• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

SprylliNES: The City of Oracles

FYI - The Haji donated 30 shillings to hire workers for the sewer to allow for the Senate to retain more funds.
The House of Assir proposes the following.

A treaty of Friendship be signed between Dis and Bok.

A treaty of Mutual Non-Enslavement be signed between Dis and Kyly. This treaty will read as follows:

1. The city of Dis shall not seek to enslave any citizen of Kyly, with the exception of any citizen who commits a heinous crime.

2. The city of Kyly shall not seek to enslave any citizen of Dis, with the exception of any citizen who commits a heinous crime.
The House of Assir proposes the following.

A treaty of Friendship be signed between Dis and Bok.

A treaty of Mutual Non-Enslavement be signed between Dis and Kyly. This treaty will read as follows:

1. The city of Dis shall not seek to enslave any citizen of Kyly, with the exception of any citizen who commits a heinous crime.

2. The city of Kyly shall not seek to enslave any citizen of Dis, with the exception of any citizen who commits a heinous crime.

The House of Picoles agrees to this proposal.
The House of Assir proposes the following.

A treaty of Friendship be signed between Dis and Bok.

A treaty of Mutual Non-Enslavement be signed between Dis and Kyly. This treaty will read as follows:

1. The city of Dis shall not seek to enslave any citizen of Kyly, with the exception of any citizen who commits a heinous crime.

2. The city of Kyly shall not seek to enslave any citizen of Dis, with the exception of any citizen who commits a heinous crime.

Passed by the Senate. The cities of Bok and Kyly have very willingly signed the treaties.

OOC: qoou, you don't have to agree to senatorial proposals.
Passed by the Senate. The cities of Bok and Kyly have very willingly signed the treaties.

OOC: qoou, you don't have to agree to senatorial proposals.

OOC: But I want to feel (and act) more important than I actually am :p.
Update Two

The Demoites, having failed to secure senatorial support for their plans in quarantining several hundred Ulerians, tried to enforce it with eight of their own soldiers very early in the first year. Two of them were stoned by relatives of the sick and two died of the plague. However, their handouts of medicine and food went down rather better. They also built two food pantries and two homeless shelters in Yglissy, to the delight of the local fishermen, who used the homeless shelters to store their catches in, while they sold fresh fish to the food pantries. Some are murmuring that there are better places to build facilities for the homeless. They also donated a few men to the senate to serve as the new “Army of Dis”. Their fire service fails to attract volunteers whose neighbourhoods aren’t already burning down, because people are too busy earning a living. (-4 Demoite soldiers; -1/+1 Demoite Prestige; +2 food pantries and +2 fish repositories for the Demoites in Yglissy)

The Tralysan struck gold, it seemed, early in the first year, when they were testing the efficacy of certain herbs imported newly from the far south via Bok by Haji merchants. They appear to have had the effect of curing the disease almost entirely within a few days. The citizens of the Ulerian have flocked to the Tralysan stalls in the market, and the Tralysan’s wealth and prestige appears to have skyrocketed. (+3 Tralysan prestige; +250 shillings for the Tralysan; +30 income for the Tralysan; +1 Haji prestige)

The Senatorial plan to build a great sewer under the Ulerian Hill also went ahead. It was quite successful, and many of the citizens of Hlyngba are praising the elites, and the Assir particularly, already, for the substantial reduction in the almighty stench from the excrement of the plebs. The Assir-sponsored slavery law was also popular in the richer districts of the city. (+2 Assir Prestige; +1 Demoite Prestige; +1 An’Topi Prestige)

The An’Topi held equine exhibitions with mock combat, riding stunts, and, best of all, free beer, and boosted their popularity with the poor of the city greatly. Their horsemen also showed off their talents by chivalrously beating up whatsoever ruffians should disturb the peace in the richer districts of the city. Their breeding programmes are also succeeding. (+1 An’Topi Prestige; +2 foals per turn; +2 bonus horses)

Meanwhile, the Merchant clans have also been busy. The recently-formed Antulans have sold armour to all the elite clans, and they have made this public with eye-catching posters across the city. The Haji clan have successfully made inroads into the trade with Bok and Gerignia, effectively monopolising the importing of stone for private construction projects in Dis. (+1 Antulan Prestige)

The Verisimilitude clan sent out slave-acquisition expeditions to the hills and to the islands to find new sources of slaves, and have made contacts in Bok with some slave-traders who are willing in principle to co-operate in their mutual interest. The sea-bound expedition then ventured into the uncharted southern seas, and, somewhat lost, turned away from the south-west where most of the wealthy island cities are and docked in a rich, fertile, unified kingdom known as Pypum, before being sent back home with some gifts from the Pypumites. (+1 Verisimilitude Prestige; +40 shillings for Verisimilitude)

The Verisimilitude also testified against the Scara’moosche in their senatorial trial. After being convicted and forced to pay back their stolen money as well as sorting out the mess caused by their scam involving enslaving citizens of Kyly and Dis, they disbanded. (-Scara’moosche; +45 shillings for Verisimilitude; +15 shillings for the Senate)

Unfortunately for the Assir, and, many believe unfortunately for orthodoxy in the city in general, in the summer of the third year the professors of the college and all the students (partly in conscious emulation of the third of last year’s prophecies) peacefully decided to cease their affiliation from the Assir clan, and formed their own clan, the Hlyngbanites. The Hlyngbanites have already put up candidates for election, although they lack popularity because of their apparent lack of piety, and so they have not yet won any seats in the Senate.

The Hlyngbanites have announced their intention to fund the college through patronage, business, and investment, rather than through fees, and it is hoped that fees will be abolished next year, provided that enough funds can be accumulated. So far, this aim seems unachievable as they have only succeeded in finding eight rich patrons. The Assir have gained popularity and members as they are seen to many as a bastion of tradition and good sense in a seemingly decadent city; some of their supporters believe that they should perhaps found a new college as a more conservative counterbalance to the liberalism of the Hlyngbanite University. (+7 Assir members; +1 Assir prestige; -2 Hlyngbanite prestige; university changes hands from Assir to Hlyngbanites)

The Temple has been a place of intrigue this year. A young and mischievous acolyte at the temple noticed some money in the temple that had been there for a while, and asked around to find out where it came from. As soon as it was found that the Demoites had left it there anonymously but had been seen leaving it by a temple guard, the acolyte decided, much to the chagrin of everyone, to spread scurrilous rumours that the Demoites were trying to corrupt the Temple officials. The acolyte was quickly relieved of his duties. (-1 Temple prestige; -1 Demoite Prestige; -1 Picoles member)

The Temple has also been expanding missionary activities in the Loresian quarter to no very great effect. The new Demi-temple was ineffective on account of the fact that almost everyone in the quarter adheres to the Loresian faith. The Temple gave out some “little trinkets” to the locals, which made them think that the Temple is largely incapable of proselytising a very cute little religion. They also declared that the sewer had succeeded through the grace of God, and this made everyone wonder whether it was actually the Assir (as the esteemed Priest said) or the Temple (as the Dean said) who had been responsible for the sewer’s successful construction. As always, most just decided to believe the Priest. (-1 Temple Prestige)

The new military institutions are proving increasingly popular with the people of Dis, and so many citizens want to be recruited into these organisations and are even willing to buy their own equipment. This appears to be a largely transient phenomenon. (Soldiers can be purchased by the Senate and Temple this turn for single rather than double upkeep.)

Yglissy, the Kings’ Hill, the Southern City 4th district, and Hlyngba North held elections this turn. In Yglissy, the Demoites, who had lavishly provided useless facilities for the locals whereas the other clans had ignored them, were elected into power. The Kings' Hill and Hlyngba North were both held by the Assir and the An'Topi respectively, and the Assir held the Loresian Quarter to everyone's surprise: the Demoites waged a much stronger campaign in almost all respects.

In the East, Kyly did slightly better in its war, pushing the Gerignians and Ucplerians out of their territory and finally making peace. The Cybulen and their kin, the Bulen, were attacked from the North by the Lissen and Oclissen, who ambushed the Cybulen-Bulen armies and sacked the chief Cybulen hillfort, although they suffered casualties too from Bulen attacks on the way back to their lands. The Cybulen and Bulen have both been significantly weakened by the war, and many in Kyly are expecting that their senate will take action to profit from their barbarian neighbours’ weakness.


Kyly is amazed at the city’s grand feats of engineering in building the great sewer. They would like to offer the Hlyngbanites 30s sponsorship per turn, in return for which they require the use of all Hlyngbanite discoveries.


1st story of the NES (delayed): Tralysan Clan, bonus of 30 shillings.
1st orders of the NES (delayed): An’Topi Clan, bonus of 30 shillings.
The Booby Prize for having a rebellion for no very good IC reason: Assir Clan, bonus of 30 shillings.
Everyone got orders in! 30 shillings for the Senate.

OOC: The following districts are holding elections this turn: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Southern City Quarters, Hlyngba Major, and the Ulerian Hill.

Officially, the Priest is the voice of the temple and none of the public pays the slightest bit of attention to anything the Dean says.

Kentharu, the armour from the Antulan was bought, and is already under use for training purposes, but you do understand that the normal quality arms from Bill is the same quality as the normal quality armour that you get with the double upkeep that you pay whenever you recruit a soldier? Now your soldiers have each got a useful spare set. The same goes for 1stcitizen and Julius: you each bought higher quality armour, but it remains that the soldiers that you bought this armour for now have a spare normal-quality military kit.

Same update deadline next week.


The map hasn’t changed. Look at the First Page.


Spoiler Elites :
Speciality: Generalship
Income-upkeep-tax: 270 shillings-130 shillings-27 shillings=113 shillings
Treasury: 129 shillings
Members: 34, contributing 150 shillings out of your income
Prestige: 4
Senate Seats: 7 seats: Priesthood; Hlyngba South and the Temple; Kings' Hill; Ulerian Hill; Southern City 4th District; Hlyngba Minor; East Ferante.
Assets: 5 intact mansions; 6 plantations; 25 armed men; 1 ship; tools for 20 stone workers; 10 campaign workers; 25 spare suits of standard armour; 1 horse

An'Topi/Julius Gandi
Speciality: Equine
Income-upkeep-tax: 238 shillings-110 shillings-24 shillings=104 shillings
Treasury: 164 shillings
Members: 27, contributing 90 shillings out of your income
Prestige: 2
Senate Seats: 5 seats: Southern City 1st District; Hlyngba North; Hlyngba Major; 1 of the appointed seats; West Ferante.
Assets: 5 intact mansions; 5 plantations; 13 horses; 12 armed men (riders) (two of which have king-class armour); 12 foals sold each turn at 4 shillings each; grand stables; 2 suits of armour

Demoites/NPC (1stcitizen's creation)
Speciality: Populist Leadership/ Civil Service
Income-upkeep-tax: 194 shillings-66 shillings-19 shillings=109 shillings
Treasury: 0 shillings
Members: 47, contributing 94 shillings out of your income
Prestige: 2
Senate Seats: 5 seats: Yglissy; Southern City 2nd District; Southern City 3rd District; Inland Ferante; Southern City by the Market.
Assets: 4 intact mansions; 5 plantations; 3 horses; 10 beasts of burden; 10 firemen; 6 soldiers (two of which have king-class armour); 2 suits of armour

Speciality: Academics
Income-upkeep-tax: 320 shillings-100 shillings-32 shillings=188 shillings
Treasury: 40 shillings
Members: 8, contributing 40 shillings out of income
Prestige: -2
Senate Seats: No seats.
Assets: 1 college; 140 students each paying 2 shillings per turn; 30 professors

Speciality: Being selfish and aristocratic and waiting for someone to take their place
Income-upkeep-tax: 300 shillings-60 shillings-30 shillings=210 shillings
Treasury: 500 shillings
Members: 30, contributing 180 shillings out of your income
Prestige: 0
Senate Seats: 4 seats: 4 of the appointed seats.
Assets: 6 decaying mansions; 6 plantations

Spoiler Merchants :
Speciality: Apothecary
Income-upkeep-tax: 85 shillings-20 shillings-9 shillings=56 shillings
Treasury: 290 shillings
Members: 30, contributing 30 shillings out of your income
Prestige: 3
Assets: Apothecary stall in the market; small house; 5 porters

Speciality: People-trafficking
Income-upkeep-tax: 160 shillings-38 shillings-16 shillings=106 shillings
Treasury: 100 shillings
Members: 30, contributing 60 shillings out of your income
Prestige: 1
Assets: Slave stalls in the market and the Harbour; 1 ship; 2 soldiers

Speciality: Trading (import/export)
Income-upkeep-tax: 250 shillings-110 shillings-25 shillings=115 shillings
Treasury: 200 shillings
Members: 55, contributing 110 shillings out of your income
Prestige: 1
Assets: 6 ships in West Ferante; 3 market stalls; 5 soldiers; 1 fast ship

Rah Kyl/Anonymoose
Clan Type: Banking/Money-lending
Income-upkeep-tax: 100 shillings-36 shillings-10 shillings=54 shillings
Treasury: 700 shillings
Members: 20, contributing 40 shillings out of your income
Prestige: 0
Assets: stronghold in Southern City by the market; 4 guards

Speciality: Metalworking
Income-upkeep-tax: 220 shillings-10 shillings-22 shillings=188 shillings
Treasury: 161 shillings
Members: 35, contributing 140 shillings out of your income
Prestige: 1
Assets: 2 workshops in Inland Ferante; 3 workshops in the Southern City; market stall

Tal Rynn/Owen Glyndwr
Speciality: Stone masonry
Income-upkeep-tax: 180 shillings-50 shillings-18 shillings=112 shillings
Treasury: 161 shillings
Members: 30, contributing 120 shillings out of your income
Prestige: 0
Assets: 2 masonry shops in Inland Ferante; 2 masonry shops in the Southern City; market stall

Speciality: Shipwrights
Income-upkeep-tax: 350 shillings-176 shillings-35 shillings=139 shillings
Treasury: 400 shillings
Members: 50, contributing 150 shillings out of your income
Prestige: 0
Assets: 16 ships for sale at 40 shillings each!; 4 soldiers

Spoiler the Dean :

Picoles/qoou (Haseri's creation)
Income-upkeep: 615 shillings-170 shillings=445 shillings
Treasury: 950 shillings
Members: 34, contributing 170 shillings out of your income
Prestige: -1
Assets: The Temple; the Civil Service; the Mint; 6 demi-temples; 10 soldiers

The Senate has a treasury of 63 shillings, and levies a tax of 10% currently from all clans' incomes except the Dean's. This tax income comes to 267 shillings this turn. The senate also owns 2 ships, 10 soldiers, 26 slaves, 24 labourers, and 2 horses, costing it 142 shillings’ upkeep to pay this turn. The senate also holds tools for 80 stone-cutters, allowing it not to pay double upkeep next time it wants to hire 80 stone-cutters.

Net Senate funds for this turn: 188 shillings.

In the city, there are around 60000 people.
The House of Assir requests that the Hlyngbanites return the college facilities to the House of Assir. You are currently attempting to unlawfully steal property belonging to the house of Assir. However, we shall allow you to return the college to us peacefully, or repay us in full for the cost of building the college.

Total cost of the college, 320 Shillings, as well as compensation for income lost at 50 shillings.
Update Two
Kentharu, the armour from the Antulan was bought, and is already under use for training purposes, but you do understand that the normal quality arms from Bill is the same quality as the normal quality armour that you get with the double upkeep that you pay whenever you recruit a soldier? Now your soldiers have each got a useful spare set. The same goes for 1stcitizen and Julius: you each bought higher quality armour, but it remains that the soldiers that you bought this armour for now have a spare normal-quality military kit.

Yes, but in the stats shouldn't I still have the armor so I don't have to pay double upkeep next time?
To our Former Brothers the Assir

We are scholars. We believe that education and the pursuit of knowledge should be open to all with the desire to learn. We also believe that while the Divine may exist at a more metaphorical level, it does not appear to regularly affect the physical world, with the Prophet being the only exception. Thus we do not believe we can continue to function under the leadership of priests looking for profit and theological college. By all means set up your own theological, traditional fee-paying college if you wish. If you threaten us we will return the college and then promptly walk off with both the best teachers and the best students, who are by and large the core of our movement. You will not stop us, just as you will not convert the Loresians, thus we humbly suggest you allow us to keep the college and allow some of its best and brightest to continue to use the facilities it provides.

Signed Hereclius Assir, Dean of Hlyngba University and Leader of the Hlynbanite Movement

To the Senate of Dis

We must humbly request that you aid us in becoming an independent university with teachers and students whose minds are clear from previous Divine explanation of the physical world, this state of mind shall henceforth be known as secularity. We will require some funding this year to invest as wisely as we can with the direction of our patrons so that we might offer education to any great mind, not just those that can afford it. However we do not beg this for free. We have already heard of a standardised numeral system used by the Bok people. We will both speak to traders at the port and scrape together our existing funds to pay for an expedition to Bok to learn more of their numeral system. This would be of benefit to our merchants, because a standardised numeral system would add numeracy greatly, and it would add our relations with the Bok, because they will be complemented that we regard their system of numeracy so highly. This could be the first step into the international world for Dis and numeracy might aid us in our ultimate quest to explain the World without use of divine mediums or Prophets, useful or useless as they may be. We also wish to assist the Tralysans in their cataloguing of medicinal herbs and their properties as well as investigating the causes of disease, which will aid in further preventative measures and devising remedies to disease.

Will you allow our minds to take flight and lead us into a new age or shoot us down as the Assir, your mighty priests demand?

Signed Hereclius Assir, Dean of Hlyngba University and Leader of the Hlynbanite Movement

To All

We would like to officially declare both the University courtyards and outbuildings available for meetings and business, festivals and merriment on non-teaching days for a reasonable fee depending on the demand on the University's facilities. We shall hold a short two day festival, if anyone is interested, in a few weeks to celebrate the University's independence and are open to bids for stalls etcetera. The University will lay on as much food and drink as it can afford to as well as some basic entertainment, however it shall be up to the people of our great city to do the rest. We are sure you all don't want to miss a festival, even if you don't like the University at present, so get behind us and help us get it underway.

Signed Hereclius Assir, Dean of Hlyngba University and Leader of the Hlynbanite Movement
THe House of Assir

To the Hlynbanite Movement.

We are scholars. We believe that education and the pursuit of knowledge should be open to all with the desire to learn. We also believe that while the Divine may exist at a more metaphorical level, it does not appear to regularly affect the physical world, with the Prophet being the only exception. Thus we do not believe we can continue to function under the leadership of priests looking for profit and theological college. By all means set up your own theological, traditional fee-paying college if you wish. If you threaten us we will return the college and then promptly walk off with both the best teachers and the best students, who are by and large the core of our movement. You will not stop us, just as you will not convert the Loresians, thus we humbly suggest you allow us to keep the college and allow some of its best and brightest to continue to use the facilities it provides.

Let me first begin by commending you, "Brother" both on your lack of accuracy, and your woefull lack of of faith in God almighty.

Firstly, the college was never run by priests, or even Hadak, the Priest himself, my father. We never sought to teach theology at the college, yet you seem to think the House of Assir was some how bent on twisting knowledge.

Secondly, the college was never yours, it is property of the House of Assir, built by sweat, hard work, and wealth of our house. The House of Assir, willingly built this college, so that the men of Dis might have a better understanding of the world around them. So that they would better cherish the freedoms that our great city gives them, and so that they to could give back to the city. Yet you spit our toil and bite the hand of the master who generously feed you.

Thirdly, the teachers willingly accepted the wage which our house paid them, which was a fair wage at that at that. Yet now you have filled them with lies and half-truths, as a snake that slithers around its prey, hissing. Were it not for the wealth and generosity of the House of Assir, this college would not exist, yet you claim, in your arrogance, that the House of Assir has some how corrupted the very institution which we created. Nay, it was our money that built up the great sewer that now runs through Ulerian, which has averted a plague and lifted a great burden from the poor peoples.

We will not threaten you, we simply ask you to return property which you now illegally occupy. Go, construct your own college, however you will quickly see that nothing in this world is free. Knowledge is not free, and those who seek it are only seeking phantoms.

Finally, you Hereclius, are truly a traitor. You have besmirched the family that provided for you, that cared for you. As such you are cast from the House of Assir, utterly and completely. You are stripped of the Assir name and forbidden to use it. You disgrace us no longer with your presence.

Signed General Bato Assir


An address to the Senate, by Desinos Assir

We must humbly request that you aid us in becoming an independent university with teachers and students whose minds are clear from previous Divine explanation of the physical world, this state of mind shall henceforth be known as secularity. We will require some funding this year to invest as wisely as we can with the direction of our patrons so that we might offer education to any great mind, not just those that can afford it. However we do not beg this for free. We have already heard of a standardised numeral system used by the Bok people. We will both speak to traders at the port and scrape together our existing funds to pay for an expedition to Bok to learn more of their numeral system. This would be of benefit to our merchants, because a standardised numeral system would add numeracy greatly, and it would add our relations with the Bok, because they will be complemented that we regard their system of numeracy so highly. This could be the first step into the international world for Dis and numeracy might aid us in our ultimate quest to explain the World without use of divine mediums or Prophets, useful or useless as they may be. We also wish to assist the Tralysans in their cataloguing of medicinal herbs and their properties as well as investigating the causes of disease, which will aid in further preventative measures and devising remedies to disease.

Your blasphemy aside, Hereclius, I fail to see the merit in funding your expedition with senate funds. You have more than enough money with which to fund this voyage. In fact, I fail to see the relevance of your request to the senate. Additionally the senate has no power to government what you, a free citizen of Dis, wishes to spend his/her shillings on. You are welcome to do what you wish with the Tralysan and the Bok, I and my family will not stop you, nor will the senate, unless of course this business which you seek to under take is some how illegal.

Your minds may indeed take flight, but I respectfully request that you cease speaking lies. My brother, High Priest Hadak Assir, does not rule the senate, nor has he "shoot down" anything you have said, considering you have failed to request anything from him, including his forgiveness.

However considering you have no seats upon the senate, and thus cannot propose legislation I, along with my family, cannot vote upon your proposal. We do, however, deny your request, since you put it forth to us with such arrogance and disrespect.
Made an electoral map of the Senate.

Spoiler :
I'm joining this now!

Clan Name: Tal Rynn
Clan Type: Mercantile
Speciality: Stone masonry
Description/History: The Tal Rynn have a very mysterious past, and very little is known about who they are and where they came from. What is known, however, is that the family came to Dis a couple hundred years ago, when the first patriarch, Alec moved into the town from a faraway land. He proceeded to set up shop, and soon cornered the market in stonemasonry in the area. Now the Tal Rynn are one of the more important clans in the town of Dis, and all that is known is that the clan is very secretive about their membership and practices, although what is known is that they are very good at getting the job done in an efficient and speedy manner.
@ Bill, thanks. There are only 5 appointed seats, actually.

@ Owen, welcome. I'll give you stats soon.

Amendment to the Update:

The new slavery law resulted in 20 dreadful criminals being put before the senate over the course of three years, and so the Senate has possession of 20 more slaves. The Senate also has extra tax on account of the Tal Rynn Clan's tax.

I have also clarified the rules.
To the Assir

You are a clan of priests and generals. Generals do not run universities, military training yes, colleges no. The generals may have been the figurehead but the priests were the ones who made it all work so to say the priests were in no way involved is wrong.

Secondly, yes the college is not legally ours because we did not build it. We are willing to hand you back a college with its tables, chairs, bookcases and other furniture all in order, expect the items some of our clumsier or more rowdy students broke. But it will be an empty university, the equipment will be there but there will not be enough teachers and students to use it. The books written by Hlynbanites will leave with us. We are happy to hand you back an empty university and the people of Dis may cheer to see the radicals disappear. Yet when we leave the progressive ideas we formed leave with us and the knowledge of the people of Dis will stagnate. The Tralysans may catalogue healing plants but they may never truly understand how they heal and how illness spreads without progressive teachers and professors to help them. Our architecture will struggle; the golden ratios of current masonry will be all that is left for there will be no-one to find new ones. Also we never claimed you corrupted the university either, merely your minds are either tethered to military matters or divine matters and that these tethers will hold us, the academics, back. While you opened this university for education, would you support the dissection of human bodies to further our understanding or outright blasphemy, as you would call it, by relegating the Divine to a more metaphorical, guiding concept as opposed to a direct way of explaining the natural world. There are limits you have or would impose, you cannot deny it, thus the issue was and is a matter of when not if.

Thirdly the teachers were happy to be paid to do what they love, who wouldn't be. But if one had turned and said to them: 'We will provide for your needs. We shall give you food, shelter, clothing and no more; and we cannot promise they will be of the best or even fine quality,' they would have worked all the same, perhaps harder as they would have no money to waste on distractions. We have not poisoned your teachers because we are your teachers, and students. Indeed the many who would not support us were calmly escorted off the premise, with the teachers outstanding wages paid and the students fees for the rest of the year returned. Did you design the sewage system or did you hand it over to the university and the masons to deal with? Do you use the sewers or do the people of Ulerian Hill use it? Would it be justifiable for you to close down the sewage system if it ever became too expensive to maintain just because you paid for it? The idea that you can own something just because you paid for it is a symbol of the kind of illogic a university under your direction would bring. What is the point in owning something you do not or cannot use? The law is on your side but logic is on ours. Which will prevail? We shall not know for, once we are generating an income other than from fees, which we will abolish as soon as it is humanly possible to do so, we are willing to pay for our university in instalments, though it will take many years. I am afraid that is the best we can offer you.

In your forth argument you raise a vaguely interesting point that those who seek knowledge are chasing shadows. Indeed it is likely that all of our knowledge now and in the future will only ever amount to a shadowy approximation of the true glory and beauty of what is around us. But do you not chase shadows too in your desire to learn more of the Light? Does the builder not chase shadows when he tries to learn more of building or the herbalist when he tries to learn of herbs? We are well aware that the university will cost money but we do not believe that money should be raised by fees that exclude those who lack the money to pay them.

Finally you strip me of a label. Is this meant to insult me? Am I to give up because I have been stripped of a label? The idea is laughable. I will still be Assir in blood and bone, will you strip me of those too? That is an offence known as murder and not even priests or generals are allowed to perform it.

Signed Hereclius Hlyngbanite, Dean of Hlyngba University and Leader of the Hlynbanite Movement

To the Senate

While the university does have money in its coffers, the Assir are correct there, much of the money will be reinvested to provide the university an income, some of it must be spend paying the teachers, providing for the students and generally keeping the university running, some will be spent on a festival and open day to show the public the facilities they can hire out, let everyone unwind properly after the troubles that beset our city and allow people who could not previously afford to even walk inside the university's walls to see it and perhaps decide they wish to study. Paying for an expedition on top of all of that is possible but it will empty the treasury. The benefits of a trip to Bok have already been outlined. I suppose we could tag along with a diplomatic voyage if the Senate would prefer to fund that rather than a solely academic expedition. If the Senate would fund, or at least help fund, an expedition that would benefit all of Dis then it would ease the burden on our own funds. If the Senate refuses we will appeal to the merchants, who it would benefit most directly, for aid. If they are not forthcoming then we will indeed press on alone as the Assir both demand and wish. We apologise for taking up valuable Senate time, if you decision is unanimous along with the Assir we will leave now, if not we will stay, with your leave, so we may argue our case further. We apologise for mentioning our intentions regarding the Tralysans, we were hoping you might also help fund the materials for the codices but seeing as you will not fund an expedition we doubt you will fund the even more expensive process of making the wax tablets, writing the information down, binding the tablets together to form a codex and then renewing the process if the codices begin to deteriorate.

As to your other objections we are not proposing legislation but appealing to the Senate, which any citizen is entitled to do. We know you do not control the Senate but religion holds great sway in their minds. You, naturally, oppose us and they will be more inclined to do the same. Finally how was our request disrespectful to the Senate? It may have offended you, the Assir, but we could sing every hymn you have ever written and you would find some way to be offended by us until we return the university and beg for forgiveness. We do not intend to do either. Oh and you have just tried to shoot us down, see even we heretics have the gift of Prophesy!

(OOC: I am assuming Dis uses wax tablets (not the right climate for papyrus and too early for parchment), if it does not I will replace any mention of them with the correct terms. Don't pick up on this if it is wrong Kentharu, assume the scholars would have got it right.)

Signed Hereclius Hlyngbanite, Dean of Hlyngba University and Leader of the Hlynbanite Movement

To the Tralysans

We wish to aid you in cataloguing medicine and researching new potential cures. The facilities of the university are yours to use as is our small library and dwindling stocks of wax tablets ready to write on. If there is any other way the university can assist your research let us know and we shall try to deliver.

Signed Hereclius Hlyngbanite, Dean of Hlyngba University and Leader of the Hlynbanite Movement

To the People of Dis

We cannot hold much of a festival if no-one is willing to join us. Do you want to party or not?

Signed Hereclius Hlyngbanite, Dean of Hlyngba University and Leader of the Hlynbanite Movement

OOC: A comment or two on the attitude of the ordinary people of Dis rather than the clans would be helpful.
Vertinari, you may safely assume that everybody likes a bit of booze. :)
To the Hlynbanite Movement

Thank you for the offer, it is good that there are others who share our desire to uncover the secrets of the natural world. as you may know we have recently come into a great deal of money, and frankly it is more than we ever could of predicted. In the spirit of cooperation we would like to build a place for study and research of herbs and like on your campus.

OOC: How much would it cost to build a college building/wing?
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