[BTS] SGOTM 24 Unusual Suspects

Took a couple quick swipes at it, thanks Chris. SIP is clearly faster than moving east. Even if we move the Palace later, I'm sure it is better to SIP. The biggest problem with moving off the gems is that you must invest hammers into the border pop if we still like that site, which I do, even if I abhor settling on the gems. What about splitting those resources into a couple cities? We need IW to access the gems themselves. Neither of the 2 cities will be as good as a singe city working the 4 resources, especially early in the game.
Yeah, the need to wait for iron working to clear the jungle should not be underestimated.

SIP benefits: quick, gets +1 happy right away (helps with whips), +1h for plains hill site, quick access to four resources all unlocked with a single technology (hunting). Drawback: loss of commerce from a gem mine, beginning on turn 60 or so at the earliest?

Another benefit to SIP - one worker is enough to improve resources Cahokia (four camps) and the two corn in Poverty Point. And the next two or three cities will be workboat oriented. As much as I hate to say it, if we don't do a lot of chopping, we could get by with very few workers.

We should identify where tactical chopping can happen - forest regrowth on a tile that has four forests surrounding it is not unlikely.
I am thinking more about tech path and how to achieve the unique goals. We know we need to get deep into the tech tree just to access Environmentalism. Then win! It feels almost like a space race game, tech/bulb/trade path is critical as well as cultivating a few friends to speed the process. Diplo win after using the UN for Enviro seems the obvious choice. Turbo Ants will of course come up with a completely unique idea.
The starting save is available! I took a quick glance at it, nothing noteworthy as far as I can see regarding pre-built cities/wonders/religions.

If we don't SIP, where would we settle? Any other spot will either lose a deer or a fur. Losing a deer wouldn't really be an option I guess (assuming somewhere close to the starting spot). Maybe 1W? The southern fur is worse than the northern one. Would be a bit odd though to settle 1 tile away from the coast, it also loses some hills, notably the bare one 2N1E that could have metal maybe and is at least mineable. Having deer first ring does mitigate slightly the loss of a hammer from settling on the PH as we'd have a 4 yield tile to work from scratch (although a turn later settling of course). However, I have the feeling waiting for IW isn't really worth it. Might'nt be until the late BCs that we get it, although we'd also need it for the jungled pigs up north (btw, I think you put a forest there, Chris, in the test save).
I'll try some tests in the next couple days. I'm still in hiding after the botm124 announcement.
Sneaky hidden jungle :). I'll fix it and post new files shortly.

If we don't SIP, I think we have to either move east for corn or north for fish. Settling near but not on the gems seems very bad - it kills a forest, the fur and deer are poorly arranged, and we'd still have to plan to move the capital.
For the record, after my brief testing, I favor settling in place.
Looks like neil will be joining us.

Do we have a roster order? Can we move forward with SIP, research hunting -> mining -> bronze working, worker -> warrior?
Yes, you're up. :p

But maybe we need not hurry yet. Deckhand hasn't been on board yet and neil if he indeed joins might want to have something to say too before we start.

I haven't tested anything yet either, got carried away with kcd's botm yesterday, very interesting game. :goodjob:
We should probably wait a short bit, I wanna try some tests (or at least see what you guys managed. I'll put a roster up in the order of reporting to the thread (and take a later slot for myself).
The deer are actually better than in you test game, they have forest in the real game.
Nice. Here are updated save and worldbuilder files with the forests on the deer and the jungle on the pigs.


  • sb BC-4000.CivBeyondSwordSave
    29.9 KB · Views: 78
  • sb.CivBeyondSwordWBSave
    374.5 KB · Views: 88
I've played a few quickies - both attempts can be improved upon by better timing of whips and chop. Chopped one forest to get setler out - very likely we get that back. OTOH, setling the fish city loses another, and in my non-SIP attempt I setle on the deer for coastal (have ready wb for the fish city, plus much better exploration possible). Population-wise, better off SIP, but closer to IW (t59 expected) and able to then surpass longterm by getting gems - and having sword-rush possible. I kinda like it, but in either case I think the capitol needs to be moved at CS. Food for thought, or not. just thought I'd give it a shot
If we SIP, I think city 2 must be coastal. cow/clam is a good candidate, but needs a border pop to do anything useful at pop2. Only way to explore beyond the visible is by boat, and we do start with fishing. KNowing what we are up against will make strategizing much more effective - and strategy beats micro every day of the wek.
My general feeling is I would focus early on REX and commerce. I like city 2 by the 2 corns with cottages coming to the vacant grass tiles. City 3 coastal should be good enough to get an exploring boat out.
Hi All, Checking in, thanks for having me.

Re: Big Picture
- We can see 47 forests, there will definitely be some spread and/or regrowth, and we can create some more preserves on yet-to-be-discovered lands, probably 10 max to get another 2 turns so I don't think we should shy away from some judicious chopping (leaving empty spaces surrounded by forests on all 4 sides)
- Are we connected by land to others? That will make a big difference to what we do.
- Philo is a great trait for deep games, but without mass chopping/stone/industrious the 'Mids will be very expensive. But early conquest of it could be a key play, think like what the Ducks did in a SG long ago to conquer GLH built on the other side of the map
- GLH as always is very over-powered, especially as we can see at least 1 other land mass, reachable immediately

Re: settling
- SIP of course as others have mentioned/tested, 2h start tile and 4 resources
- My gut reaction was to settle 1W, still gets 4 hills and the second furs can/would be used by a southern city. Gems/Gold make such a big difference at the start!
- Coastal is always nice... GLH!

Re: techs
It hasnt been mentioned, but I would assume it is Hunting->Wheel/Mining first

I will play out a few starts and post results.

edit: whoa!!! the gems have Jungle! must have missed that.... that makes SIP a much, much stronger contender!!
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