SevoMod 3

kaj said:
Someone know why it doesn't work???I redownloaded ver 3.1 and it works...any solution??

You said you did clean cache no? So I gotta no idea why...Did you try to reinstall the version?
For French settings: version 3.2 is not fully translated, I'm working on it right now.
For those who also use GIR, 3 (or 5) UU mods and probably all add-ons for Sevomod: note that none of them include any translation... name is Steve and I am a lurker, umm, errr I mean a Sevofanatic!

Great job Sevo!! Again!

My votes:

3 city radius - no
revolution - yes
Silver's resource/tile working idea - good idea, would really change dynamics (reminds me of the old worker "colony" function, but you get the production/commerce/food INSIDE your borders)

You help bring the best out in we lurkers.....
I haven't played this mod as much as I've played the Total Realism mod, and one of the major problems I find in that mod is with ranged bombardment. The AI just does not use it as often as it should. Very often I'll be outmatched, only to have 6-7 cannons change the tide and then mop up the world.

Does that same problem occur in Sevomod? I mostly play this mod multiplayer so I've never had this problem. However, with the new civics I'm very eager to play an epic or marathon game in single player. A suggestion that had been made was to make artillery units like they were in Civ 3, where they could be captured. Thanks for your response.
sevo mod fans
games started under SEVO mod 3.2
not compatible with patch A ,will need to start a new one
see post 2292
In regards to the 3 city radius mod... I see some people want it, others don't. Is it possible to include it but make it optional?

*Edit* Oh yeah, yet another lurker turned poster in this thread. :)
I believe this has been discussed somewhere in the thread but I'm unable to locate it. All of my leader heads in Sevomod 3.2 are shiny. Some look like they're plastic. Is there something I can do to fix this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for you time!

BTW: This is by far the best MOD. Sevomod rules!!!
Sevo said:
Yes. I wanted to do that with this release but figured it could wait for a patch. The late game is still too fast and I like playing with my hard-forged armies, so I'll be addressing this issue.

you rock man :D

Zorn said:
I am not really sure if I like it that there are two that greatly reduce city maintainance availyble so early. But I haven`t played enough to make a sound judgement here.

You really should get your own forum for it.

Agree with both of these points, though havent had enough time to really check out the civics yet.
Heh I don't know why it doesn't work.I have to uninstall civ and install it again..Thanks Arlborn the most easiest solution and;)...

Sevo I have an idea..If all siege wepons, bombers and battelships destroyes kill some population while bombarding city defence.
(maybe about 10%(for catapult)-30%(artilerry and battelships) and 40-50%(for bombers) chance to make -1 or -2population in city) or some buildings(5-15% chance to destroy some buildings in city)
another idea something like mad nukes mod..if nuke can permanently destroy a city?:)
OR maybe starvation(for example during 5-10turn) in city with 1 population and without ?stock?(my english is poor;))change it into city ruins.

:wavey: Sevo, I downloaded 3.2a today....:goodjob: There is one thing that does bug me though. I REALLY hate the vanilla flags. Any chance future releases could yield some modern flags? When I see the vanilla flags I feel like :ar15: :vomit: :badcomp: ........ok guys...I had a glass of rum...I'm calming down now....:lol:
Is there a way to reduce the damage of the ranged bombardment without changing the xml file? Now it’s better to use the save ranged bombardment instead of a direct attack with your siege unit like in the vanilla civ4 system. I would like to change it that way that you have to decide if you use the save but weak ranged bombardment or a more dangerous but more effective direct attack like in the original version.


I noticed in my last game that the AI (and also my automated workers) only builds cottages. I’m using a slightly modified version of your mod (3.2) but I think it’s because of the +1 food with one of the new civics. Now the AI even builds towns on hills and I only see farms on plots with bonus resources. Maybe towns are too good in the late game because with the right civics you don’t need other improvements (it’s a no brainier, you don’t have to make a compromise).


My votes:

3 city radius - no
revolution - yes

(but i would love to see a national wonder that allows the city with that wonder to have the 3 city radius - but I don’t know how to do this)


Titi said:
For French settings: version 3.2 is not fully translated, I'm working on it right now.
For those who also use GIR, 3 (or 5) UU mods and probably all add-ons for Sevomod: note that none of them include any translation...
My mod add-on is translated into German and English – all the names, pedia entries and even the whole python message stuff… ;)
hey gir,

i dont thihnk theres a way to consider the vanilla bombardment or the ranged - cause the sdk uses the settings of the bombardment from the xml,

maybe - its possible to make a double bombard option,
like one for close ragne andd one for ranged - but this will be extremley difficult - it will involve modification to the sdk and all.
GIR said:
Is there a way to reduce the damage of the ranged bombardment without changing the xml file? Now it’s better to use the save ranged bombardment instead of a direct attack with your siege unit like in the vanilla civ4 system. I would like to change it that way that you have to decide if you use the save but weak ranged bombardment or a more dangerous but more effective direct attack like in the original version.


Down to personal preference I guess... I actually prefer the old Civ3/Alpha Centauri way of using artillery where they don't attack directly at all. Guess it just comes down, again to preference.... :)

Edit: FU'd up the quote. :)
Idea 1
Spoiler :
It's been years since i played civ3 but didn't they have the colonies idea so you could get resources without a direct route? I find islands a pain in civ 4... to gather the goods from indonesia (which was incredibly important for the spice trade historically) is fiddly because the AI won't recognise the resource as being worked without a road; but the road is meaningless in that context (maybe a 'dock' item could be worked instead, and the resource check could be ROAD OR RAILROAD OR DOCK ?)...

In any case, the genetic era mod has a good idea in that you can build roads across the sea. This saves using boats to ferry your workers to an island, fiddle with the development, ferry off, go to next island etc... perhaps as an alternative workers could link to the islands themselves by building bridges?

Idea 2
Spoiler :

Also, i find missionaries get fiddly and timeconsuming, and i think it would be more fun if religions spread by themselves and the AI placed more emphasis on controlling holy cities..

The ini file might be used to control the amount of spread from only when no
religion is present, to an amount set by user


if (getReligionCount() == 0)

I'm not sure yet how to pass data from the ini file to the DLL but there's gotta be a way to make the religious spread code changed from if (getReligionCount() == 0) to if (getReligionCount() <= TheIniReligionVariable) or even (more ambitiously) have TheIniReligionVariable set by a radio button or dropdown, in the way you can select which country you are in a scenario.

This has the added advantage of allowing for more than 7 religions, which would just be tedious to propagate through missionaries due to the chance of success decreasing with each religion, so that most attempts would be failures (Boring!)

I find with all the new units and buildings, building missionaries is harder and not a lot of fun. In compensation, the AI is getting the same benefits (eg temples, monasteries, culture) and i presume it's possible to up the value to the AI of the holy cities so that they want to conquer them? I don't know enough of the civ4 xml just yet.

The spread diminishes according to the number of religions already present so
getting all 7 religions by chance alone is possible but unlikely and it would be
easy to add more religions that way and get rid of missionaries altogether.

You could even make the secular civic purge religion either completely or just
randomly (like the cultural revolution in china or year zero in cambodia) and
destroy religious based wonders, but that's a tricky one and i definitely
couldn't do that yet, although from what i have read, someone has already done something like this in python (can't find link).
Ahem, another lurker driven into posting by SevoMod....

I haven't tried the Mod yet--it is downloading now--but while waitint my turn in the download queue I was reading some of the thread. Just had to chip in with the following:
It drives me crazy that I can't move food and production around between cities. I would love to see this changed.
I hate the artillery must directly attack (by itself) thing in Civ IV. Changing that is great! Something that would be nice would be if cannon/artillery did not attack or bombard, but added to the strength and effectiveness of attacking infantry and armor (same for planes). Also would be nice if planes and cannon/artillery could sink ships. And also if cannon/artillery could take advantage of defenses.
I wonder if the tech tree is reordered so that cannon are available before muskets, like real life....

Download done...looking forward to trying the mod....
GIR said:
My mod add-on is translated into German and English – all the names, pedia entries and even the whole python message stuff…
Sorry for the oversight... It seems the XML files for the Civs are the same as Sevomod's, so it'd be easy to add a French translation for your mod. OK, I'm on it now.
Hi Sevo

First off let me say thank you for all the hard work you have put into making one of the greatest games ever even better. You are truely a dedicated individual.

Second I would like to report a bug (or possibly some sort of human error :) ) The game loads fine and seems entirely playable (I have downloaded the most recent versions of both the mod and the patch) but no resources appear on the map.

If I enter the world builder all the resources are there in their glory but when I jump back into the game I have nothing but wide open map.

Any ideas? Am I doing something wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am dying to play this masterpiece.

Happy gaming everyone and thanx once again sevo. I look forward to more quality work from you.
TacTac said:
Second I would like to report a bug (or possibly some sort of human error :) ) The game loads fine and seems entirely playable (I have downloaded the most recent versions of both the mod and the patch) but no resources appear on the map.

If I enter the world builder all the resources are there in their glory but when I jump back into the game I have nothing but wide open map.

It's a feature of the game, labelled 'Resource ignorance'. See Detail 23 in post #1 of this thread. "ALL resources now have reveal techs"

It's entirely intentional, to bring some more challenge and intrigue to acquiring techs and putting yourself in good position for resources. You won't know where to park your cities to get a resource until you research the appropriate tech.

In the tech description, you'll see what each tech reveals if anything.
Is it ok to have more than one of the add on packs added to this mod, or will it only work with one of them?
eh I don't know why it doesn't work.I have to uninstall civ and install it again..Thanks Arlborn the most easiest solution and...

I have an idea..If all siege wepons, bombers and battelships destroyes kill some population while bombarding city defence.
(maybe about 10%(for catapult)-30%(artilerry and battelships) and 40-50%(for bombers) chance to make -1 or -2population in city) or some buildings(5-15% chance to destroy some buildings in city)
another idea something like mad nukes mod..if nuke can permanently destroy a city?
OR maybe starvation(for example during 5-10turn) in city with 1 population and without ?stock?(my english is poor)change it into city ruins.
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