SevoMod 3

"Tag: Trait_defensive in info class was incorrect current xml file is: civilizations/civ4leaderheadinfos.xml" - this error message appears 4 times every time I load the game.

edit: it then crashes every time.

I have downloaded 3.2 and the patch. I also down loaded the megotropolis mod as well. I first patched 3.2 with the mego mod which worked except there was no border around the play screen. When I repatched with 3.2a it refused to work. I am now reinstalling the game.

edit: Re-installing and patching has fixed the above problems.
there appears to be a problem with the free religion civic. unless you have changed it and the civilipediea does not indicate that you have.
see attachment :confused:
I am the second score and am in free rel ,yet there is the lovely buddist icon and the distain from other civs about religion.
At least 7 of the other civ also have liberalism and i remember at least a couple are running free rel yet all still have a religion icon.
I am getting the 10% sci boost . I even checked the civic XML file
did not see anything glareingly wrong .Must have something to do with one of the new civics maybe?
It's a feature of the game, labelled 'Resource ignorance'. See Detail 23 in post #1 of this thread. "ALL resources now have reveal techs"

It's entirely intentional, to bring some more challenge and intrigue to acquiring techs and putting yourself in good position for resources. You won't know where to park your cities to get a resource until you research the appropriate tech.

In the tech description, you'll see what each tech reveals if anything.

Thanx Laurier - don' t I feel like an idiot :crazyeye:!
Great work.Am impressed with your mod.
A couple of things I have found so far....
When I attacked a city with stacked units the game froze, I exited and reloaded from auto saved game and attacked with individual units and all O.K (stacked artillery bombardment is O.K though.)
Free religion does not seem to register i.e. still shows as having state religion and A.I still upset with my heathen religion.
Automated workers don't seem to build farms, they are fixated on towns, lumbermills etc.
About the lack of city growth later in the game, I have adapted "Mylons " terraforming mod into the game resulting in arid tiles being made productive later on in the game, regularly get city growth up to 30-40 pop.
Cheers,and well done. :goodjob:
GIR said:
(but i would love to see a national wonder that allows the city with that wonder to have the 3 city radius - but I don’t know how to do this)

That would be great. Either The original capital (as someone else suggested - maybe linked to palace) or another National wonder.
Bug ?

Single player game. Formed permanent alliance with Mongols. Their research time jumped from about 20 turns to 5000 turns. If I research the same topic then mine junps to ! If I research separate topic then I'm O.K. Urgh ?!
there appears to be a problem with the free religion civic. unless you have changed it and the civilipediea does not indicate that you have.

I can confirm that as it happened also with me I also had buddism as my faith originally so not sure if it happens on other religions. Also it appears that the diplomatic bias for the religion also appears to remain after you pick free religion.
Axil said:
I can confirm that as it happened also with me I also had buddism as my faith originally so not sure if it happens on other religions. Also it appears that the diplomatic bias for the religion also appears to remain after you pick free religion.

Happened with me as well...

And, @REJS7, |MEgapolis addon worked? 0.o
Reproducible CTD - can't trace the cause.

Have checked around and no-one I can see is completing anything this turn other than me (and I've switched production away from Red Cross to test already). There's a couple of minor wars going on, but I can't see any units that should cause an issue and I don't think any cities are about to fall. Generally no major events of note that are visible to the untrained eye.

Game is an OCC, small continents, more populated with AI's than normal.
Sevomod 3.2, Patch A, Vanilla Civ 1.61.

Savegame attached for debugging purposes.

EDIT: Cause traced - Fall of Novgorod to the Aborigines - when Novgorod is deleted, game continues as normal.
Just reporting a small bug that GIR saw for me! The UU of Brazil(Pracinha) upgrate to sam infantary and not to modern infantary! Look:

GIR said:
yes, you are right - it's a bug!!
plz report this to sevo (sevothread)! the upgrade line of the brazil uu is brocken.

if you want to fix this change this lines in the CIV4UnitInfos.xml file (search for UNIT_BRAZIL_PRACINHA):

to that:


or use this file:
one thing, Ataturk was spealt wrong 8)
you used two T's

a request also. would it not be possible to make him look more like the real life ataturk? :p
I got a lot of python exception msgs each begin of turn...That is annoying, any way to turn it off? (PS: in the other game I got no msg at all, and only difference is that I had no patch a..)


What the heck? I did check my .ini and look it: ; Set to 1 for no python exception popups HidePythonExceptions = 1
And I still get those popup -.-, what now? lol
REJS7 said:
"Tag: Trait_defensive in info class was incorrect current xml file is: civilizations/civ4leaderheadinfos.xml" ... I also down loaded the megotropolis mod as well. I first patched 3.2 with the mego mod which worked except there was no border around the play screen.

Probably a problem with the megotropolis add-on. It was for a previous version of my mod; probably doesn't work anymore.

Grabnar said:
:wavey: Sevo, I downloaded 3.2a today....:goodjob: There is one thing that does bug me though. I REALLY hate the vanilla flags. Any chance future releases could yield some modern flags? When I see the vanilla flags I feel like :ar15: :vomit: :badcomp: ........ok guys...I had a glass of rum...I'm calming down now....:lol:

Any recommendations on new flag sets? We'd have to make a whole group for the new civs.

manooly said:
I believe this has been discussed somewhere in the thread but I'm unable to locate it. All of my leader heads in Sevomod 3.2 are shiny. Some look like they're plastic. Is there something I can do to fix this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for you time!
BTW: This is by far the best MOD. Sevomod rules!!!

Check the first post--or maybe the second or third. Can't remember where I put it, but you're looking for the leaderheads note under custom installation options. You'll want to change to the non-shader versions.

zarakand said:
I haven't played this mod as much as I've played the Total Realism mod, and one of the major problems I find in that mod is with ranged bombardment. The AI just does not use it as often as it should. Very often I'll be outmatched, only to have 6-7 cannons change the tide and then mop up the world.

Does that same problem occur in Sevomod? I mostly play this mod multiplayer so I've never had this problem. However, with the new civics I'm very eager to play an epic or marathon game in single player. A suggestion that had been made was to make artillery units like they were in Civ 3, where they could be captured. Thanks for your response.

The AI in my playtesting has used the bombardment pretty effectively. The way Dale set it up was well done; they will pretty much universally choose to bombard with artillery instead of attacking head on.

I think I'm going to leave it the way it is for now in terms of strength. If you bombard you cause damage but don't gain any experience. Seems reasonable. It's a different game now. The one thing I need to check on is to see that the AI is building sufficient numbers of artillery units.

The issue with AI building cottages everywhere didn't occur to me, but it makes sense. They will build an improvement based on the best possible yield from that plot over the course of the entire game. If they "see" that a cottage will give them money and bread down the road, they'll choose that over a farm, even though globalization doesn't occur until the very end of the game. Let me look into it and see how we can adjust it.

I'm working on a new patch right now with fixes for the bugs reported in the thread above.
Patch B Available.

Version 3.2b
-Fixed Python Error with tech leak
-Fixed Free Religion still allowing state religion
-Changed Globalization civic: dropped +1 bread from towns, now +25% bread all cities, +10% prod all cities
-Modified effects of electicity and globalization techs on watermill, lumbermill, windmill
-Brazil Pracinha now upgrades to mobile infantry
I'm getting errors in patch B when it loads XML at startup. I'm not sure if it is something missing in patch A that I haven't applied and Patch A is not included in Patch B?

Spoiler :
Failed Loading XML file XML\Terrrain/Civ4ImprovementInfos.xml ....
Reason: End tag 'ImprovementInfo' does not match start tag 'TechYieldChanges'.
Line 657, 5
Source: </ImprovementInfo>
Tag: IMPROVEMENT_TOWN in Info class was incorrect
And more referencing CIV4LeaderHeadInfos.xml

I am certain that I am starting with 3.2. which is running properly before patching.

edit: Is there a link to the 3.2a available? can anyone confirm that there is a problem with patching 3.2b to the base of 3.2? Or if there is a problem with 3.2b at all? I'm pretty sure I'm not doing anything to mess this up, but anything's possible.
First, this is the best mod so far for Civ 4.

I stuck with realism mod for a long time but it has become too buggy and takes forever to load and run.

The only thing missing for this mod is for someone to take a Huge Earth Map and put all the Sevomod Civ starting places in. Then from menu could pick which race to play. This would be the icing on the cake.

Anyone know of such a map???
@Sevo, As far as flags are concerned I like modern flags whenever possible. I understand, of course, that many civs in the game never survived in the real world to reach our modern era. :( In these circumstances you must use their ancient real choice. Anyway...:goodjob:
I wonder if it's possible to be able to play as the nation itself then the leader, so that their will be more leaders poping up and give us some their things. The leader will die off by disease or freakin assassination.
Yes, I too am getting XML errors on start up. Mainly concerning the files relating to improvements.

As per your request for flag sets. I would like to see the Canadian civ use a more simplistic symbol representing it's heritage. Although you have incorporated our modern flag (which is nice), other civs such as Germany and America simply use symbols. I would like to see a simple Canadian maple leaf, without the stripes.
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