Slobodan Milosevic dead

haha what a brainwashing from media... then Bush is guilty for genecide in Afgan and Iraq.

He is guilty of being in conflict with USA and GB. Since USA and GB cannot possibly ever be guilty, other party has to be always guilty.
I dont know what to think about this man this moment.... neither will I know in the close future.
silver 2039 said:
Heres a bigger article. I must say I admire his leadership abalities.

you do? sure he united the people by giving them a common enemy, but then he got his country bombed to crap. thats not good leadership.

that is if you dont care about all the people he killed.
And yeah Silver Miloshevich is NOT a good leader :)
His death is bad news. Serbs won't need to admit their guilt. Good thing that there are Karadzic and Mladic still left.

Serbia (and Croatia too) needs some good spiritual clening to do. Wash their bloody hands. Liberate themselves from nationalism. And start living the future.
How ridiculous that his trial was allowed to drag on for so long and still not be anywere close to a conviction. And it looks like the Hussein trial will be no different.
Comraddict said:
haha what a brainwashing from media... then Bush is guilty for genecide in Afgan and Iraq.

He is guilty of being in conflict with USA and GB. Since USA and GB cannot possibly ever be guilty, other party has to be always guilty.
Are you
1) Serious
2) Parodying the American Right
3) Rambling
?? I honestly can't tell. USA and GB are considered plenty guilty by ROTW around here.

luiz said:
I wish he was convicted first.
<Grammar Nazi>I wish he were convicted first. Hypotheticals use "were", past events use "was".</Grammar Nazi>
I said a while ago that old Slobey would be long dead before the UN would ever come close to rendering a verdict.

It feels so good to be so right. :lol:
I would say that the bombing by Nato was criminal in itself too, since it lasted for so long, and killed a lot of people/destroyed massive amounts of infrastructure. Also the mass murders that were reported by western media turned out to have been grossly exagerated (comparing alleged murders in the scale of hundreds of thousants, to less than ten thousant, is indeed an exageration, and moreover the area of Kossovo was in civil war for a while; compare the numbers of dead with those in Iraq with the insurgency, which are in the same scale).
The fact that the croatian leader wasnt sent to the Hague also weakened the argument for equality.

I would think that Milosevic wasnt entirely worse than Bush or Blair; it is just that Serbia is clearly less democratic than Usa/Uk, and so it seems that it is more quilty. Definately there would never be militia and small paramilitary groups acting for Usa and Uk as in the case of Serbia during the wars in ex Yugoslavia, however there isnt much difference in the case of uncontrolled conflict in Iraq. Also Kossovo is/was actually part of Serbia, and so it can be seen as an inner conflict.
Moreover the Ramboye (spelling?) treaty would aska lot more of Serbia if it was put to use, than what was agreed to in the end of the bombings (for example nato troops didnt get any access in the rest of Serbia, whereas under the Ramboye plan they would).
rmsharpe said:
I said a while ago that old Slobey would be long dead before the UN would ever come close to rendering a verdict.

It feels so good to be so right. :lol:

Seriously, to foresee this you ain't too much of a prophet, right?

Before UN is able to get something decided we're already gone through another ice age :(
But besides it is a pitty he fainted of before he was taken guilty.
"It is better to burn out than to fade away" - Highlander
Can't say I'm sad to see him go.
Irish Caesar said:
He died young...must have eaten too much red meat.
A very cowboy thing to do ;)
Tragic. Now onto other news. The price of beef in Poland has....
Its nice to know that the Human Rights Tribunal is so incompetant that God had to step in and finish him off.
luiz said:
I wish he was convicted first.
Yeah, but this doesn't mean he's not going to get convicted after his death.
Just another person to add to my list of 'Famous people dead in 2006'
h4ppy said:
Its nice to know that the Human Rights Tribunal is so incompetant that God had to step in and finish him off.

It's the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, and it was set up by Security Council resolution. Yes folks, that means the US had a hand in deciding what powers it has and what it can do.
I don't think it's done all that well but it sure beats putting people away incommunicado without a trial.
jameson said:
It's the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, and it was set up by Security Council resolution. Yes folks, that means the US had a hand in deciding what powers it has and what it can do.
I don't think it's done all that well but it sure beats putting people away incommunicado without a trial.
That doesn't mean that it hasn't been anything more than a joke since the day he got there.
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