Search for a good Julius Caesar LH.


Jan 21, 2008

For my mod, i try to replace all the leaderhead (even if two or three are for the same character).

I finally lose hope to find a french LH (well, i have the choice, in animated, between Helen - who was who ? - and an excellent Napoleon crashed by a silly fourth era - i hate when the leader are silly). I just pick an R8XFT LH, Fritigil of the Marcomanis, who can make a good Catherine of Medicis.

But i still in search for a good Julius Caesar LH. I know there is at some good Roman one who can be Caesar, but i can't found him. The "google search" function are of no help.
Someone can help me to found him.

Oh, and if you know some good LH for Iroquois and Aztecs ? I have already replaced Inca one with the Sween32 Atahulpa.

Thank for your help.

But i don't wanna be stuck with this... this... No, really, Civ Meyer's Caesar look like a dead fish more than a man. :(
Pompey has too much hair and Tsar Stefan looks... horrible for a Roman.
Yes. that's great leaderheards, but they are not "caesar-like" at all.

Because was the most important roman in all ages, most even than Trajan.
Great general, great legislator, liked by both people and soldiers (it's why he is disliked), even liked by jews.

Truelly, other was greats, as Trajan, but are said by illiterates as fools because their biographs don't liked them (Neron, Julien), and others are considered as "great" even if they was really bad leader and bad peoples (Constantin, Justinien, Hadrien...).

But Caesar is special. It's a member of the three greater leaders of all history, Napoleon, Alexander and him (some add Sargon of Akkad).

We have a good Alexander replacement, now, and a "three-era" Napoleon (i have already said what i think of the fourth ?), but no Caesar.
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