ST4 - Emperor Tweak

Snaproll: I own the US version
Inherited turn: Set lux to 20%. Swap Rouen from warrior to barracks (I don't want to produce any non-veteran units at this point). Swap Orleans from worker to granary (I want to get another worker/settler pump going). Begin moving a warrior from Tours to Besancon.

1125 BC (1) Avignon worker -> temple.

1050 BC (4) Tours archer -> spear.

1025 BC (5) Paris settler -> settler. Rheims archer -> worker. Marseilles archer -> spear. Swap Besancon to temple (otherwise some shields will be wasted from a forest chop).

1000 BC (6) Chartres barracks -> archer. Grenoble founded -> temple.

975 BC (7) Mongols just finished researching Mysticism. Some barbarian horsemen are interfering with my plans to get workers over to the ivory, and I have to hold back a settler until it can get an escort. (The workers mining that hill are doing so because it's something to do until the way to the ivory is reasonably safe.)

950 BC (8) Lyons barracks -> worker. Rheims worker -> spear. Tours spear -> archer. Madrid completes the Oracle.

925 BC (9) Paris settler -> settler. Orleans granary -> worker.

900 BC (10) Lyons worker -> archer. I sack a barb camp. Whip 20 shields towards a temple in Avignon.

The most advanced settler pair that we have should found 1 to the southeast of where it is -- that will claim the whale with a border expansion.

We have two more settlers advancing to found cities on West Peninsula. We can fit in four nicely-spaced cities there, and one at the tip of East Peninsula.

We are hurting badly for lux (lux tax is currently at 40%). A worker is making its way to the ivory. It's actually not that bad to have to run a taxman or scientist, because of the changes in this mod. :)

Over on East Peninsula, I am preparing to bring irrigation all the way down to the tip of the peninsula over there. West Peninsula cannot be irrigated until Electricity, unfortunately.

We're now strong enough to fend off a Mongol attack, but we're certainly not in any position to make pffensive war just yet.

I would refrain from making any tech trades until we can get some galleys out and see if anyone is else nearby. We should see our first galleys under the leadership of the next player; Map Making is currently due in 5 at a deficit.

Download the save here!

Barbs are being annoying enough on West Peninsula that we probably want to dispatch an archer or two over there. There's at least one more camp somewhere in the fog down there; the camp that I nailed generated a couple horsemen before I shut it down.
Current Roster:
Dark Savant - Just Played
Puzzlinon - Up!
TedJackson - Skipped due to vacation
Jmansell - Skipped due to computer failure?
Lord_all_Mighty -
Snaproll - Just Played

Loos good. Getting a second granary is a good idea, as we have a lot of settling to do.

I would reccomend building some more archers and taking that iron ASAP - that's what I intended when I started building archers. If we never give Temujin the chance to build swords the better off we will be.
Got it. We're growing nicely.

I'll ponder a bit before playing.

A couple of vague questions...

1) The western arm is almost big enough to that we might want to think about it as a center for the FP. That might mean a different dotmap. It just seems that, since we're on an archipelago map, the western arm might be as good as it gets for a second core location.

2) Are any of our cities candidates for taking a run at the GL's? (Lighthouse to start, Library as fallback?) The Lighthouse could be a very nice thing to have in a seagoing world.

Any thoughts?
On computer faliure

I've treid a few games and I seem to be OK so long as I dont leve my PC for anything more than about 3 minutes. This is a pain but I'll just have to save everyhing constantly. So, It looks like im up next?

On the game

Looking at the terrain on the Western Peninsula I think we would be better building the FP on a different island. On the other hand we might not find a sizable large island for quite a while, so maybe. If we do attack the Mongols at the beggining of the Medieval age I think the archer -> longbow upgrade holds the most promise. Attacking at this time also gives the nice oppurtunity for a leader (If we farm for one) which could be used on Sun Tzu's or, if that's already taken, a FP ;) .

Just some thoughts

P.S. - Snaproll, Nice new pic!
Originally posted by Puzzlinon
A couple of vague questions...

1) The western arm is almost big enough to that we might want to think about it as a center for the FP. That might mean a different dotmap. It just seems that, since we're on an archipelago map, the western arm might be as good as it gets for a second core location.

2) Are any of our cities candidates for taking a run at the GL's? (Lighthouse to start, Library as fallback?) The Lighthouse could be a very nice thing to have in a seagoing world.

Any thoughts?
It seems to me that none of our sites are going to big production centres which leads me to a "wait & see" attitude both for the FP and Wonders.

Others may see it differently :)



p.s. Well played DS :goodjob:
Thoughts and an updated roster:

I really think we should NOT wait until the middle ages to attack the Mongols. We build maybe 4 more vet archers and we can take that iron, now. After that we build swords and the Mongols are finished. It really shouldn't be hard - they are way behind us, and this is emperor, which means they are really doing terrible.

I was also thinking the the FP should be built in the center of that western arm. Waiting to put it on another island will delay it way too much, leaving us with a whole slew of useless cities out there. Ideally, a leader could be used to rush it, but I don't think we can count on that. As TedJackson said, we should wait a little bit until we reveal more of the map - it may be that another location jumps out at us.

Wonders: The Lighthouse makes a LOT of sense. The only place that even has a chance I think is Tours. It's too bad that Paris isn't on the coast (in my playtesting, I moved it 1 south - put it on the coast which is important in a pelago map, and wasted a plains instead of a bonus grassland). On the other hand, building a wonder while we have no knowledge of the technological status of the other civs is risky - they could be one turn from finishing it, right now. Look and see how long it will take when we get MM (or calculate it) and then make a decision - I'm on the fence. I think we may need tours building units when we go to war.

Jmansell - glad you are back! Hopefully things work out. You are back in the rotation. Yeah I realize my old avatar was pretty terrible looking.

Current Roster:
Dark Savant - Just Played
Puzzlinon - Up! - Got it and playing
TedJackson - Skipped due to vacation
Jmansell - On Deck!
Lord_all_Mighty -
Snaproll - Just Played
Summary: a couple of new cities in place,
some war-prep roadbuilding, lots of barb-chasing.

900BC(Preturn): 43 gold, 1.5.4 at -8PT, MapMaking in 5.
8 warriors, 3 archers, 9 spears, 11 workers, 3 settlers.
MilAdv says we're strong.

1, 875: Besancon temple. Start spear as galley prebuild.
Orleans worker->worker.
Warrior into Rheims; Rheims Clown to Taxman,-6GPT, still MM in 4.
Settler moves into position for whaling town.
Tem has 3 spare incense connected.

2, 850: Tours Archer->Archer
Marseilles Spear->Spear
Dijon founded (whaling town), temple for now.
Moving Archers&Spears north and west.
Move worker to road towards Kazan Iron.

3, 825: Paris Settler->Settler
Chartres Archer->Archer
Much workering. Some roading towards Temmy.
Barb warrior appears in forest. Fortify reg warrior on hill.
Archer, warrior moving west.
Micro Rheims to produce MP spear in one.
23 gold, -9, MM in two.

4, 800: Lyons archer->archer, archer goes north.
Rheims spear->spear
Beijing completes Pyramids.
Mongol warrior appears s. of Karakorum (his side of border)
Warrior on hill attacks barb warrior on plain, wins, redlines, promotes.

5, 775: MapMaking.
Second barb appears south of Grenoble.
Connect Ivory!

Start Philosophy (40 turns at 7.1.2, +20GPT)
Tours changes spear to galley (in 3)
Besancon changes lib to harbor (in 26)

6, 750: Orleans worker->worker
Worker movement, more roading.
Manouvering to corner barb in west.

7, 730: Paris Settler->Settler
Marseilles spear->archer.
Warrior :hammer: barb: , yellows.
Amiens founded on tip of eastern arm.

8, 710: Lyons Archer->Spear (archer north)
Tours Galley->Harbor (next up can change)
Rouen Barracks->Spear
Vet warrior :hammer: on plain.
Reveal barb camp next to ivory dot in west.

9, 690: Rheims Spear->Library
Chartres Archer->Spear
Warriors&settler cozy up to Barb camp.

10, 670: Reg warrior :hammer: barb in camp.
Cherbourg founded on Ivory, and roaded.

I'll leave it there for the next player.

The archer force is mustered at Chartres:
Six archers and a spare spear can move onto the iron hill
this turn and attack Kazan next turn.

An Archer/settler/warrior trio is at the jungle.
There is likely a barb camp down there.

It may be time to change gears on the worker factory;
we have a bunch of workers.

Our galley from Tours is inside Amiens, there's a barb galley outside.

We have MapMaking and Lit, Temmy has Wheel and Myst.


Looks like really good turns Puzzlinon - Great job switching to a galley immediately and getting those arhers ready. I suggest going after the iron right away also. 5 archers should be enough. Who knows, we may even get a tech from Temujin. Nice expansion. I guess we could set Orleans to kick out our remaining settlers while turning Paris to more lucrative ventures? Lighthouse maybe? Glad we got the ivory online too. :goodjob:

I would build another galley or two in Tours - we need to get contacts ASAP. Suicide galleys might need to be used (hopefully not).

Current Roster:
Dark Savant
Puzzlinon - Up! - Just played
TedJackson - Skipped due to vacation
Jmansell - Up!
Lord_all_Mighty - On deck

edit: updated 1st post
Paris can't do the lighthouse (not a port) but I was almost tempted to set it to work on the Library. OTOH, it should get a temple before any other major project, since it can grow to 12.

Lyons, although a bit corrupt, might be better GL prospect than Tours, which just hasn't got the shields. It also would want a temple, though: one good thing about all those cities is the abundance of fresh water. I kept them mostly at military stuff; if Lyons is to be embarking on a wonder venture, I'd suggest whipping it up a temple and maybe joining a worker or two into it after that.

Another reason to go after Temmy soon: the hills above Kazan have some incense that we could use. That'll be a slow slog through hills, but profitable.
Originally posted by Puzzlinon
Paris can't do the lighthouse (not a port) but I was almost tempted to set it to work on the Library. OTOH, it should get a temple before any other major project, since it can grow to 12.

Lyons, although a bit corrupt, might be better GL prospect than Tours, which just hasn't got the shields. It also would want a temple, though: one good thing about all those cities is the abundance of fresh water. I kept them mostly at military stuff; if Lyons is to be embarking on a wonder venture, I'd suggest whipping it up a temple and maybe joining a worker or two into it after that.

Another reason to go after Temmy soon: the hills above Kazan have some incense that we could use. That'll be a slow slog through hills, but profitable.

Duh, of course Paris can't do LH - In fact I mentioned that exact point in my previous post. Sorry about that - don't know what the heck I was thinking. :crazyeye:

I could go either way on the Lighthouse issue. We may not need it.
:goodjob: We're looking good. We may not have lux or contacts, but we did have a ton of food at the start, which is often as good. One minor nit: if you're going to choose between Code of Laws and Philosophy for a minimum science project, Code of Laws is somewhat better (it requires more flasks and it enables courthouses).

I think it would be unwise to establish a FP on West Peninsula. There is no fresh water there, with no way to irrigate any of the area, and most of what isn't dry is jungle, so it will take until the early Industrial Age for it to be reasonably productive.

I think we should hand-build a FP somewhere near Paris -- I think Orleans is the best location -- and then relocate the Palace with a leader later. We are going to fight lots of wars, after all. :satan:

As for building wonders: it probably is too late to start building the Great Lighthouse, as this is an archipelago map and one of the AI's very likely has a strong coastal location. Then again, for an Emperor-level game, the AI's sure aren't building the wonders quickly. I'd support starting a prebuild for a wonder, but it'll probably turn into something like the Hanging Gardens or Sun Tzu instead of the Great Lighthouse.

We do have two very strong non-coastal wonder candidates, but they're Paris and Orleans, which are currently busy spitting out workers and settlers.
Well, I was about to play the game and write the report but the link that is on the last report doesn't work. As soon as this is sorted out I'll play the game but until then I'm afraid I'll have to keep the Lord waiting.

I figured out what was wrong with Puzzlinon's save link. The real link is here. Lets keep this one moving!
Sowwy about dat. The uploader changes capitalizations; it's out to get me. I shoulda double-checked but I think I got distracted by getting the pictures to show up.
By the way, I really have it this time
Inherited turn: Look around. Draw up a dot map. Make a few decisions.

650BC - With a few archers due next turn to protect our homelands and the impending threat of Temmy building swords I declare war and move our archers onto iron hill. Also I move about the workers, Im not going to put where I did with them, but generally I continued improvement of the least corrupt cities and the road building project. Press the next turn button and wait for Mongol retaliation.

IT - Paris - Settler -> Temple , Orleans - Worker -> Final settler for the homeland , Lyons - Archer -> Archer , Marseilles - Archer -> Archer.

630BC - The Mongols moved 2 warriors towards Kazan and put a worker in there for me as well. Thanks Temmy.

Assault on Kazan:

Veteran Archer 1 vs Regular Fortified Spearman 1 - win to archer. Archer left on 2hp, then promotes to elite.

Veteran Archer 2 vs Regular Spearman 2 - win to archer. Archer left on 2hp.

Veteran Archer 3 vs Regular Fortified Warrior 1 - win to archer. Archer left on 2hp.

Kazan burned with 3 slaves captured.

I use my remaining archers to attack the two warriors. Move 2 Spearmen to defend 2hp archer in mongol territory, it is threatened by an archer and a settler.

I will stop here for a moment for a breather. Its a real scorcher of a day here in London, temperatures could break a national record today. I need a breather before I write the rest of my report.
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