Sirius Intra-Team Pitboss Game!

Considering it's only 5:mad: in one city, and in return I can block every resolution you try to pass, I think it's worth it.
Well, if you think so. Buddhism will spread on its own though, and eventually it'll make every city of yours it spreads into useless if you keep defying them. And it's no loss to me, since I don't lose anything by proposing resolutions. So that's fine by me. :p
Meh. You still eventually make one fairly large city of yours completely useless at no cost to me. Works for me. :)

And actually, I think Theocracy only applies to missionaries, not random spreads. I could be wrong on that.
We'll see. In the meantime, enjoy your bonus Emancipation unhappiness. :)
Pindicator, not sure if you did it intentionally, but just letting you know only one of your turns has been played. :)

I think I just broke the game, and during the one window I could log in as well. Probably going to be the "save error" issue, caused by the fact that I started logging into the wrong civ so cancelled partway through loading. Damn it...

Hope you can fix it up soon, Dave.
Hmm, my internet seems to be doing something funny at the moment, keeps cutting out as I try to log into the game. If anyone's around at the moment, would you mind logging into the game and pausing it (hitting the pause button while in-game)? Should only take an hour or two for me to sort out what the problem is, but the turn will flip very soon and it's much easier to pause for an hour or two than to wait around half a day for a reload. It's fairly important that I play this turn. :)
Seems like I've fixed it, never mind. :)
Tried to preload Civ5 off Steam and something whacked my internet connection. :aargh:
I'd like to use a few choice words, but that would not be setting a good example.

The games are now up.
Azz, you converted to AI without mentioning anything...? Had enough of the game? Or just temporary?
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