Snap UK General Election

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Labour hates the SNP more than the Tories do, because a lot of the SNP's successes in Scotland came at the expense of Labour.

I mean a Corbyn-SNP coalition. No one gives a crap about the blue labour. :) If they had any dignity they'd resign and allow popular candidates in. It is pretty obvious that the better Labour outcome is down to Corbyn, not them.
I mean a Corbyn-SNP coalition. No one gives a crap about the blue labour. :) If they had any dignity they'd resign and allow popular candidates in. It is pretty obvious that the better Labour outcome is down to Corbyn, not them.

That's a recipe for a backbench rebellion super fast...
Maidenshead is Teresa's seat (watching the live coverage), and they noted that she is not yet there (i wonder why :p ), while all other candidates are, including Elmo, for the Raving Monstrous Loonies party (which is not set to win the seat, btw).
That's a recipe for a backbench rebellion super fast...

Let them rebel. In fact, let them leave the party. If the result turns out to be similar to these exit polls, a minority tory government, it's the perfect opportunity for Corbyn to finally deal with the divisions within labour. It won't be 5 years until the next election. And in the meanwhile the government is likely to dig itself into a hole, judging from the unpopularity of its electoral manifesto.
Really, the blue/blair labour should just gtfo and form their own minor party. They aren't bringing votes to the labour party. It would be difficult to vote for some of them if the voter liked Corbyn but hated them.
I do believe that we can still see a '"surprise", an outright win by Labour. Which would land a lot of problems to solve on Corbyn's hands. But in that event (Corbyn becoming PM) I trust he'll be up to the challenge, unless he's undermined by his own MPs.
I just looked at the election results..

and.. noticed a fun comparison between this and the Canadian political scene. There are the blue conservatives, the red laberals, the orange ndp errr lib dems, and a nationalist party representing a culturally unique region. I'm sure the politics are much different.. and there's "22 other" and we only have the greens who get 1 or 0 seats.. and I know nothing about British politics.. but..
Apparently the plotting against Theresa May has started already.. it's probably fair to say it's an utter disaster for the Tories now.
Apparently the plotting against Theresa May has started already.. it's probably fair to say it's an utter disaster for the Tories now.

While UK politics is certainly not in my wheelhouse I know enough to call for a celebration.
I learned from these elections that the Brits don't like foxhunting after all.
Is it really vindication when you win because your opponent committed suicide though? :D
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