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SCOTUS - Supreme Court of the United States

It will only change if Democrats take the Senate.

Given the voting consistency... we'll, we've covered it, but w/e.

Citizen's United started the undermining of the Court's legitimacy.

Dredd Scott... the suspension of Habeus Corpus over its objections... Alien and Sedition Acts... we can keep working forward or backwards however we want.

I mean Citizen's United is pretty suck, but it's not like legislatures couldn't change how incorporation works. Nah, I'm going to have to agree that it's a politically gross case, and disagree with the rest. The fact that the legislature sucks too much to do it's job is not a great rationale for making the court the legislative upper house's complete *****.

By first whiff I guess I just mean I haven't heard any Republicans actually saying we should expand justices during the lame duck session. Have I been missing a trend? I thought that was mostly a thing for that idiot representative from New York.
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McConnell has pledged to spend the lame duck session 'cleaning the plate' with judges - in other words he intends to spend the lame duck filling every single federal judicial vacancy that's left. It's court packing under another name and Joe Biden et al would be smart to remember that when they decide on what to do with the courts. I'm in broken record territory but I repeat that this is the point in the prisoner's dilemma where the only logical move is to retaliate in kind.

As an aside: And covid megadeath recession be damned, I don't expect McConnell's lame duck Senate to do anything useful for the nation except court packing and rule changing to hobble Biden.
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Yes and so we will wait for any bills to increase production and distribution of PPE, reform our food and pharmaceutical distribution chains, pay back hospitals for the mountains they're losing out on due to the decline in elective procedures, etc etc.

There's so much our government should be doing in a moment of national crisis that does not fall under the purview of stimulus and yet we get none of it thanks to just one man. It's truly awful.
Of all the things that need reimbursed, hospitals have been massively profitable enough to be in consolidation as they get snapped up. Which is actually a force that created declines in service in marginal areas. I have sympathy for those hurt by hospitals being overtapped, but seriously, fudge the guys that have been fleecing from them. It's like jails in a sense(somewhat less so). Why the **** are those for profit?
The bigger concern at the moment is that entire hospital networks are at risk out outright collapse due to the economic disruption.

I'm as much in favor of massive reform as anyone (see yesterday's rave about insurance company skirmishes) but there are more pressing priorities at the moment and instead of leadership, we get backdoor government coups.
Reform won't come without more pain. We're already pretending we aren't killing each other's parents if they're old enough to be invisible.

Happy Halloween, btw! We're doing a candy scavenger hunt. Wheee.
We're already pretending we aren't killing each other's parents if they're old enough to be invisible.
Who is the we in this sentence? The Democrats are taking Covid deaths seriously. That's not to say the response in the immediate crisis was perfect - Cuomo and others in NY get a lot of blame for boneheaded decisions in the heat of the moment - but they were at least trying to respond and had good intent and have pivoted away from the dumber strategies. Furthermore, it's the Democrats who have tried to carry some semblance of a national response to the virus to keep everyone - including each other's parents that are old enough to be invisible - alive.

It's the GOP that's actively campaigning on, 'let them die'. Don't bothsides this.


We carved one pumpkin yesterday with the Mrs students on their daily video lesson and are making a special pumpkin later today. I'll try and post a picture later.
We. You're we, I'm we, we're we. See?

I'll try to remember to take a picture of the pumpkins when the light goes down.
That's looking more likely.

I can see that you think it's more likely, but nothing in the whole damn world points to it "looking" more likely. Things are looking like an easy Biden win, an easy dem win in the house and a tossup for the senate with dems very slightly favored.
You can dispute that and try to present arguments, but asserting things that are way outside the mainstream as if it was obvious is not useful.
We carved one pumpkin yesterday with the Mrs students on their daily video lesson and are making a special pumpkin later today. I'll try and post a picture later.
I'll try to remember to take a picture of the pumpkins when the light goes down.
I was promised pictures. I've been deceived :nono:
If you believe the shy Assclown voter thing like Sommer seems to and Trafalgar does, "easy" is an overstatement. High early turnout in "smurf" areas is a zero impact electoral development. Trumpies are going to show up on election day.

I'm getting more convinced it's a significant thing. I've also been trying to sort out why, since most visibly Assclownites are so obviously loud. I think it has to do with the people who were taught their entire life that engaging in identity politics is wrong in an environment that's just steeped full of them. Identity politics is a winner issue for the largest ethnic subsection: whether or not their ethnicity "exists, conditionally." No?

Argh, sec on the photos, I got drunk after one of the wife's coworkers got sent home through contact tracing. I worked with my dad two days ago.

Edit: pumpkins!

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Trump is an embarrassment. He embarrasses me as an American and I don't even support him, so its easy for me to imagine that there are people who feel like they need to support him for whatever reason who are also embarrassed by him. But a difference between those folks and me is that I can openly say I oppose him and voted against him, while they can't, unless they want to lie about it. So lie they do, because the truth is uncomfortable and embarrassing.

EDIT: Wow! Fancy Pumpkins :eek: Snoopy!:D
We just went with the classics
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They look terrific. Can't really improve upon a classic. :)
I was promised pictures. I've been deceived :nono:
I posted it first thing this morning in the Halloween thread!
We had an awesome Halloween even if we didn't get any trick-or-treaters.

We made 2 jack-o-lanterns, the first was pretty normal and the second was a kind you only get to make if you're super lucky:
Spoiler normal jack-o-lantern :

Spoiler special jack-o-lantern :

We watched Rocky Horror Picture Show and The Nightmare Before Christmas while eating fudge brownies and ice cream. We also munched on a bunch of other random candies as well. It was a fun evening.
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