stANES: Rise of Empires

Start me in on the now-day China-Laos border.

Ruler Name:Turrigga/CFC Name:Gladinia
Religion: Regan. (People are reborn. Magic does not exist!!! (but does it...))
Treasury/Per Turn: 0/2
Cities: 1
Taxes: Medium
Army: 500 Spearmen
Navy: 3 Fishing Boats
Education: 0
Industry: 0

1Economy on Education, and one on Infastructure.

Story just Might come later...
300army guys down towards the peninsula,
100 guard the city, and 100 go upwards and a bit to the sides to check out land and settle, but they should be ready to retreat pretty fast! Also recruit about ten scouts, and send them out in all directions. Give them pidgeons to carry, so that if one of them finds a mountain or something, they can report, and we can make a map, or so that, if one of them meets danger, the sea, or something, they can report and find out wich way to go.
P.S. @amirsan: Could you mark where my scouts are on the map? It would be very practical.
Amirsan, I think you should update now.
ooc: are there any wonders in this game?
OOC: Well, it says u can get citys in by writing, alltough i said i wanted to build a city in my orders, im gonna give u all a reason

50 spearmen where sent out by Svein Blodaxe to find a suteable location for a new city. After days walking, crossing high mountains, long valleys and dangerous rivers, they decided to rest in a forrest a night.

In the morning, when they where about to continue their search, one of the menn fell, it was very high ground, and the man fell and fell and didnt manage to stop.
After falling down almost the entire high forrest, he hit a tree and passed out.
A few minutes later, he was waked by the captain who asked him if he was okay, he told him the truth that he couldnt fell any pain, and that me must have been lucky.
He then turned aroud, and saw the most beautiful place he had ever seen.
Ive found it, he said with a smile around his face.

And so, the city of Vågå was founded.
ooc: @Finmaster, no wonders for a little bit. I dont want anyone too dependant on them. Maybe in 2 or 3 turns.
@Volum and Everyone, stories dont get you cities. It definetly increases your chances of getting them though. There are many hidden ways to get them with your orders and the way you play. Be creative. Hm, I think I may have to change the rules a bit on this. We will see.
@Welcome back to NESing Anarchy and BN1. :)

Economy system is quite easy if you think about it. You get the bulk of your economy through cities. When you have cities, you can increase the amount of economy levels you get from them with taxes. And that will determin what you get everyturn. Each turn you can spend what you get for the turn AND whats in your treasury.

and great stories guys.
ok, update is started and will be finished in quite a bit (around 6:00PM).
Looks great, think I join sometime tomorrow.

I reserve England.
Update One- 1900BC
Dawn of the Empire Age

The dawn of the Empire Age not only brung a new age, but a whole new way of life. As the world prospered from thier humble begginings farming, and waging war with stone clubs and rocks, new nations, with the same aspiration for power builds up and stands for what they believe in. Eleven new leaders rise thier people to higher standards and have met the challenge to stand the test of time. The Dawn of the Empire Age has begun.

In North Africa, the small village people of Mali decide to begin thier humble civilization and rise it to better standards under Xen the First. These people let the world know of thier growing capitol, Bamako. Though as they expand, and grow bigger, surrounding barbarians envy thier power. They decided to take agression against these people and are planning an invasion, they are the Burkinians.

The Asian steppe of the Mongol horde was devastated by warring city states who fought among each other. As the Tatars were defeated, Temujin feast his revenge among those who killed his mother. The Mongola Khanate of Kharakorum has begun. Loot from the burned villages was changed to gold (+1 Economy).Though with much unrest of other tribes around them, many begin to wonder if they would be attacked next. In the east, two rival tribes continuously fight each other, not seeking any type of peace treaty among themselves. In the South-west, a tribe named Mandagloves threaten the soveriegnity of the new Khanate and wage war. The first village was burned. (great story Grandmaster, I think I got the location alright on the map.)

The Deutsch under Frederick the Great arise in Europe.

In the Balkans, the Athenians spring up to the world scene as they go for knowlege power. As they begin to join more villages to thier empire to the south, the Spartan Federation seeks the same power. Though not yet agressive, not much can be trusted of the warlike people.

In the fertile lands of north Africa, the wise traders of Carthage arise under King Howard. Many hope he will bring a future of prosperity to thier underdog nations. In the east, Carthage scouts encounter the Algiers.

The people of Egypt arise under the golden sun under the new king, Rah. Much trade between small villages have begun making most of them dependant on it. Among the gold from trade, the Egyptian king has begun the construction of the new city, Kom el-Ahmar. Many look foward to it.

A new king named Panabi arises in the Indian sub-continent. The newly designed industry for the new nation has taken a toll on the citizens. Many became happy from the small roads reaching from village to village, also the road leading to the city in construction. More trade develops as more houses are built in between each clustered village. The economy goes up (+1 Economy). Though most who are poor has become unhappy of the new increase in taxes. Much mixed feelings develop among the Indians.

The rich Slavs after saving the money and declaring themselves a true empire after the defeat of the Synthians find themselves on a good spot. Though revenge comes, as a new group of Synthians declare a vendetta among the dirty Slavs and claim thier empire for themselves. Though the Slavian Empire, equipped with new weapons from the defeated Synthians (+75 Archers) they are ready for any war.

In Scandinavia, a new empire forms under Svein blodaxe. Many are content of his new rulings and grow eager for the constuction of a new city to begin. Though as they expand, they find tribes, similar to themselves though weaker striving for the same goal as the Scandinavians.

The isolated Icelanders begin expansion among thier lands as thier people become dependant of themselves. They continue to fish growing the population of the country. A larger demand on fish increased the Icelander's economic navy (+3 Fishing Boats).

The Dallantians begin thier massive expansion to the south and the north with thier new scouts. Many are happy of the new lands aquired aswell as the new way of transportation between them with the new Infastructure. People think the new lands should be aquired strategically just until a rival tribe invades them from the south. Many are unsure of who exactly they are but want revenge.

-Cities cost 10 economy to be payed over time. Aswell as Education. You must specify how much economy you will input each turn for each project. ;)

-I only stated on the update that you have arised in whatever lands if you havent posted orders. ;)

-NPC's will be made in a couple updates, until then there is only barbs.

-Volum, you did nothing with your two given economies, they would have been lost unless I decided to be nice and bank them for you.

-Borders or not borders on the map for expansion?

-I dont think I missed anything, if I did, please let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
Woo! I posted first after the update!
Spend 3 EP on building city and 1 on increasing Industry.

Story to be edited in as I find time...

The sun beat down from a cloudless sky as Prabani wandered with his retinue from one clump of villages to another.
One day these will be a single city, thought he.

"Mylord?" said somebody.
Prabani turned around so fast the he cricked his neck. It was one of the dingle-tag-alongs he was required to bring along wherever he went.
"What is it???" he said angrily.
"Well, one of the horses has slipped and hurt a leg."
Prabani glared sourly at him and wished for the simple days of old as he gave the order that they were to handle it themselves.

Upon reaching the village he was greeted by some villagers. Most hailed him. One flung a stone which caught his honor guard on the shield. The two next to him immediately laid him flat out in the dirt and began pummeling him.
"Stand fast," snapped Panabi to his retinue, "they can handle their own affairs." He majestically ignored the fistfight going on and proceeded to the main hut, where he gave orders to levy a manpower tax. A list was put up detailing the build order.
1. Public Drinking-House
2. Food Store-House
3. News-House and trading-post
(OOC: This is an example of the industry being built.)

After three days Panabi packed up. But halfway to the next village, something snapped inside him. He ordered the tag-along-dingleberries back to the previous village and took the honor guard with him towards the settlement in the east.

scene change

Carnummel Main Ghendi
Spring Season

Twenty-four men worked in silence on building the second ghendi. The eight dozen men present worked in four shifts, with one resting, one building, one hunting and one scouting at any time.
Carn, who was on the scouting party this day, came running towrds the builders. "The king's coming! King Panabi is coming!!" he was yelling.
"What?" shouted several, dropping their adzes and logs.
"He's half a day away! Ganjan and Ruri passed the news!"
"let's get this finished before he arrives!" shouted a men.
"Are you crazy?" said someone else. "It would take three days!"
"Crazy? No. Enthusiastic. Call in the resting and the half of the other groups. We're going to work like demons to have this one finished before he gets here.
He spoke with such authority that the men were moved to start work at once. As the day passed, a few more men drifted in, reporting on Panabi's progress and joining the work gang...

It finished three hours after sunset. But even then, no King was in sight. Where was he?
Search parties were sent out. Panabi had veered left due to hearing the river and had missed the village. He would arrive later that night.
The hunters started roasting three cows. This night, they would have a proper feast, to celebrate both the King's arrival and the partial completion of the new settlement.

The King looked over his retinue, tribal retianer, warriors, preists, diplomats, yes, many were here, all the help deal the problem of the Burkinians...

it was known that the ywould soon be on the march- form ther capitaly village of Burkina itself, their king ruled, and was jealous of the Mali people, becuse the Burkini tribe was no wher enear as wealthy or affulent as were the mali- moreover,t he tribe sof the Burkini were spilt into subtirbes- insead of oweing complete alleigeng to the king at the capitial village, as did the mali, they onve excersized nominal control, and oaths fromt he subject chiefes (OOC- think feudalism with a weak monarchy)- the Mali would eb able to exploit this weakness- the Kind decided it was in all best interests to send envoys over tot he different sub tirbes of the Burkini peoples, and to show them the glory that could come from joinign with Mali, instead fo staying with Burkini, more over, by taking away the great Burkini cheifes sub villages, mos tof his army would be taken away as well- meaning that his abilty to go to war with Mali would no longer be so assured- in fact, it coudl end up that it would be the Mali people who would go the offensive- and in so, perhaps capture the great Villag eof Burkini- almost an equal to tgreat capital village Mali, and make it a great center, for the gklory of the mali people...


1)send evoys to the assorted turbes of the Burkini peoples, show them the great ways of the mali, and invite thier chife back to Bamako, as to partke of its splendor in person, this shoudl conver the tribes, particuraley the several closest to the Mali to the that f the Mali kingdom

2)make no effort to show that we want war, but if the Burkini make war upon our lands, we will defend it, and even push agaisnt them strigh tto heartof thier lands, and take thier capital city!

3)expand territory as shown on map in the chckere territory, in addition to gains made by tribes switicng alligences ot that of Mali, and or military conquest

4)use economy to gain more tribes men intot he chirfe private retinue, a great host of mighty warriors
OOC: I was supposed to be on Dniepr (not shown in this map), not on Danube! Can you place me to REAL Ukraine? And why in my stats does it say that I have 500 spearmen, 75 spearmen? Oh, and it's Scythians, or Scyphs.

I vote for Borders.


The river returned into it's limits, from under it emerged strange weapons used by the Scythians - bows - luks. No doubt, Perun perserved these as a gift to the Slavs. And Daroslav had asked Lukoboi, the slayer of Scythians, and Drevneum, the wisest of the elder warriors, to learn how to fight with the bows - for despite Perun's fury, Nakomish, the new leader of Scythians, gathered the Scythians for a battle again.

And Toporvrag said to Daroslav - Scythians will not win, even if they dare attack, and time shall pass before they will. Daroslav agreed, and said - "We defeated them thanks to Perun, now we must defeat them again thanks to ourselves so Perun sees - we are worthy of him. But we must make haste - today the Slavs attack!"

And it was agreed, and Lukoboi, and Drevneum, have learned the archery, and seventy five warriors took these bows, and trained with these and with arrows for seven days. At last, they were ready. And Slavs-warriors went at Scythia, while the children, the women, and the elders, and the defenders stayed in Kiev, which was beginning to become an even greater city, on river-Dniepr, and made of strong wood.

- Invest 4 gold to infastrucutre.
- 100 spearmen must remain in Kiev and guard it.
- 400 spearmen, 75 archers are to go and attack Scythians. 200 spearmen are to charge them in their camp and use the element of surprise, then retreat. Other 200 spearmen are to surround our archers and then 100 of them and those of the original wave who can still fight are to charge the enemy as well, while the other 100 will guard the archers who shall unleash a deadly rain of arrows upon Scythians. Try to take their leaders prisoner.

Berlin had been settled and the population had grown to the point of exaustion, it was time to relieve the city by sending the extra population to settle new citys, it was decided that south was the way to go, to the green hills of Thuringen.where they would settle a new city "Jena", Frederick had been visited recently by locals of the area and he simply loved their customs and peculiar accents.

spand south.
Spend all economy to begin to settle "Jena" (ill pm you the location as i cant open draw programs at school)
increase tax rate
use my small navy to fish around the coast and get fish.
I vote against borders if alone, but if two lands are touching each other, then, of course, they should have borders.

Tiir was lazing in the sun, when he heard his mother call him. "Tiir! Get here right this minute, you lazy good-for-nothing!" "Okay, okay Mam, I'm coming." His Mam hated him, and he knew it. She only fed him because it seemed that the princess, Tirriganna, had taken a liking to him, and now that her father was knocking at Deaths door, she would have to choose herself a life-mate soon. That was a good phrase, that, Knocking on Deaths door. He would have to make a song about it soon. "Ti-ir!" came his mother voice, and as he rose, all his friends disapeared.

Two Grees later, Tirrigannas father died.

OOC:mad:Xen: LOL!!! where did you get that giraffe from?
@Gladina- I made it :) I plan to include somthing funny on most of my maps that arnt about territory agreements (see AAminions NES for what I mean by that, i have made several in it)

so be on the look out for more! :D
The war of unification over, and the building of Karakorum complete, Temujin set his sights on the land beyond the horizon. He sat atop his horse, a veteran of the unification campaigns, and guaged the direction of the wind. The dry winds of the open plains blew eastward, throwing about the warrior's long, unkempt black hair. "That way," he said. "It is that way we shall expand. We ride at dawn, and the first men we come across shall be the first men we destroy.

-Grow army by 300 Horse Archers (UU)
-Expand around Karakorum with my spearmen
-Send all 400 Horse Archers, led by Ghengis Khan, to attack the direct eastern barbarians. Utilize hit-and-run tactics, hiding just beyond visual range of their settlements by night, and charging the camps at dawn to catch them by surprise. Rain arrows aimlessly down upon the tents to inundate the unprepared barbarians, and have a few men take aimed shots to kill any sentries. Slaughter all the men and boys, and then ride back into the steppes to escape any other barbarian soldiers that might come to the aid of the encampment. Repeat this process until the enemy is destroyed.
Great Stories guys, keep em up. If you havent noticed, everyone who wrote a story got a free statistic of some kind. That wont happen all the time, but it will every so often sinse I know how to write the random event from a background (story).

ooc: @das, yeah, you realy through me off when you mentioned a river :-/ I thought you were giving the Danube a new name or something. lol I did the same mistake with Mongolia. :(
@xen, yeah, cool giraffe. :)
@everyone, I have 5/11 orders. Update or no update? That is not majority, I am looking for atleast 3 more orders to start.
I could use some help on the timeline. If anyone is bored with nothing to do, you can help me out. It makes me very happy. :)

I just organized the rules, looked kinda sloppy.

About borders. I meant either a MinionNES type of map (no borders) or an stJNES8 with borders everywhere.

I am going to update soon, get your orders in guys. I think 24 hours should be enough for everyone to get them in. I made my rules interesting but simple so it shouldn't take long to do them. ;)

If I dont get three more orders, I wont update today.
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