name of a city of whatever culture established on a "tile" with the geography of the planet, so that if someone established a city of the ridge edge of the Sharanov Creater, the city might be known as "Sharanov", whereas if someone established a city on Olympus Mons, it may be known as 'Olympus Mons'.... if this makes sense.
They should make the following:

World War II (Could be split between Asia and Europe)
World War I (Could be Split between Asia and Europe)
Wars of Alexander (Wars between Alexander and Persia)
100 Year's War (Just cause)
American Revolutionary War (Not sure how you make this balanced......)
American Civil War (Always wanted to see this)
South American Revolutions (Simon Bolivar Rebellions, might need new Civ)
Spanish-American War (Always wanted to see this)
Russo-Japanese War (Would be cool to see the battle of Tsushima)
Sorry, I forgot some

Napoleonic War (Would Require an Austrian Civ)
So, who is actually making new modes? I'm just curious because I'd really like to make a mode but dont know how at all.
I've been watching game of thrones and I think that would be a sweet map or scenario. Someone should make that!!
how bout our Byantines, can't forget them. . . :-(. Ahh if only.
Hey guys, how about a Caribbean/Atlantic map, thats stuck at the end of the renaissance era? come up with a few pirate civilizations, have wars between English/French/Spanish. Bam :D
I realize there are several WW2 scenarios already, but I'd like to suggest one more.

Make a scenario of just the Russian front.
Given Civ 5's restriction on unit stacking, it seems ideal to create huge games of stretched out front lines.

I'm not sure what victory conditions you'd want. Doesn't seem likely that Moscow falling would have ever ended the war. Maybe make Stalingrad the capital? Or force complete conquest?

Also, it would be interesting to have a bunch of open land very far into Russia's interior, and start Russia off with a bunch of settlers. That way, after some time, they'd have new production capabilities coming online a little later in the campaign. This could also serve as pressure on the Germans to win as swiftly as possible.
Would like a standard Earth in 1100 AD with 22 Civs

These Civs would be in : (22)

A few civs should be duplicated...
Colors of two or three factions of Civ (Arabia by example) are not the same...

Two French Faction : Kingdom of France and Kingdom of Jerusalem (2)
Tese two factions should be in same team...
Germany (1)
England (1)
Spain DLC (1)
Greece : Byzantines (1)
Rome for Papacy (1)
Two Viking faction DLC : Kingdom of Sicily and Viking Kingdoms (2)
Two or Three Arabia faction : Fatimids and Ommeyads and a third or fourth faction that i cant find, perhaps North Africa and Arabian peninsula (4)
This four factions should be in same team...
Russia : Tsardom of Moscovia (1)
Persia (1)
India (1)
Siam (1)
China (1)
Mongolia DLC (1)
Songhai (1)
Aztecs (1)
Inca DLC (1)

And perhaps a few City-States in Africa, in Australia, in Java, in Americas...

Hope somebody make this :goodjob:
I've always been a fan of maps that have Great Britain and Ireland as the primary focus, and a Scenario where the five kingdoms of classical Ireland, the more prominent Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms, the Welsh and Scottish. Of course these civs would just be the civs from vanilla except maybe their names being altered. This would go from approximately 400 AD to industrialization perhaps? Or beyond, and various wonders could be replaced with things like, "Colonization of the Caribbean," or "Friendly relations with the French Empire."

A Wheel of Time scenario would be awesome. There have been maps for both Civ3 and Civ4, and I am unsure about the Civ3 one, but the Civ4 one never got off the ground, which is rather disappointing. And what with these CS, it would be able to do things for Randland that weren't previously logical in Civ4.
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