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SDK Error on "Building" Mods: The "PackageMod" task failed unexpectedly


Oct 19, 2010
The Kingdom of New Zealand
POSSIBLE WORKAROUND: Load the .civ5sln file located in Documents/Firaxis Modbuddy/*Mod* directly, rather than through the SDK

I have an error with the SDK which is preventing me from continuing the support of my mods on the Steam Workshop. This error occurs whenever I try to "build" a mod and previously only happened occasionally and could be resolved with restarting the computer. This is no longer the case and now occurs every time. I would very much appreciate it if someone could indicate how I can resolve this issue. Thanks.

The error that I receive is as follows:

Error 1 The "PackageMod" task failed unexpectedly.
SevenZip.SevenZipException: The execution has failed due to the bug in the SevenZipSharp.
Please report about it to http://sevenzipsharp.codeplex.com/WorkItem/List.aspx, post the release number and attach the archive.
at SevenZip.SevenZipBase.ThrowException(SevenZipBase handler, Exception[] e)
at SevenZip.SevenZipBase.CheckedExecute(Int32 hresult, String message, SevenZipBase handler)
at SevenZip.SevenZipCompressor.CompressFilesEncrypted(Stream archiveStream, Int32 commonRootLength, String password, String[] fileFullNames)
at SevenZip.SevenZipCompressor.CompressFilesEncrypted(String archiveName, Int32 commonRootLength, String password, String[] fileFullNames)
at SevenZip.SevenZipCompressor.CompressFiles(String archiveName, String[] fileFullNames)
at Firaxis.ModBuddy.Civ5ModBuildTasks.PackageMod.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute()
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.ExecuteInstantiatedTask(ITaskExecutionHost taskExecutionHost, TaskLoggingContext taskLoggingContext, TaskHost taskHost, ItemBucket bucket, TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, Boolean& taskResult) C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Firaxis\ModBuddy\Civ5Mod.targets 128 10 Venice

Moderator Action: Moved to the SDK subforum.
To both your questions, no. However, I seem to have come across a way around my error, by loading the .civ5sln file directly, rather than through the SDK. I appreciate the reply nonetheless.
I'm wondering if somebody has found the reason for this bug and if there is a another solution ?

Sorry for the necro, but iam banging my head against a wall.
Since i try to setup my backups of CCTP i now get exectly the same error message every time i alter something.
When i dont change anything and try to build the mod all goes fine, but when i change something the error returns.
Please someone has any knowledge of avoiding this problem would be highly welcome...
Thanks Gilga
Did you try the workaround of closing ModBuddy and double-clicking the .civ5sln file from Explorer (rather than opening it from within ModBuddy)?

Worst case, restarting the PC should do the trick.
Did you try the workaround of closing ModBuddy and double-clicking the .civ5sln file from Explorer (rather than opening it from within ModBuddy)?

Worst case, restarting the PC should do the trick.

I reinstalled modbuddy and after this the workaround is working.
Very strange bug, thanks for the response.
Okay, I'm having this problem, but its totally random. If it happens I can't do anything to stop it. Nothing works, not even reinstalling Modbuddy. What do I do?
Ok, i had this problem while trying to create a custom civ, and i think i' ve found a solution:

If you are trying to have an icon for your civilization, you MUST put it in the Icon Atlases. You can find them in the "Art" folder of your SDK Install Location, using GIMPS (just paste the icon and allign it to the first circle)

this took me 3 hours, and i almost killed my keyboard. I absolutely hate this program, i hope this is helpful for someone.
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