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Should It Be Legal To Homeschool Your Child That The Holocaust Never Happened?

Should It Be Legal To Homeschool Your Child That The Holocaust Never Happened?

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The irony of someone saying that more "standards" have to be met in history than in science is probably totally lost on you, huh? :|

*sigh* I merely point out that you'd pay merry hell trying to force the teaching of evolution in a religious home/school. It's a freedom of religion issue.
I think people should know these facts, but how often does these facts affect someone from doing 99% of the jobs out there? I could see knowing Pi is important in some technical fields, but knowing about evolution and the holocaust isn't going to affect someone's job performance in over 99% of the jobs out there.

many of these "facts" are integral to acceptance to respected colleges.

and no, liberty U is not a respected college in the majority of workplaces.
Actually, I am quite disturbed by these threads.

a) Teaching children a belief in faith (i.e. creationism) is not equivalent to child abuse. All children should get to hear the scientific view, however. Child abuse is not a throwaway term to be used to attack people who don't agree with your point of view.
b) Teaching children that genocidal events in recent history with living survivors are false is clearly wrong, and morally bankrupt.
Holocaust 23,800,000 results.
Armenian genocie 1,260,000 results
Urkranian genocide 1,310,000 results.

The answer is Illegal for an Education system to teach that event as untrue. Also the system should also teach about the other less known genocides . It is in my understanding that a lot nations do not even accept that the Armenian genocide happened , which is in my opinion the same as denouncing the Holocaust as a lie.

I voted Yes though since it is within Parental rights to teach what they believe is truthful mainly because we can't control what they teach their children and it will be a fascist thing to do.
Should it be allowed for a homeschool to teach that the real Holocaust didn't start until March 2003?

Sure, if we don't mind robbing the word "Holocaust" of any meaning.
many of these "facts" are integral to acceptance to respected colleges.

and no, liberty U is not a respected college in the majority of workplaces.

If they are 2 questions away from either getting into, or not getting into a college, there wasn't a whole lot of hope for them anyways.
If they are 2 questions away from either getting into, or not getting into a college, there wasn't a whole lot of hope for them anyways.

what im saying is, its not just being accepted into the university, it's being accept AT the university. for instance what chance does a homeschooled YEC stand in a science program if the entire foundation of the YEC belief in the world around them is a function of YEC and rejection of science?

as for the holocaust, the denial of it at a major university would not only net you a lot of enemies, both socially and academic, but also would mean many of the history classes are going to be hard to handle if your much of your foundation of history is based on holocaust denial.

not conforming to the status quo at an institution that requires it at a certain level is detrimental to success in certain fields.
Parents homeschool their kids more or less BECAUSE they don't want their kids to hear the pernicious scientific view.

its not even the scientific view, its that they dont want the children to see a view that is different from theirs at all. unless they are the secular homeschooled kids that perform really well due to the rigorousness of the homeschooling and personal attention they receive.
But the children will still hear alernative views. Belief in a faith is different to denying mass murder. Child abuse is not a term to be bandied about lightly. My 2 commerce.
But the children will still hear alernative views. Belief in a faith is different to denying mass murder. Child abuse is not a term to be bandied about lightly. My 2 commerce.

they are different but the sentiment behind them is similar. we want our progeny to have similar beliefs to us because our beliefs are very important to us.
Denying mass murder is important to some people, even worse, "us"? No forum censorship would be able to supress my feelings towards that sort of opinion.
It should be legal to teach your kid anything, for instance, that the Moon is made of green cheese. Just because you're teaching your kid something untrue doesn't mean the teaching should be illegal. Besides, are the home-school police going to quiz your kid on evolution or the Holocaust or the material composition of the Moon?
I suppose that if you believe holocaust denial to be illegal you must also believe that teaching your child that the holocaust never happened should be illegal too regardless of whether or not your child is homeschooled.

And the idea of this being enforced scares me.
Denying mass murder is important to some people, even worse, "us"? No forum censorship would be able to supress my feelings towards that sort of opinion.

:lol: its the figurative "us"...Jesus. Should I have placed the entire thing in quotes to show the rationale that people have in homeschooling, not my personal beliefs?
8/11 no/yes votes. And some people are still arguing about evolution. The holocaust is a provable fact in living memory. Sickening.

EDIT: And I don't think smileys are very appropriate in a thread about the death of 6 million people.
8/11 no/yes votes. And some people are still arguing about evolution. The holocaust is a provable fact in living memory. Sickening.

Just because Person A thinks it is ok for Person B to teach Person B's child something, doesn't mean that person A also believes it to be true and that person A would teach it to his own child.

My biggest problem with this is the people who are calling it 'child abuse'.
Child abuse was a term bandied about re: evolution. I made it clear that I thought that was inappropriate.

I don't care if it is legal or not to teach holocaust denial, I am just saying it is morally wrong. Like I said, visit the Anne Frank museum. It is a sobering experience.
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