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[SNEAK PEEK] GraveMod (a NEW ModPack for Warlords on the way!)

looks good you are welcome to use any ideas of mine (see sig)
how about using some of the new leaderhead they have made hirohito, saddam , and some of the others I cant remember, also use some of the new wonders that they have made too
Donkey Puncher said:
how about using some of the new leaderhead they have made hirohito, saddam , and some of the others I cant remember, also use some of the new wonders that they have made too

I think you'll be pleased with some of the new Leaderheads and Wonders I have planned to include into this project. :mischief:
giddy with anticiapation
GraveEatr said:
I think you'll be pleased with some of the new Leaderheads and Wonders I have planned to include into this project. :mischief:

What Leaders you want to incorporate ?

If you can post a list, maybe I can do one or two during the chrismas holydays.

If you want to see my work you can check my trajan LH that I'm working on (just check the thread named Traja (New 3d animated LH)
C.Roland said:
What Leaders you want to incorporate ?

If you can post a list, maybe I can do one or two during the chrismas holydays.

If you want to see my work you can check my trajan LH that I'm working on (just check the thread named Traja (New 3d animated LH)

PM sent. ;)
Make the addition to the nuclear bombs - only city bombard give the diplo penalty. Bombarding big army group far from city or enemy fleet in ocean is just "using of very big bomb".
Using chemical weapon always gives penalty in diplomaticy.
just curious what is the new civ
Just got back from Vacation, so I'm back to work on this. :)

Make the addition to the nuclear bombs - only city bombard give the diplo penalty. Bombarding big army group far from city or enemy fleet in ocean is just "using of very big bomb".
Using chemical weapon always gives penalty in diplomaticy.

I'll do my best to add the A-Bombs and Chemical weapons. I'm not an expert programmer, but I'll give it a shot.

just curious what is the new civ

Ahhh... I don't want to give TOO much away. ;)

*EDIT* Perhaps once I get the Leaderhead integrated into the Mod, I'll post a screenshot, Donkey Puncher.
yeah Vey interested in how this mod shapes up with sevo not doing a warlords translation and quiting modding all together we wont see his mod to warlords . I cant wait to play it .
Well, originally I was going to make this a SevoMod add-on, like my prior work.

But once I actually started working on this, I realized the sheer volume of the project itself practically commanded it's own status as an independent ModComp instead of just an add-on to a popular one. So I started building towards that objective, instead.

Things are coming along nicely. Still doing some last minute SDK work, then back to XML and Python, then graphics... then I'll do some tests on it before I start looking for beta testers.

2 months in the making (so far)... seems like the work is never done!
i like the civics can you write what they do or post them in a "demo mod"

(i like the demo mod the best)
i like the civics can you write what they do or post them in a "demo mod"

(i like the demo mod the best)

I would, but I'm still playing around with them, so they're nowhere near completed yet. That will be next after I finish up the Religions, which I'm currently working on.

Doing the Religions is more that just plugging a new one into a Technology. I'm trying a different approach... not all Religions will be discovered the traditional Civ4 way.

Some will, yes, but others, like the Ancient Religions will be discovered on completion of building a wonder, etc.
dude I like that concept on founding religons, also any chance of more scrennies:mischief:
dude I like that concept on founding religons, also any chance of more scrennies:mischief:

Once I finish the Religions up, I suppose I could post a few screenshots of them. ;)

Thought I'd post a progress report, for those of you following the development of this project. :p

Got all the Religions loaded into the game that I want. Next is determining how they will be founded.

One interesting point... the Mexica (Aztec) Religion now has what used to be the Aztec Unique Building (Sacrifical Altar). The Aztecs now have a new Unique Building called a "Stepped Pyramid". I haven't made up the special characteristics of the Stepped Pyramid yet, I'll do that in the next phase when I do all the XML for the Techs, Buildings, Units, etc.

For the Ancient Religions I'm adding to the game:

They're similar in characteristics to the "World Religions". They have Holy Cities and can spread from city to city, like a regular religion. One thing they don't have are Missionaries. Plus, I'm trying to work it so that if a "World Religion" moves into the city, it slowly takes over the Ancient Religion until it doesn't exist anymore (dead religions).

Basically in game terms: Ancient Religions aren't as powerful as the World Religions. The one advantage Ancient Religions will add is with their temples. Instead of strictly :culture:, the temples could add a bonus to :food: :health: :hammers: :science: and :gold: in addition to :culture:.

Egyptian Temples, for example, could add a bonus to :food:, :hammers: and :health:, while Roman Temples could add a bonus to :science:, :culture: and :gold:. You see where I'm going with this.

But the World Religions have the advantage, as they can spread alot faster, can use Missionaries, and get the Global Commerce bonus... something the Ancient Religions will not.

Again... this is all rough drafts... I may chance some or all of this before the final release, but the fundamental principles will remain the same.

So as I said... religions in the game are set. Next is determining how they will be founded.

After that, I go into creating the new Techs and the Tech Tree, then onto new Units, Buildings, etc.
** UPDATE **

I decided to take a break from the Religions and work on the other XML to speed things up. There is a particular piece of the religious part of the game (python coding) that is making me pull what little hair I have out.

If any experienced Python'ers would like to help me with this... I'M ALL FOR IT! I could certainly use it... and will certainly appreciate it! :goodjob:

Anyway, some more screenshots... this is of some of the new Leaderheads, besides Hitler, I have included:

Emperor Hirohito (Japan)
Saddam Hussein (Arabia)
King David (Israel - a *NEW CIV*)
King Solomon (Israel - a *NEW CIV*)

Obviously Davis is a re-skin of Cyrus (done by myself). Solomon is from SevoMod. Hirohito is Wyz_Sub10's work, and Saddam is the work of Iloveplayciv. I re-skinned Saddam a little to make his skin a little darker. Saddam is no white boy. ;)

I may or may not change the Traits of the new Leaders. Still doing the research on that. But I wanted to at least get them into the game and working before I fine tuned them. ;)

Speaking of SevoMod... I'll be adding bits and pieces of his mod into this project, as well as some of the changes I did from my old SevoMod Remix. Just thought I'd mention that for all you die-hard SevoMod addicts... this is something you can look forward to! :)
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