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Should the British monachy be abolished?

Should we Abolish the monachy?

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farting bob

ThEy MaDe Me Do iT.
Oct 21, 2002
UK (sussex)
Well as you might or might not know, im from the worlds greatest country. So great, its even got the word 'Great' In its name.
Britian has had a monachy for practically a 1000 years (except when cromwell took over for a while), but now, more than ever, people are starting to say we dont need them anymore. Whats your views on it?

For monachy:
  • Tradition
  • a national Figure head
  • We'd have to change all our coins and bank notes. :p
  • National anthem (which IMO should be changed. We arent a religious nation anymore, we dont need god saving anyone. Its outdated, needs to be changed. land of hope and glory is the prime candidate.)
  • Our current queeny is a very respected and good monach.
Against monachy:
  • Apart from the queen, no-one else in the family looks monach material and none of them are taken very seriously by the british public.
  • They represent a outdated and oppressive institution.
  • They live entirely off our taxes.
  • They really dont fill a purpose, other than smile for the cameras, and open upper class social events.
Oh, and i think we should get rid of them.
They are releic of another time, and one which we moderns find repulsive now. We don't have to all French on them or anything like that, just exile them to a countryside. Dump the monarchy! Long live the republic! :p
I like having a monarchy - they're just nice to have around despite them being redundant, and they're the epitomy of the British upper class. They're part of the British identity.

Plus. Prince William is hawt.
Seriously speaking though, he's done nothing wrong - I think he's king material!
Keep it. The monarchy is part of what makes Britain so quaint and cute. Besides, as feline_dacat said, Prince William is hawt.
I strongly oppose monarchies, but it is up to the british people to get rid of them.
anarchywrksbest said:
Did you just call us quaint? :borg:

And what of it? :p

(And, yes, I have been to the UK, and it held up to the "quaint and cute" standard. London was not, but the rest of the country was.)
There are political reasons for the monarchy, but I don't buy them personally. I think the monarchy is pretty much harmless, but we should treat them like any other celebrity (and tax them).
I really could care less. its a matter for the british to decide
Though it is practically useless, it does serve a purpose in that it shows the best of what it is to be British to the world, (unless you goto a party dressed as a Nazi.) Also even without the monarchs there you guys would still be paying to maintain the old Castles and Palaces as they are Historic sites, its not like you guys are useing all your tax dollars on feeding and clothing them, considering most of the jewels they wear are very old, like the Crown with the Star of India I believe in it.(huge Diamond).
Cuivienen said:
Keep it. The monarchy is part of what makes Britain so quaint and cute.

Besides, as feline_dacat said, Prince William is hawt.
I voted radioactive monkey king. I support real monarchies, ie, monarchies that actually rule the place. It is my opinion that if you are going to bother having a monarchy, they should be given absolute power, that is the whole point of monarchies after all, and anything else is simply a waste of money. Britain's monarchy has fallen to the point where all it is good for is generating news for the tabloids. If you are going to bother having a monarchy, have a monarchy that is usefull.
The British Monarchy should stay the way it is.
keep the monarchy, course once the Queen and charles die i woud have to reconsider my position
I support the abolishment of the monarchy in Canada, and we should time it with the end of the reign of Elizabeth II.

Otherwise, I'm somewhat indifferent to whether or not Britain (or Aus or NZ) should abolish it or not. I feel it's not my place to speak as that's a British domestic issue.
The United Kingdom can do what they want with the monarchy, but Canada should get rid of it.

There's no need for this useless link to an old and vetust institution such as the monarchy in Commonwealth countries. I can easily understand why some folks in the UK would want to keep it for the tradition and touristic value.

Canada doesn't gain anything by still having it. Well, that's not entirely true, the governor general can wave to crowds, cut ribbons, shake hands, pose for photo opps and spend millions of dollars.
Doesn't bother me, I'll let the British decide if they want them or not.
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