SGOTM 15 - One Short Straw

LowtherCastle said:
We could hire an engineer in GEL. Then if we get religion there, by auto or manual spread, we could add a priest.
Hmmm, darn, it sounds like we can't hire a Priest Specialist there after all. Either way, I'm still in favour of trying to get us a Great Prophet or Great Engineer out of GEL as soon as is possible.
Dhoom's point that an isolated AI will make it tougher to spread Hinduism makes building the AP less attractive. I kind of doubt there is an isloated AI, but time will tell. I think more likely is that some AI has an isolated city (Mahadobhi's second T0 settler), rendering conquest a non-Gold solution. Also good point on Theology messing up the Astro slingshot.

Too many unanswered questions. I guess we should just plow forward. Maybe putting in some GE points in GEL if possible. In any case, I thnk that GP will pop too late for the AP. We just have to hope the AP doesn't get built in an isolated city. That would be catastrophic.

I just hope ZPV is playing, cause we can't delay forever.
LowtherCastle said:
In any case, I thnk that GP will pop too late for the AP.
Have we come full-circle with possible justification to finish the Library in GEL? ;)

I'm not sure that a Great Scientist would do us a whole whack of good, though, with us expecting to get Philosophy via pointy-stick research.

So, yeah, I guess that we're stuck with running an Engineer Specialist on some turns. Consider, though:
If we are going to run an Engineer Specialist most of the time, the City will be regrowing slower... so, perhaps 2-pop-whipping Trebs isn't a terrible approach, meaning that we could run the Engineer Specialist non-stop.

I'm not sure how soon we could get a Great Person that way, though, and if doing so would get us a Great Person within a fast enough timeframe to justify the 2-pop-whips over the 3-pop-whips. I'll leave it as a judgment call as to whether we think we'd have a shot at getting a Great Person within a reasonable timeframe (and therefore aim to run the Engineer Specialist non-stop) versus us probably not getting it for a long time (and therefore sticking mostly with the PPP but perhaps running an Engineer Specialist in GEL every once and a while when we have a citizen that would otherwise have worked a non-bonus square like a Farm).
I'm playing now. I'll update this post with the report, and post anew for significant events.

Give Tokyo to Cyrus. Our units are teleported out of its first ring when I DoW, but no matter, because there are roads there and I recapture immediately.
I jiggle builds and worker actions a bit.

Hammy and Shaka dogpile on us. We've got that scouting axe, so we should have plenty of warning of an approaching stack. This could get a little messy. I won't stop right away, but at a sign of danger I'll need to pause and think.

Deer Cow is settled. We start the Heroic Epic.

Livy publishes his greatest work: the most cultured civs of the world.
1. Unknown 2. Hatty 3. Unknown. 4. Gandhi (us) 5. Unknown 6. Hammy 7. Shaka 8. Unknown
There's a Zulu scout I might be able to pick off.

Iron gets hooked up.

Hammy's stack comes into view. He has a C1Shock sword, two CR1C1 swords, a C2 axe, a C2 spear, a C1 chariot, and a C1 horse archer.
Looking at the trade screen, cyrus bribed Hammy and Shaka with HBR. These are all still NE of wheat-city.
Killing those might be enough to extort CoL, but it might take a little more.

I'll stop here for now.
Continuing after discussion to post 2056
Readjust builds. Build the road to Zlatorog. Whip a pike. etc.
Peace with Cyrus for Fishing.

Colossus BIFAL
Hammy's units move a little bit - there's now a settler in the stack too.

HE is done, so Delhi starts to build units.
Two axes fortified on the chokepoint.
Everyone has Sailing.
We get a peek at Elephantine, 7N2E of Tokyo.

Statue of Zeus and Great Lighthouse BIFAL.

The last chokepoint unit gets started, as well as an extra pike from GEL.

Toku uses his remaining EP to destroy a village in Kyoto (it's now a hamlet).

Nearly got the chokepoint blocked.

IBT: Hammy sends a settler and chariot to stupidland - that little headland by Zlatorog.
He also has the advance sword adjacent to our stack.
Chichen Itza is built in Mahabodhiland.
Hatty and Shaka both learn Monarchy, Shaka revolts to HeredRule.

I fiddle around a bit, and cancel worker actions.
Signs get updated before I upload.

Spoiler upload log :
Turn 99, 400 BC: Hammuragawa has declared war on you!
Turn 99, 400 BC: Shakagawa has declared war on you!

Turn 100, 375 BC: Bombay has been founded.
Turn 100, 375 BC: You have constructed a Forge in Marble City. Work has now begun on a Spearman.

Turn 101, 350 BC: You have trained a Catapult in Gold-E Locks. Work has now begun on a Trebuchet.

Turn 102, 325 BC: You have made peace with Cyrusgawa!
Turn 102, 325 BC: You have discovered Fishing!
Turn 102, 325 BC: The Colossus has been built in a far away land!

Turn 103, 300 BC: You have trained a Trebuchet in Gold-E Locks. Work has now begun on a Pikeman.
Turn 103, 300 BC: The Statue of Zeus has been built in a far away land!
Turn 103, 300 BC: The Great Lighthouse has been built in a far away land!

Turn 104, 275 BC: Zlatorog can hurry Pikeman for 2⇴ with 40ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 10 turns.
Turn 104, 275 BC: Gold-E Locks has become happy.
Turn 104, 275 BC: Gold-E Locks can hurry Pikeman for 1⇴ with 10ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 40 turns.
Turn 104, 275 BC: Nature's Chandi has grown to size 7.
Turn 104, 275 BC: Marble City can hurry Catapult for 1⇴ with 28ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 38 turns.
Turn 104, 275 BC: Zlatorog will grow to size 8 on the next turn.
Turn 104, 275 BC: Marble City will grow to size 4 on the next turn.
Turn 104, 275 BC: A Village was destroyed by enemy infiltrators!

Turn 105, 250 BC: Zlatorog has grown to size 8.
Turn 105, 250 BC: Marble City has grown to size 4.
Turn 105, 250 BC: The borders of Kyoto are about to expand.
Turn 105, 250 BC: Clearing a Forest has created 30 ℤ for Osaka.
Turn 105, 250 BC: Delhi will grow to size 9 on the next turn.
Turn 105, 250 BC: Osaka will grow to size 4 on the next turn.
Turn 105, 250 BC: Deer Cow will grow to size 2 on the next turn.
Turn 105, 250 BC: You have trained a Catapult in Osaka. Work has now begun on a Library.
Turn 105, 250 BC: The borders of Kyoto have expanded!
Turn 105, 250 BC: Hatsegawa has founded Giza in a distant land.
Turn 105, 250 BC: Hatsegawa adopts Hereditary Rule!
Turn 105, 250 BC: Chichen Itza has been built in a far away land!
Turn 105, 250 BC: Shakagawa adopts Hereditary Rule!

Turn 106, 225 BC: The enemy has been spotted near Zlatorog!
Turn 106, 225 BC: Delhi has grown to size 9.
Turn 106, 225 BC: Delhi can hurry Trebuchet for 1⇴ with 35ℤ overflow, 10ℴ added to the treasury, and +1⇤ for 16 turns.
Turn 106, 225 BC: Gold-E Locks can hurry Pikeman for 1⇴ with 8ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 38 turns.
Turn 106, 225 BC: Osaka has grown to size 4.
Turn 106, 225 BC: Deer Cow has grown to size 2.
Dogpile in one turn? No wonder Neil gave the hint that teams may consider revolting out of Hinduism just to save their skins... :) I'd rather die fighting than disqualify ourselves though...

Good luck, ZPV!!
Hammy and Shaka dogpile on us.

There's a Zulu scout I might be able to pick off.
Hotsy totsy!!! This should make for some juicy teching. I wouldn't worry about Zulu at all. They're too far away. But does this change our DoP tech-trade values? How does the DogpileAI *1.5 factor play into it?
half-ceasefire: We pay
forDaggerAIs: *9*Theirpower/10*OurPower
forAIsw/morelandthanus: *Theirland/Ourland*.9
forWarPlanAIs: *35*TheirPower/10*(OurPower+4*TheirPower)
forTotalWarAI: *2
eitherDogpileAI: *1.5
if theirendangeredcities>ourendangeredcities /3
round down to nearest 10

half-peace treaty, we pay in addition:
*3(Annoyed) or *5(Furious)
Will that push Fishing out of range? If we can't get it on teh first turn, I suppose we could partially tech Fishing, turn by turn, till we can get it.

The dogpile possibility was a good reason to have Toku and Hatty at DoP for the time being.

Hammy's stack comes into view. He has a C1Shock sword, two CR1C1 swords, a C2 axe, a C2 spear, a C1 chariot, and a C1 horse archer.

Hmmm... 5 melee units and 2 mounted units. I would think 2 or 3 axes and one pike on the choke point would be enough to hold that stack off. We already have 2 axes up there (one is on MP duty).

What would it take to get another axe and a pike up there? How many turns until the stack arrives at the choke point?
Dogpile in one turn? No wonder Neil gave the hint that teams may consider revolting out of Hinduism just to save their skins... :) I'd rather die fighting than disqualify ourselves though...

Good luck, ZPV!!

Not just any dogpile; a bribe-with-a-military-tech dogpile :rolleyes:
Hammy has seven units on the move:
Spoiler :


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Hotsy totsy!!! This should make for some juicy teching. I wouldn't worry about Zulu at all. They're too far away. But does this change our DoP tech-trade values? How does the DogpileAI *1.5 factor play into it?Will that push Fishing out of range? If we can't get it on teh first turn, I suppose we could partially tech Fishing, turn by turn, till we can get it.

The dogpile possibility was a good reason to have Toku and Hatty at DoP for the time being.


The dogpileAI * 1.5 just means it's a little more expensive for us to get peace with Hammy or Shaka.
edit: actually, let me check that.
edit2: it means we can get 50% more for peace - the 1.5 factor is applied to both sides.
It doesn't affect Cyrus - he will give us Fishing for peace now.
Yikes, and another horse archer right behind that can catch up. Maybe we need 2 pikes and 4 axes just to be safe.

One of the "dots" is a persian archer. It's really just seven units, not eight.
And I want to *kill* that stack, not just repel it. :ar15: :sniper:
Would units out of Delhi after finishing HE arrive at the scene on time? How many units can we get out of Zlatorog? I think we'll have to whip there to get two units quickly plus an archer for MP duty (may not be needed right away due to whipping pops away).
Shaka already had HBR (and WEs btw).
FALSE! Sorry, I was wrong. Cyrus had HBR.

Okay, doesn't this technically mean that it wasn't a dogpile but just a bribe to war? I think in teh coding Dogpile means exactly one thing, namely, that the AI decided to join the war via the Dogpile coding, no via a bribe, right?

That would explain why Fishing is still available. That's really good for us, if that's teh case. EDIT: Hmmm... or bad, now that I see your edit that it applies to us too. :(
OK, it's T102 now. The first sword, the horse archer and the chariot could attack on T107 and the rest of the stack on T108. That gives us 4 turns to get a pike and an axe on the choke point and 5 turns to get two more axes there (assuming 3 axes and 1 pike is enough). That should be doable.

It would also be nice to use our exploring axe to threaten a Hammy city so that we can get the most out of the DoP as possible. Since he attacked us, how many turns until he'll talk?

EDIT: I'd get the 3/2 axe to the choke point ASAP and fortify him with the Woody I promotion...
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