Simple Question - Do you believe in a god?

Do you believe in a god?


    Votes: 81 48.8%

    Votes: 54 32.5%

    Votes: 31 18.7%

  • Total voters
There is a good, and I believe in him. :)
Yes, I believe that a higher being has revealed himself through the Christian scriptures. Mostly because of the prophecies that have been fufilled through Jesus' sacrifice, but also because of clues left in both the design of the universe and human altruism.

I vote "None of the above".

You philosophers are so annoying. :p

It is not a belief, it is knowledge.

No god.

Rather ambitious aren't you? Tell me: what brought to "know" this?
Yes, I believe that a higher being has revealed himself through the Christian scriptures. Mostly because of the prophecies that have been fufilled through Jesus' sacrifice, but also because of clues left in both the design of the universe and human altruism.

What makes Christianity right, but Judaism and Islam wrong?
The main reason i usually give for not believing in god is that there are so many conflicting religions out there that have equal merrit for being believed. This amounts to no merrit for believeing any of them.
Mostly because of the prophecies that have been fufilled through Jesus' sacrifice

Why is it surprising that prophecies made in a book come true later in the same book? This happens in stories from almost every mythology in history.

but also because of clues left in both the design of the universe and human altruism.

How is either the design of the universe or human altruism a clue that God exists?

"the message you have entered is too short. please lengthen your message to at least ten charcters."
I'm Christian, but I believe that there is more than one path to god, that is, Muslims and Hindus will also go to heaven etc, though not believing in god is only a path to the other place.

Some people say, when you look around and see the world, how can you possibly believe in god.

I say, how can you possibly not?
Oh well this isn't a double login, and I'm not a dilligent liberal, I'm conservative and proud.

But BACK ON TOPIC, (sorry about going off topic folk, my fault) i do believe in god.

You piqued my interest. :)

Kindly roll out the 100% evidence of god existing.

And it had better be good.

I'm Christian, but I believe that there is more than one path to god, that is, Muslims and Hindus will also go to heaven etc, though not believing in god is only a path to the other place.

Some people say, when you look around and see the world, how can you possibly believe in god.

I say, how can you possibly not?

It's easy, just open you're eyes, and lay off the drugs:)
Some people say, when you look around and see the world, how can you possibly believe in god.

I say, how can you possibly not?
well, i just dont think a planet requires a deity to have formed.
if you are talking about human relationships and suchlike, those
are human and require no divine intervention.
I say, how can you possibly not?

Because we are humans with an amazing ability for self-deception and making up fanciful ideas to explain gaps in our wisdom.

And also we love to brainwash our people, to make sure the social structures of our cultures remain where they are.

And to make sure people are stratified and bewildered at new ideas, thus keeping power-hierarchies intact.

There is no compelling reason for me to follow an invented god, and religions founded on lies.

That's my humble reasoning.

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