Social Policy Gridlock


Sep 8, 2012
Hi, I hope I'm not the only person to ever have this problem but I've yet to find a solution, if it exists.

I'm playing a Domination game. No cultural or space victory. I didn't know "allow policy saving" was an option when I started my game or that I would need it.

I'm getting 2.5k culture per turn and I've adopted every policy possible apart from Autocracy.

I switched from Rationalism to Peity earlier in the game when i was forced to pick another policy but now if i go back to rationalism, all the policies are already there, saved from before, and i've still to pick a new policy. i don't want any more policies.

I can't get any more policies, if I go into anarchy and then max out autocracy (While starving my people) then what happens? game over?

This is so frustrating as I've put a lot of time into this game and i'm slowly but gradually winning. I don't mind being forced to pick a new policy when it's possible to pick a new policy, but it's kind of silly when there are no policies left to pick...

Did anyone find a solution to this? Or is that it? If so I'll probably sulk and not want to go near Civ until Civ 6 comes out.
Time to start a new game maybe? After you adopt all the policy's that you want try deleting all the culture buildings you can; it would make your culture per turn so low it would take forever to get the next policy.
But that would stop me getting great people, especially great artists which I really like for culture bombing.. <sigh> I'm guessing there's no way out of this stupid predicament.
You could exploit a known bug: Every time time you switch from Piety to Rationalism, you get the Rationalism finisher of two free techs. (Might be GnK only - not sure if that's what you're playing.)
You could exploit a known bug: Every time time you switch from Piety to Rationalism, you get the Rationalism finisher of two free techs. (Might be GnK only - not sure if that's what you're playing.)

Surely by turn 2402 he has all the techs?
Yeah, Dubya has told me the past is over a heck of a lot of times now...
Just turn on policy saving, unless you consider it cheating.
I hadn't noticed that he'd already run the tech tree. Still, more techs will increase his score. What other choice is there (other than to start a new game)? I don't think you can turn on policy saving in a current game.
I hadn't noticed that he'd already run the tech tree. Still, more techs will increase his score. What other choice is there (other than to start a new game)? I don't think you can turn on policy saving in a current game.

I don't think you can turn it on once you start the game, but you can do it before.
Indeed, as I said earlier, I had no idea this would be an issue when I started the game. If so I'd have switched the silly forced policy thing off.

Forcing people to pick policies just sounds like a hack fix to another problem. If it simply must be, then good development suggests a cap on maximum culture attainable or at least a relaxing of policy picking rules when a certain culture count is reached. :(

There's no hack or "cheat" to prevent this? In terms of the game, I never cheat, but I hardly think switching off a game breaking bug is a cheat.

I opted to carry on down the autocracy path, starve my people a bit and try kill off the enemy a little quicker, the clock is ticking. (Don't want to crush my culture buildings, I want my great artists!)
I don't think there's any way to defer selecting SPs if you didn't check the appropriate option at the beginning of the game. In the original release of the game you always could defer selecting SPs. A patch changed the mechanics to the current situation. I can't remember if the reason for this change was ever announced. I think it was because players developed strategies centered on saving culture until more advanced SP trees became available. This gave an advantage over the AI, who didn't know how to save culture, IIRC.
I also recall that once you fill up all possible combinations of policies you actually no longer need to pick "new" policies, but can save up for later on.. I remember doing this in World Builder by giving myself like a million culture points.
I also recall that once you fill up all possible combinations of policies you actually no longer need to pick "new" policies, but can save up for later on.. I remember doing this in World Builder by giving myself like a million culture points.

I'm hurtling towards this situation by filling up the last tree, Autocracy. Here's hoping you're right and that I won't be screwed once it is complete.
I must have missed something. If you're still trying to win, how has adopting every policy not given you a culture victory? And if it did earn you a victory, or if another player has won, why would you still be trying?
I'm playing a Domination game. No cultural or space victory.

I turned them off because, well, I don't think they're much fun. I want to turn the map blue.
Ahh, that removes the confusion. I always forget that Domination is the universal go-to victory with most people. Personally, I don't ascribe to it.

Your situation is the reason. War is unpredictable, tedious, and commonly takes an eternity and a half.
Well to be honest, I could steam-roll the opposition such is my dominance, but I prefer to draw the game out, accept peace when it is offered and so on.

I'm not so much trying to win a game as play a benevolent, peaceful yet easily offended leader who really just wants to grow gradually and build awesome cities until someone does something to agitate me. I turned off the other victories because, well i'm not all that interested in a "victory, roll a new civ and then start again" way of playing.

Epic Marathon games on huge maps are too small and too fast for me, but i make do.
Well to be honest, I could steam-roll the opposition such is my dominance, but I prefer to draw the game out, accept peace when it is offered and so on.

I'm not so much trying to win a game as play a benevolent, peaceful yet easily offended leader who really just wants to grow gradually and build awesome cities until someone does something to agitate me. I turned off the other victories because, well i'm not all that interested in a "victory, roll a new civ and then start again" way of playing.

Epic Marathon games on huge maps are too small and too fast for me, but i make do.

You sound like you may like to play like me, without winning as the number one priority.:D

I've turned off all victories before.
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