SGOTM 23 - Turbo Ants


Mac addict, php monkey
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Jan 9, 2003
Welcome to your BtS SGOTM 23 Team Thread. Please use it for all internal team communication, turn logs and discussions. Subscribe to it to receive notifications, and do not visit the other team threads for this game until you have finished. Please also subscribe to the Maintenance Thread for this game, where teams and staff may post non-spoiler information of general interest.

You can find the Game Details in the first posts of the Maintenance Thread. If any changes occur in the game settings or rules, they will be posted in that thread.

Please wait until your team leader/administrator/scribe has reserved a couple of top posts in this thread for game admin information. Then post here to let your team know you have arrived.

Good luck with the game, and - Have Fun! :)
Team Rules

1. Follow all SG rules.
2. Have fun.
3. Win gold.

Proposed Roster


Game Summary

Turnset 1, T0-T13: Pollina posts initial map observations. spots cows, meets Churchill on T0 with Stonehenge, and more cows. We imagine this is a replica map of Europe with England to the north of France. We decide to settle 1W and debate whether to beeline Alpha. T0-T6 report and screens. T5 we meet Joao, Fred, and Alex. All 4 AIs are Christian. T6 Hunting is done. Mini-PPP for T6-T13. We decide to tech Pottery next, beeline Alpha. T6-T13 report and screens. Joao, Alex, and Fred are also nearby. Our warrior gets 90% eaten by a lion, another lurks. Our warrior will not be able to steal Fred's worker due to mountains. We see into Lisbon (2 warrior :eek:) and Berlin (warrior + archer), building slowly. Pollina observes AIs haven't met each other and have no scouts! We decide we'll have to grab land to maximize our settling options and chances of getting a strategic resource. Also decide to build a warrior and send her south to capture Fred's worker. We see barb BFC culture and Ottoman(?) east of Alex along the Mediterranean. Also a CIV message in the fog, probably saying something about the barb city. GLib AI pops a GS on T13! Must be Spiritual but not Philosophical. Egyptian? Athens is on flatland and has two gems nearby. It will be 60:culture: before long but we need to capture it asap.

Turnset 2, T13-T29: ZPV. More debate on Alpha beeline. ZPV develops two MM plans. Turnset Report T13-20 and screens. We meet Islamic Mehmed T14. Istanbul is his capital. Tech Pottery. Writing next. Scout gets blocked by two lions just north of Mehmed, but we can see the barb city is 40% and connected to our landmass so we might re-route him after OBs. Hard to tell where AIs are because no AI scouts met. AIs still don't know one another. Fred will complete a wkr next turn. We'll try to steal it from the south on T34 with our second warrior. T20-29 Report and screens. T23 we meet Jewish Stalin with 3 cities. T28 we meet Taoist Darius. He has the Holy City. Stalin, Mehmed, and Alex complete BW. As of T29 only 1 AI of 7 met has AH! Only Alex and Mehmed have met each other. T29 Writing.

Turnset 3, T29-T44: WastinTime. We discuss where to settle Fur City. We conclude there likely won't be any slave trade soon. T29-31 report. WT pops silver grows a forest. :) Fred has AH, worker steal maybe back on. T31-T34 Report. Fred's worker is joined by a warrior, the steal is off. One warrior goes to Mehmed, the other escorts Jesus. T35 Report. Our scout is tangoing with a black panther. Barb City expands its borders again! We debate going for T47 Alpha. T47 Alpha mini-PPP. T36-T44 Report. T38 we meet Gandhi. We see Egyptian culture S of FurCity. We note that BSP is making many ocean tiles coastal again. T44 we meet Mao's scout. WT turns Save over to Mitchum with an MM headache -- rising maintenance costs threaten our T47 Alpha.

Turnset 4, T44-T55: Mitchum. T44-T46 Report. We enslave Fred's worker. T47 report. We tech Alphabet. Oh yeah. All kinds of juicy techs to barter for. Lots of worst enemies too. T47-T48 report. We trade for Animal Husbandry, Mining, and Fishing. Find horses at Paris-NW-NW. T48 we meet Hatty and Saladin. 11 out of 12 AIs. Not bad. T48 report. Then we trade for Mysticism, Bronze Working, and Sailing!!! We have copper at Paris-W. Screenie. We need to re-work our micro now to optimize the horse and copper tiles. We also debate whether to settle Fredburg or the northern cows.

We take a few days to decide what to tech next and our general strategy. HBR, Currency, Math, Masonry? Attack Fred, Alex, or Hatty? We note that Hatty and Alex both threaten only with archers. Hatty's GNP is now an astronomical 104, meaning that she's teching at least 60 bpt. She has two ciites, Thebes with the Pyramids and Alexandria with the Great Library. She also has popped two GSes already, probably building an academy and settling a GS in Alexandria. We surmise that Alexandria is the coastal city we see south of FurCity based on real life. We also conclude that stealing techs from Hatty will be viable because Alexandria is close enough to gift a HaGift city and get a good deal.

We decide to tech HBR and target Hatty asap because she might have Feudalism very soon and her cities are game-breaking valuable. We want the free GLib scientists asap for GS spamming. We'll put eps on Hatty too. T48-T PPP, Paris micro, worker micro. T48-T55 report. We revolt to Slavery. Trade for Archery. T49, we settle Cow-E-Bunga. T51 we steal another worker from Fred. T52 the unknown AI is 2nd largest in the world.

Turnset 5, T55-T69: LowtherCastle. We observe that Hatty's GNP is now 120 and she teched Htg+CoL in the last 7 turns. Thebes is her capital but with plains hills and fish is not her tech workhorse. All planning is now about capturing Alexandria, which is due south of FurCity, asap. PPP. Updated MM. Report T55-T61. Hatty techs IW and revolts to Caste Systems. GNP rockets to 167, with no cultural bldgs other than GLib, Mids,and 1 academy. Pop3 Alexandria is defended by a warrior and War Chariot. Demo screen and graphs confirm a settled GS. We debate whether to delay capture until she bulbs Philo. ZPV confirms she still could bulb it with Taoism gone. Pollina: Hatty needs Alpha+Math first. :eek: Pollina confirms religious Hatty could revolt back to Slavery on T67. :eek::eek: Lack of cottage growth indicates Alexa is probably running 2 sci, bumping the GS forward. We decide to run the ep slider 1t to see her research. T61-62 Report. We trade furs to Darius for Silver. Joao offers IW. Report T62-T63. Report T63-67. Report T67-69. I forget to gift Hatty Alpha and she doesn't bulb Philo. :sad:

Turnset 6, T69-80: Pollina. T70 we meet Kublai Khan. Report T70-71. Report T71-74. Report T74-75. Report T75-78.
Report T78-80.

Turnset 7, T80-90: ZPV. Report T80-90. Report T90-91.

Turnset 8, T90-101: WastinTime. Report T91-93. Report T94-99. Report T99-101.

Turnset 9, T101-: LowtherCastle.

Key posts:
Initial AI Explore units
GP thoughts for bulbing railroad beeline.
Map of the Orient Express
Guestimate of worker-turns needed for Orient Express
Worker-turn to railroad various tile types
Probable opponents
WT's Imponderable
Detailed chances of AIs trading BW, Sailing, and Masonry
Figuring out the map size, Maxplotdistance
How Sid calculated espionage costs
WastinTime's Last Frontier
ZPV's Clever Avoid-Growth Granary Micro
Attack Odds Versus 60% Archers and 60% CGI Archers
Turns before AI considers another civics or religion switch
Hatty bpt analysis
When will an AI lightbulb?
Settler stacking code and settling Prophets
Play entire game without Civil Service.

New additions:
WT estimates 72 workers for the RR
More GP thoughts.
Revised GP Plan.
Bulb beakers for non-GS. Full picture.
Alexa Plan
RR workers needed. DIvided by Two.
If AP VC, we use Islam.
How Tile Improvement and Worker Improvements costs are calculated.
RR via Gandhi.
Thebes Plan. More.
Brief Summary of Path Forward
Moai + 1 wonder in Athens. Parthenon in Oporto?
MoM in SQ.
Athens Moai + Parth?
Sub out Munich in the GP Plan?
Turns of city resistance after capture
When AIs switch in and out of SLavery and Caste Systems
Vassalizing an AI
CaptureGold Formula
Hanging Gardens adds 1pop before MM to cities after HG city (next pop growthh costs +2f)
Governor settings to control auto-specialist turn completing HG
Latest GP plan, for 3 golden ages
Order in which tiles are checked for teleporting!!!
Cities Order, When Gifting and Re-capturing Own Cities, Cities Order: Oporto added last

Test saves:
4000BC #1
4000 BC #2

Hi everyone!
Diplo Data:
WFYABTA - 8 techs on Monarch. Trades techs at 30%.
-Met on T5
-OB on T29

WFYABTA - 23 techs on Monarch. Trades techs at 30%.
-Met on T0
-OB on T29

WFYABTA - 16 techs on Monarch. Trades techs at 30%.
-Met on T28
-OB on T29
-Asks for AH on T54; we comply
-Trade furs to Darius for silver on T61

WFYABTA - 16 techs on Monarch. Trades techs at 30%.
-Met on T5
-OB on T29
-DoW and steal worker on T44
-CF on T48
-DoW on T52
-CF on T55

WFYABTA - 23 techs on Monarch. Trades techs at 20%.
-Met on T38
-OB on T38
-Trade deer+fish to Gandhi for ivory on T56
-Trade copper to Gandhi for crabs on T59

WFYABTA - 16 techs on Monarch. Trades techs at 30%.
-Met on T48
-OB on T48
-We refuse to stop trading with Alex on T55

WFYABTA - 23 techs on Monarch. Trades techs at 40%.
-Met on T5
-OB on T29
-Asks for Mysticism on T56; we comply

WFYABTA - 8 techs on Monarch. Trades techs at 50%.
-Met on T44
-OB on T44
-Asks for Alphabet on T59; we refuse

WFYABTA - 8 techs on Monarch. Trades techs at 40%.
-Met on T14
-OB on T29
-We refuse to stop trading with Gandhi on T55

WFYABTA - 16 techs on Monarch. Trades techs at 40%.
-Met on T48
-OB on T48

WFYABTA - 8 techs on Monarch. Trades techs at 80%.
-Met on T23
-OB on T29

Tech Trades (WFYABTA):
T47 - 3 techs (Mining, Fishing, AH) - Didn't know Hatty, Sal or AI #12.
T48 - 4 techs (Mysticism, BW, Sailing, Archery) - Didn't know AI #12.
T62 - 1 tech (IW) - Didn't know AI #12.
Hi there lovely players, warm greetings to you!

I hope you will enjoy playing my little scenario as much as I enjoyed fantazing about you cursing me while I made it! As allways,I will try to read all your team threads, but if you have an important question you need answered quickly, PM is the way to go.

Please concider posting screenshots in this thread regularly. It's fun for us lurkers and it's fun for those other teams that want to see what you did after the game is over. And obviously it helps your discussion as well.

OK, lets see who gets the John Henry reward :)


(And as allways: Don't try to read my mind!)
(And as allways: Don't try to read my mind!)

What do ya'all think BSP means by this? Is he encouraging us to read his mind more than usual? Implying we will be more successful? I.e. he is more transparent this time around :mischief:
I think he means we should go for a settler walk[emoji14]

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Pretty sure the odds for auto spread of a religion are based on the distance to the Holy City (if there is one).
Anything to discuss before we see the save?

Seems we need to fully explore our area to see:
a. if we'll be barraged by barbs,
b. where AI neighbors are,
c. where horses or copper are.

Build a settler or two at pop3.

Tech Htg-AH.

Probably need to see the map and move our units to decide where to settle. That lonely hill looks like a trap (settling 1N).
AI neighbours are likely to be close, since there are 12 of them.
Are those mountains we can foggaze? If they're hills, we have the forests vs hills production dilemma.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
AI neighbours are likely to be close, since there are 12 of them.
Are those mountains we can foggaze? If they're hills, we have the forests vs hills production dilemma.
Seems like
to me, but T0 warrior-1NE will reveal quite a bit. That'd probably be my first move. It definitely might factor in to our capital location (1E?) because we don't want to strand that SE fur.

One thing I've noticed with close AIs is that the ones without Hunting send out an archer for scouting so we won't want to capture their workers.
One thing I've noticed with close AIs is that the ones without Hunting send out an archer for scouting so we won't want to capture their workers.
This is the case in unmodified maps where an AI will always spawn with a UNITAI_EXPLORE unit (scout, warrior or archer depending on starting techs). With a map built from scratch, the AI starting areas were probably changed and the original explorer-archers deleted and replaced by other units. Basically, we can't know what kind of units the AI will use to explore. They could be starting with a scout (UNITAI_EXPLORE by default), or some other unit manually set to UNITAI_EXPLORE (warrior, archer, chariot, HA, axe,...). Or they could start with 2 UNITAI_CITY_DEFENSE archers (default script for archers added in WB) that would stay in their capital. In that case the AI would have to build a UNITAI_EXPLORE unit, which doesn't seem to be a very high priority for them and can take a long time.
Something to keep in mind for this scenario is that railroads require coal or oil. It's entirely possible that there is no coal on the map, which would require us to get SciMeth/Combustion and maybe even Plastics (offshore oil). Standard Ethanol oil can't be used to construct railroads, so there has to be some coal or oil on the map.
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