[BTS] SGOTM 26 - Home Slices

The forest preserve won't be done for 3ish turns which will cost us 60:science: (i.e. we don't get your +20:science: right away).
It will be done on T213, so -40:science: :)
Hail the RNG ghost! :bowdown:

The two turns we don't have the extra preserve, we can work scientist instead of rice in capital. Starve -8:food: and gain 40:science: there.

Need to chop West Point complete before we run out of gold.
The gold won't land the next turn because Cow + Science are before Canal in the city list.
It will land 2 turns after we put the last hammers in West Point.
So we must be very careful about running out of gold 2/3rd of the way through the next 9 turns. :hmm:

Then race back and prepare to chop 4 or 5 forests on Science City on T220.
Thankfully Steam Power gave our workers faster chopping speed.
With WP gold we have like 2000g, right? That means even with no tech trade gold, we have over 220 gpt to spend. Again, seems like we have a huge excess, so I ask again, why have we been building wealth?
With WP gold we have like 2000g, right? That means even with no tech trade gold, we have over 220 gpt to spend. Again, seems like we have a huge excess, so I ask again, why have we been building wealth?
I think we have like 1150, so West Point brings us to 1600 I think.

If we switch to build Research, we have -165:gold: per turn I think.
I think we have like 1150, so West Point brings us to 1600 I think.

If we switch to build Research, we have -165:gold: per turn I think.
Ok, but still, that means we can burn 200gpt. Getting 200 more from tech/steal/pillage.
back to trade routes...
What about Sal and keeping him out of Merc?
Ok, but still, that means we can burn 200gpt. Getting 200 more from tech/steal/pillage.
back to trade routes...
What about Sal and keeping him out of Merc?
Saladin has neither Guilds nor banking.
As long as we don't give him Banking it should be ok.

We also need to bribe Peter to Cease fire with Sitting Bull.
No reason to let Germany like him more.
Jeez, steal treasury for SB is 550, but we only have 222:espionage:

Thanks to our 50% wait bonus, we could Rob SB right now if we had 275:espionage:.

Guess just let it keep building up +18 per turn.

One day I will solve the mystery of how tiny 1 city empires have so much :gold: and:hammers:
Could someone double check my math on the tech rate?

And the UN mechanics?

We are almost done!

Probably start giving all our techs to France starting T214.
He is the weakest diplo link.
Bribe him to DOW Sitting Bull too.
PPP T211 to T216

Goal of this turnset to to get to within one turn of completing the UN so that we can assess our tech rate to see if we should complete it on T213 (finished at the start of T214) or delay it one turn.

T213: Last hammers go into UN
T214: UN complete; select ourselves as UN Secretary - 5 turns until the next vote
T215: Secretary announced - 4 turns until the next vote
T216: 3 turns until the next vote
T217: 2 turns until the next vote
T218: 1 turn until the next vote
T219: 0 turns until the next vote
T220: Resolution comes up, choose Diplomatic Victory, Superconductors completed, chop Lab in Science, all other builds done
T221: Results announced, revolt to Organized Religion

Refrigeration (3T) -> Superconductors
Goal: 1402:science:/turn


Preserve forest at Science-SW (3 turns), Hang around Science for Lab chop

Vanna White
Preserve forest at Science-SW (3 turns), Hang around Science for Lab chop

Chop forest 2W of ivory resource on the island into WP.


Head to Canal for WP chop

Head to Canal for WP chop

Road (1 turn), Windmill PH Fur at Cows-2N1W, Mine Coal at Science-2N1E, Hang around Science for Lab chop


Road (1 turn), Windmill PH Fur at Cows-2N1W, Mine Coal at Science-2N1E, Hang around Science for Lab chop

Pat Sajak

Windmill PH Fur at Cows-2N1W, Mine Coal at Science-2N1E, Hang around Science for Lab chop


T211: Road Silver-2W
T212: Move to Silver-NW
T213: Road
T214: Road
T215: Mine Aluminum at Silver-NW
T216: Mine Aluminum at Silver-NW
T217: Chop Globe Theater
T218: Mine Aluminum at Silver-2N1W
T219: Mine Aluminum at Silver-2N1W
T220: Chop drydock T220

Joan Dark

T211: Road Silver-2W
T212: Move to Silver-2N1W
T213: Road
T214: Road
T215: Mine Aluminum at Silver-NW
T216: Mine Aluminum at Silver-NW
T217: Chop Globe Theater
T218: Mine Aluminum at Silver-2N1W
T219: Mine Aluminum at Silver-2N1W
T220: Chop drydock T220

Galley 1

Take Ivory to northern island
Come back to deal with SB trireme situation


Build Research -> (lab gets 5 chops on T220)
15 scientists, Sheep, Wine, 2 Gems, 3 Cottages (no Rice or Horse) then switch 1 scientist back to Rice once the forest preserve is done

Factory (4T) -> Industrial Park (~5T) -> Wealth/Research
7 scientists, Crab, Cow, PHFur, Uranium, 2 PFarm, 2 Windmills, 1 Watermill (switch to food tiles as required

West Point (2 chops) -> Intelligence Agency
8 scientists, 1 engineer, 1 priest, 2 Clams, 1 Crab, Coal, Tundra Mine

Research -> 2 chop Drydock on T120
11 merchants, 2 Crabs, 1 Clam, Silver (work Deer as required to avoid shrinking every 4 turns once our food bid gets close to 0)

Confucian Academy (9T)
9 scientists, 1 engineer, Crab, Whale, 3 Coasts

Globe Theater (7T w2 chops) Complete chops on T217 -> Research/Wealth
8 scientists, 2 crabs, Clam, Horse, Silver, Fur, windmill

Research (1T) -> United Nations (2T) -> Research (2T) -> Wall Street (5T) -> Wealth/Research
2 merchants, 1 engineer, 2 Clams, Aluminum, 6 Plains Workshops, 1 Tundra Workshop, 1 Tundra WIndmill


Cancel Fur gift to Bismarck and then sell Fur to Bismarck for 1:gold:/turn
Bribe Peter to CF with SB with Gunpowder.


After the UN forces Louis and Sal to meet SB, bribe both to attack SB.

Bribe Bismarck into Representation.

Sell a tech to any AI when they have 30:gold: or more
- Trade Astro to Saladin.
- Don't give Banking to Sal so he can't go into Mercantilism

All demands from the friendly 3AI will be accepted.
Any Peter demand will probably be rejected since we have +20 diplo and he has enough advanced techs.

Any demand for civic or religion changes will be denied.
Any demand for :gold: will be discussed with team

Never trade France Liberalism unless they demand it (-2 diplo for refusal)
Nobody gets traded Gunpowder so they can't get Chemistry and Privateers.

Keep EP on SB, steal gold as soon as it's possible.

Sitting Bull War
Stop playing for discussion if SB's triremes attack our caravel and trireme and win one or both battles.


Handle Triremes
Blocks coastal path to Canal City
Will carry spy to Cahokia when able

Backs up Caravel against SB's Trireme

Blocks entrance to our empire on hill and guards Wine.

Galleon 2

Drop off 4 muskets to pillage SB

Check Every Turn
Save at start and end of turn

Stopping Point
Anything unexpected happens
There is a budget crisis because we get low on :gold:
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If we want the win screen on T221, then technically Clam City can build Research for 3 turns and give us a one time boost of +168:science:.

What do you mean by this? Delay UN by 3 turns? Or finish UN in 2 turns and then build Research before finishing WS? I assume you mean the latter but just verifying.
What do you mean by this? Delay UN by 3 turns? Or finish UN in 2 turns and then build Research before finishing WS? I assume you mean the latter but just verifying.
UN needs to be finishing up by T213.
So I think we can delay it T211 to build Research.

When Wall Street is being built, we can do 2 more turns of build Research I think before we have to start it.

I checked the math and it looks good to me.

Are you suggesting that I run a test game? I could do that if you're unsure of the turns.
Ya, just a quick test game with 2 great engineers to rush UN complete to count the turns.
World builder the needed techs of course.

Would be embarrassing to lose 5 turns on a simple mistake somewhere. :o
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I can play the next 5 turns today as long as I get enough green lights in the next 4 hours or so.

I'm out for the weekend so someone else could finish up the final 5 turns or I could play them next week.
Ok, but still, that means we can burn 200gpt. Getting 200 more from tech/steal/pillage.
We can always switch a few Merchants to Scientists as our gold allows. We should be able to end the game with 0 gold. My fear was running out before the game ended which is why I was building Wealth in Science the last several turns.
Turnset Report T211 to T216

Renegotiate Fur gift for 1:gold:/turn with Bismarck.
Bribe Peter to CF with SB for Gunpowder.

Bismarck: +14 total with +4 mutual military
Sal: +12 total with +4 mutual military
Louis: +10 total with +2 mutual military

1158:gold: @ -164:gold:/turn
Refrigeration in 3 turns.

SB attacks with 2 triremes and we defend both times. For some reason our trireme defended the first battle??? The 3rd trireme retreats.
Only 20:gold: on the table from Biz and Peter. I will wait until next turn to see if there is more.
Bismarck completed the Spiral Minaret.
Louis got a Great Prophet.
A forest grew at Whales-1S2E!! Chop chop!

Bismarck: +14 total with +4 mutual military
Sal: +12 total with +4 mutual military
Louis: +10 total with +2 mutual military

994:gold: @ -162:gold:/turn
Refrigeration in 2 turns

Peter wants to cancel the clam gift (I guess the beg happened 10 turns ago). I renegotiate and give him Whale for his Clam.
Sal got a Great Prophet.
Louis completed the Temple of Solomon.
Bismarck founded a city in old HRE land.
Only Biz has 20:gold: for trade now. I was hoping for more from fail gold.
Sell Biz Chemistry for 20:gold: before he takes it off the table too.

Bismarck: +15 total with +4 mutual military
Sal: +12 total with +4 mutual military
Louis: +11 total with +2 mutual military

852:gold: @ -162:gold:/turn
Refrigeration in 1 turn
UN in 1 turn

Refrigeration done. Superconductors in 6 turns.
UN Complete. We vote for Lady Stoneheart as Secretary General (Requires 146 of 367).
Saladin completes the Kashi Vishwanath.
Sal has 50:gold: and Louis has 90:gold:!!:drool:
All three chops land in Canal and WP will complete next turn.
Sell Astronomy to Sal for 50:gold:
Sell Louis Replaceable Parts for 90:gold:
I'm so dumb! I forgot to have Louis DoW SB as part of the above trades. :mad:
Louis gets Military Tradition and for war with SB, map and Free Market (3 turns earlier than planned).
Sal won't DoW SB as expected.

Bismarck: +15 total with +4 mutual military
Sal: +12 total with +4 mutual military
Louis: +13 total with +3 mutual military (Louis moved above Sal)

830:gold: @ -164:gold:/turn
Superconductors in 6 turns
WP in 1 turn

UN Election - We get 279 of 369 (147 required):
- Peter votes for Peter (83)
- LS votes for LS (105)
- Sal votes for LS (62)
- Louis votes for LS (48)
- Bismarck votes for LS (64)
- SB abstains (7)
Factory completes in Cows and we have :yuck: problems. We should trade away our coal, right?
We sell Coal to Sal for 1:gold:/turn. I decide not to finish the Coal mine by Science.
We try to steal SB's treasury for 279:espionage: and get caught. Our second spy has 10% stationary bonus and has to wait.

Bismarck: +15 total with +4 mutual military
Sal: +12 total with +4 mutual military
Louis: +12 total with +3 mutual military (Louis dropped below Sal)

666:gold: @ -172:gold:/turn
Superconductors in 5 turns

We got 449:gold: from West Point
Bismarck got a GM.
Peter completes the Taj Mahal
Another forest has grown at Science-3N1W.
Louis has 50:gold: and Peter has 180:gold:. Peter also has 6:gold:/turn. :drool:

The timing for UN is off. It now says 5 turns until the next vote. It should say 3 turns. We're off by 2 turns?!? Uploading now.
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