SGOTM6 Celts. Maintenance Thread

akots said:
When SirPleb describes his HOF Sid game, it also seems to be easy when you read it. Yet, it is not so easy when one tries to repeat it. :lol:

That's what I love about some of his QSC timelines. I replayed 1 of them step by step and was amazed. I should probably do that again with some of his more recent games.
akots said:
Well, to me it does not seem to be very easy.

When SirPleb describes his HOF Sid game, it also seems to be easy when you read it. Yet, it is not so easy when one tries to repeat it. :lol:
Oh well. :lol:

The result for SGOTM6 will be declared on Friday 13th May. At this point the results, congratulations and commiserations thread will be posted. The result will be based on the team standings on this date. If you don't finish the game by this date you can continue to play of course, but it will not affect the results. All teams final results will be made public, and the censor removed from the SGOTM results page on this date.

SGOTM7 - Ottomans will begin on Monday 16th May.
Since I have nothing better to do :rolleyes: I decided to post the sign-up thread for SGOTM7 - Always War - Ottomans >>HERE<<

This is a little early, but means I get a little less earache from my wife. :)
Yes you can of course. :) ... or you could read some AW threads :mischief: ...since you are bored.
mad-bax said:
The result for SGOTM6 will be declared on Friday 13th May. At this point the results, congratulations and commiserations thread will be posted. The result will be based on the team standings on this date. If you don't finish the game by this date you can continue to play of course, but it will not affect the results. All teams final results will be made public, and the censor removed from the SGOTM results page on this date.

I obviously need to follow this thread on a more regular basis, as I just noticed this due date from the posting on May 4th. We'll see what we can do.
Due to various reasons team RowandLive will be unable to finish until this evening. It would be a bit churlish to ignore their game for the sake of a few hours and therefore I will post the results when I get out of bed in the morning. Because I have 4 year old twins that will be at around half past dark.
Since I'm stupid and people are starting to use big words. I looked it up. In case others were wondering....... said:
  1. Of, like, or befitting a churl; boorish or vulgar.
  2. Having a bad disposition; surly: “as valiant as the lion, churlish as the bear” (Shakespeare).
  3. Difficult to work with, such as soil; intractable.
Thank you , M-B. It is appreciated.
The Congratulations thread for this game has been posted >>HERE<<

My thanks go to everyone who participated.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Alanh. He is the real driver for this event and I give him nothing but grief. His good humoured tolerance of my ineptitude is little short of saintly.

Thank you Alan.
Thank you M-B. You produce the creative and fascinating maps and variants, and I'll never know how you manage to build, cat-herd, discipline and arbitrate the different teams. I just run the scoreboard ... and enjoy playing the games.

I know everyone joins me in a BIG :thanx: for all you do to make this competition what it is.
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