Sons of Mars IV

I just call your game SpoM, since SoM came first. :mischief:
I call it SpoM too for the same reasons but recently a lot of people have been calling my game SoM which in itself led to confusion.

And now behold:

The Bishopric of Durham

The Glorious Peoples Republic of Arstotzka

Capital: The Glorius city of Arstotzka (Modern day Kiev)
Government: Libertarian Socialist single-party state
Motto: Glory to Arstotzka
Leader: Premier Alexei Ivanov
Language: Arstotzkan
Social Policy: Libertarian
Fiscal Policy: State Capitalism
Trade Policy: Highly Regulated
Monetary Policy: Monetarism
Currency: The Arsto
Foriegn Policy: "Papers, Please" (Isolationist/closed boarders)
Religion: Atheist
Anthem: Hymn of the Glorious Peoples Republic of Arstotzka

Link to video.

History: The Cataclysm was devastating to the people of Ukraine. The mysterious disappearance of the Ukrainian government didn't help. The land was stuck in chaos and disorder for 70 years, completely missing the union accords. In the end the people lost all form of nationalism and cultural unity, they had nothing in common any more as the entire history of Ukraine was lost. What was left was one very old video game from the year 2013. This game was called Paper's Please, detailing of a once powerful nation Arstotzka and her neighbors. This was all that was left, lucky the game had a map, detailing Arstotzka and her Neighbor Kolechia. However this map was very inaccurate and the town of Gretsin was disputed being right on the boarder of Arstotzka and Kolechia. Out of freak accident Gretsin was completely on the Kolechian side of the boarder. 3 years passed before this was found out, and lucky for Arstotzka we found it first. Arstotzka's Primer Adrik Smirnov (father of the Arstotzkan head of foreign affairs Mikhail Smirnov) declared war with a full on invasion of Kolechia. Arstotzkan troops quickly over ran the boarder securing Gretsin within days. However, Smirnov was not content with just Gretsin, he wanted all of Kolechia. The Arstotzkan forces pushed farther south nearing the Kolechian capital, until a group of rebels were able assault and cut off the supply lines. The Arstotzkan advance quickly shrank, with the fighting ending at the boarder. The bloody stalemate lasted for 6 years, until finally the Kolechian forces assaulting Gretsin pushed and broke. Arstotzkan forces were able to cross the battlefield, secure Gretsin, and were able to cut off the supply to the other Kolechian detachments. The Arstotzkan army pushed forward with no resistance, destroying everything in their path, much like Sherman's March to the Sea. When they finally reached the Kolechian capital, Arstotzkan military bombarded it to the ground, now there is nothing there but a crater where the capital used to be. Kolechia was integrated into Arstotzka and the war was over in 2176. Kolechia was then nothing more than a spark in Arstotzkan history, as an evil empire trying to stop Arstotzka from its true glory and unification of the Arstozkan peoples. 7 years after the end of the Arstotzka unification war, Arstotzka tested its first nuclear explosive, bringing glory and power untold to the nation, for it had been the only known nation to harness the power of Sol on Earth, however, this idea was quickly shattered as this nuclear detonation alerted the rest of the world to Arstotzka's rising power, and bringing it into contact with the rest of the world and the recreated UN. The history of the world has been revealed to the Arstotzkans however they have been Arstotzkan for so long, "Ukrainian" is nothing more than a historical term for the people living in the region. They are Arstotzkan, proud, prosperous, powerful, and glorious! 10 years later their glorious leader Adrik Smirnov died. An election was called for who would be the next glorious primer, both candidates young, healthy and powerful. Alexei Ivanov, a commoner who rose through the ranks of the Glorious Peoples Party of Arstotzka calling for more rights and power to the worker, and Mikhail Smirnov the son of the former ruler. The people of Arstotzka agreed, rights and power were what they craved the most after an oppressive and all watching dictator had complete control over their lives. In a shocking turn of events Ivanov, who was seen to be the under dog by most high ranking officials in the party won the election by a land slide and Smirnov was appointed to be the head of Foreign affairs and Arstotzka's Representative in the UN, as he had a larger background in international affairs rather than politics. 7 years has passed since Ivanov was elected, he has brought peace, freedom, prosperity, and most important glory to the worker of Arstotzka. As the world and Arstotzka celebrate the beginning of the 23rd century everyone wonder's what Ivanov will do to continue to reform his newly Libertarian Socialist state. Glory to Arstotzka


Link to video.

REMOVE KOLECH remove kolech

you are worst kolechia. you are the kolech idiot you are the kolech smell. return to antegria. to our antegria cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo....ahahahaha ,republia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal but kolech stink rupublia sqhipere shqipare..kolechian genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead kolechian..ahahahahahREPUBLIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .obristan we kill the king , Impor return to your precious federation....hahahahaha idiot kolechian and antegrian smell so i can smell it. REMOVE KOLECH FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. artotzka+republia+federation+impor=kill will ww2/ tupac alive in artotzka, tupac making album of artotzka . fast rap tupac artotzka. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac... you are ppoor stink kolechian... you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in artotzka ....screw the obristan ,..LKILL ashol kolechian no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the kolechian farm aminal with rap magic now we the artozkan rule .ape of the zoo presidant jorji asdfr the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and kolechia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. artotzka greattst countrey
Tani, on the Scottish Islands; do I have to claim individually or are they attached to mainland provinces?
Joining as Italy. 10 provinces in, naturally, Italy, and I did a quick count so 10 should more or less take the rest of italy that isn't taken.

Empire of the Light is the name. May the Light shine on you.

Spoiler :
The Glorious Peoples Republic of Arstotzka

Capital: The Glorius city of Arstotzka (Modern day Kiev)
Government: Libertarian Socialist single-party state
Motto: Glory to Arstotzka
Leader: Premier Alexei Ivanov
Language: Arstotzkan
Social Policy: Libertarian
Fiscal Policy: State Capitalism
Trade Policy: Highly Regulated
Monetary Policy: Monetarism
Currency: The Arsto
Foriegn Policy: "Papers, Please" (Isolationist/closed boarders)
Religion: Atheist
Anthem: Hymn of the Glorious Peoples Republic of Arstotzka

Link to video.

History: The Cataclysm was devastating to the people of Ukraine. The mysterious disappearance of the Ukrainian government didn't help. The land was stuck in chaos and disorder for 70 years, completely missing the union accords. In the end the people lost all form of nationalism and cultural unity, they had nothing in common any more as the entire history of Ukraine was lost. What was left was one very old video game from the year 2013. This game was called Paper's Please, detailing of a once powerful nation Arstotzka and her neighbors. This was all that was left, lucky the game had a map, detailing Arstotzka and her Neighbor Kolechia. However this map was very inaccurate and the town of Gretsin was disputed being right on the boarder of Arstotzka and Kolechia. Out of freak accident Gretsin was completely on the Kolechian side of the boarder. 3 years passed before this was found out, and lucky for Arstotzka we found it first. Arstotzka's Primer Adrik Smirnov (father of the Arstotzkan head of foreign affairs Mikhail Smirnov) declared war with a full on invasion of Kolechia. Arstotzkan troops quickly over ran the boarder securing Gretsin within days. However, Smirnov was not content with just Gretsin, he wanted all of Kolechia. The Arstotzkan forces pushed farther south nearing the Kolechian capital, until a group of rebels were able assault and cut off the supply lines. The Arstotzkan advance quickly shrank, with the fighting ending at the boarder. The bloody stalemate lasted for 6 years, until finally the Kolechian forces assaulting Gretsin pushed and broke. Arstotzkan forces were able to cross the battlefield, secure Gretsin, and were able to cut off the supply to the other Kolechian detachments. The Arstotzkan army pushed forward with no resistance, destroying everything in their path, much like Sherman's March to the Sea. When they finally reached the Kolechian capital, Arstotzkan military bombarded it to the ground, now there is nothing there but a crater where the capital used to be. Kolechia was integrated into Arstotzka and the war was over in 2176. Kolechia was then nothing more than a spark in Arstotzkan history, as an evil empire trying to stop Arstotzka from its true glory and unification of the Arstozkan peoples. 7 years after the end of the Arstotzka unification war, Arstotzka tested its first nuclear explosive, bringing glory and power untold to the nation, for it had been the only known nation to harness the power of Sol on Earth, however, this idea was quickly shattered as this nuclear detonation alerted the rest of the world to Arstotzka's rising power, and bringing it into contact with the rest of the world and the recreated UN. The history of the world has been revealed to the Arstotzkans however they have been Arstotzkan for so long, "Ukrainian" is nothing more than a historical term for the people living in the region. They are Arstotzkan, proud, prosperous, powerful, and glorious! 10 years later their glorious leader Adrik Smirnov died. An election was called for who would be the next glorious primer, both candidates young, healthy and powerful. Alexei Ivanov, a commoner who rose through the ranks of the Glorious Peoples Party of Arstotzka calling for more rights and power to the worker, and Mikhail Smirnov the son of the former ruler. The people of Arstotzka agreed, rights and power were what they craved the most after an oppressive and all watching dictator had complete control over their lives. In a shocking turn of events Ivanov, who was seen to be the under dog by most high ranking officials in the party won the election by a land slide and Smirnov was appointed to be the head of Foreign affairs and Arstotzka's Representative in the UN, as he had a larger background in international affairs rather than politics. 7 years has passed since Ivanov was elected, he has brought peace, freedom, prosperity, and most important glory to the worker of Arstotzka. As the world and Arstotzka celebrate the beginning of the 23rd century everyone wonder's what Ivanov will do to continue to reform his newly Libertarian Socialist state. Glory to Arstotzka


Link to video.

REMOVE KOLECH remove kolech

you are worst kolechia. you are the kolech idiot you are the kolech smell. return to antegria. to our antegria cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo....ahahahaha ,republia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal but kolech stink rupublia sqhipere shqipare..kolechian genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead kolechian..ahahahahahREPUBLIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .obristan we kill the king , Impor return to your precious federation....hahahahaha idiot kolechian and antegrian smell so i can smell it. REMOVE KOLECH FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. artotzka+republia+federation+impor=kill will ww2/ tupac alive in artotzka, tupac making album of artotzka . fast rap tupac artotzka. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac... you are ppoor stink kolechian... you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in artotzka ....screw the obristan ,..LKILL ashol kolechian no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the kolechian farm aminal with rap magic now we the artozkan rule .ape of the zoo presidant jorji asdfr the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and kolechia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. artotzka greattst countrey

I smell thievery, :p
So like can I see a map with all the claims so far I can't be assed to look through all this on my phone.
Military Overview of the Aidanu Magocracy
Spoiler :

Grunt work is not performed by the Aidanu, outside of low command positions. Instead, it is relegated to an underclass of elemental golems known as the Gahnak. Golems on their own need to be sustained by the will of an Aidanu Adept, meaning they are too few in number to be effective. This was remedied by bonding the golem to a mechanical endoskeleton powered by an arcane crystal, allowing golem soldiers to be produced en masse. The new Gahnak now fulfill nearly every infantry role on the battlefield, from simple grunts to elite shock troops manufactured by powerful mages.

Tank Division:
The Aidanu have never needed to use vehicles, as their own magic was sufficient enough to transport themselves and other goods over long distances. Nevertheless, the Aidanu saw the need to develop a deterrence to vehicular threats, and began fielding heavier soldiers. Using a special chemical compound, the Aidanu have mutated several of their Gahnaks into more powerful golems known as Gahnak Vahn, hulking monstrosities able to deal and take a good amount of punishment equivalent to the light armored units fielded by other nations. Even more dangerous are the Aidanu Vahn, former criminals and undesirables mutated into creatures of immense strength and arcane power that serve as the equivalent to heavier tanks fielded by other armies.

(Side note: The compound functions by channeling the potential magical energy within an individual into raw power, physical and magical. Consequently, the compound is fatal to those without any latent magical energy.)

Artillery units are not managed by golems, as the tasks required of them are complicated and difficult for even the most complex Gahnak to fufill. These soldiers go by the name of Kalil, middle-to-lower-class Aidanu with a lot to prove. They utilize massive aether cannons on the backs of eight-legged chassis to rain pure arcane energy on their enemies to devastating effect.

While the land and skies are largely left to the whims of the Gahnak, the sea is dominated by the Aidanu. This is no truer than with the Shujiru class ship. Staffed by the elite of the Aidanu military and protected by a myriad of defensive magic, it serves as a hub for the Gahnak Ky and a spearhead for amphibious invasions. While a little shabby compared to the more exotic weapons on other ships, the Shujiru has nevertheless proven to be a tremendous asset on the high seas.

While the Shujiru is the heart of the Aidanu navy, the Chojural is the true destructive force of the navy. While the aether cannons are adequate for a ship of its size, the real power behind the ship is the experimental Hydra gun. A true marriage of science and the arcane, the Hydra unleashes a massive burst of elemental magic, spawning a tidal wave. While quite effective on ships, it is especially devastating on coastal provinces.

Submarine warfare, like artillery duty, is carried out largely by Kalil soldiers, despite the danger involved with the job. Unlike other naval forces in the magocracy, Aidanu submarines, called Sundirra, commonly use missiles armed with alchemical payloads that can have varied and unpredictable effects. One popular variant is able to melt the hulls of affected ships.

Duties relegated to destroyers are largely performed by the Naduz. Armed with elemental energy, the ship is staffed with some of the best clairvoyants in the magocracy, able to detect the heartbeat of a submarine captain eight hundred feet under the sea or the buzz of an approaching missile from miles away. Lightly armed for a ship of its size, it relies on the ability of its mages to project psychic suggestions to stall enemy ships until the larger guns arrive.

With the invention of the Gahnak, the military was quick to adapt them to other purposes. One such adaption was the Gahnak Ky. Created with the ability to fly and administered a diluted version of the Vahn formula, the Ky serve as the air force for the Aidanu. While small in size and slower than others, their mobility far surpasses conventional aircraft, and their unorthodox attack methods make them deadly up close. The Ky can be classified as bombers or fighters, depending on their size and their array of abilities.
So like can I see a map with all the claims so far I can't be assed to look through all this on my phone.

Here you go.

Nedim's map is cool but dear God no image host wants to accept the thing.

First update inbound.
Let the games begin.

Signups still open; new states will start with the same stats as everyone else.

RP Bonuses will be applied next turn, so expect some stratification.


-Units may not be used the turn they are purchased.
-Most neutral territories are protected by a single Infantry unit, which makes tanks or infantry backed by artillery useful against them. Having offensive army technology will be useful in increasing the value of your infantry. The good news is that even if you lose you can try again; you can also buy a territory off for 5 EP.
-Carriers may carry five units; however, they may only occupy one territory per turn due to the cumbersome nature of an amphibious assault.

Turn I


The great powers of the world have assembled themselves. Some regions remain quiet, some already show early signs of border disputes and conflict. What the future holds, nobody knows.

Many independent city-states and petty kingdoms rule over most of the world, but they are so numerous and so divided the chances of repelling an invasion by a major power are minimal. However, in areas where the major powers dare not risk losses, they could always try to bribe the leaders instead…

Trade veins flow free from piracy, but as markets swell and the wealth travelling on the world’s oceans exponentially grows, pirates and privateers alike are sure to become a nuisance.

Lock in 100 hours.
Japan has been making thoughts on tactical considerations to grow her empire!

Imperial Plot.png

As we march to claim parts of offshore Japan we will also take Hawaii as a launching site for further glories!

Hail the Empress!
The Caucasian Union grew from a necessity to unite the Caucasian races against enemies.However,our military is not expanded enough for a state of our propotions.As such we shall recruit 5 infantry regiments and invest 10 EP points in our infastracture around Georgia.
Tani, your stats link is prompting to log into Google Docs. Can you please set it to public view?
Tani, your stats link is prompting to log into Google Docs. Can you please set it to public view?

It's published to the web; I've no idea why it would be asking for you to log in... is anyone else having this issue?
The Daily Confederate

The South Rises Again

Washington D.C.

One year ago, terrorists detonated a nuclear weapon in this great city, the former capital of the United States of America. The United States fell into chaos, without the leadership of the federal government, and no one left to lead to country the individual states became independent nations, many, without the aid of the federal government wouldn't last long.

The United States of America, now shattered and divided between two nations both claiming to be the true successor state, the imperialist and godless New English "Republic" in the North, who after the destruction of DC attempted to enslave the Confederate States of America under Northern Dominion once again.

We said no, We once again raised the Bonnie Blue Flag, and united against Northern oppression. Unable to spread their dominion over us we were able to finally settle into a true nation and unite the south once again under the Blood Stained Banner!

Hurrah Hurrah, For Southern Rights Hurrah, Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue flag that bears a single Star!

A picture of the Capital Building today.

Alec Perry Elected President
After a year of tensions and fighting the Confederate States of America has been reborn, and our Second president has been elected. During this past year a council appointed by the Senate of the Confederacy has lead the nation, now that independence has been secured and our first new Presidential Election has been completed we can officially be considered the true Confederacy.

Alec Perry as many of you know is a great Confederate Patriot, a former general of both the United States Army and the Confederate Army, he has served in many wars and without him, it is debatable if Independence ever could have been secured. Many loyal Confederates, including myself, believe him to be our George Washington.

Alec Perry, a member of the Democratic Party, was elected on a platform of national defense, expansion, state sovereignty, and industrial expansion.

I wish him good luck in his presidency and hope for a prosperous 4 years.

The West Virginian rebels to be subdued
The Virginian Army, with support of the Confederate Army, will finally bring West Virginia back into the rest of Virginia, however this area, which has been controlled by rebels for almost one hundred years, is a contested boarder region with the northern imperialists, which is why the Confederate Army must go with the Virginian army, Confederate Army officers have been given orders to shoot any Yankee imperialist supporting the rebels, and the Government of New England has been warned that if they attempt to help the rebels it will be seen as an act of aggression against the Confederacy.

Confederate Army troops sent to see the growth of the Confederacy
The States of Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas have all petitioned to join the Confederacy. In the upcoming year members of the Confederate army will be sent to these states to oversee and ensure a peaceful transition and addition to the Confederacy for these states.

Spoiler :

TLDR Orders:


23 EP

10 for 1 infrastructure

10 for 5 infantry

1 for Land Offense

1 for Land Defense

1 for Arial Quality


Send 1 tank, and 1 artillery 1 bomber, and 4 fighters to make sure that the CSA get West Virginia

Send 1 Infantry to Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas, if Blitzing is ok after taking Texas send the two infantry sent there to take the Rio Grande area
Tani, your stats link is prompting to log into Google Docs. Can you please set it to public view?

It doesn't look like anyone else is having this issue, but the current stats stand at, for everyone:

23 EP
4 Infantry
1 Tank
1 Artillery
1 Carrier
1 Battleship
2 Destroyers
1 Bomber
4 Fighters
For the record, I am not having the problem.
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