stANES: Rise of Empires

Just orders for now, storie may come.

Expand North, West, South and East, if we happen to walk into our neighbours land just take a detour :rolleyes:

Use 2 economy on Infastructure/industry
Use 1 economy to increase army
Use 1 economy on the construction of Vågå (Not sure if i understood it right, but il probably talk to u on AIM later. )
Collection of African Coasts (COAC)
Gunta Kente/china444
Government Despotism
Religion: Allah is allmighty
Treasury/Per Turn: 0/2
Cities: 1
Taxes: Medium
Army: 500 Spearmen
Navy: 3 Fishing Boats
Education: 0
Industry: 0

Starts in present day ivory coast. For a color, I request a pink, a red, or purple (whatever is available)

This should be fun.... :)
use all available funds to continue building of city, use military to expand, by force if necessary.
Orders (Athens):

Expand north and try with one of the boats to sail across the strait.

Increase education.
How... much... longer...

Seriously, 8 hours should be enough to make an update.

The expansion had started out well. 3 new fishing boats had been constructed to catch some extra fish, and that made the jomsvikings happy and drunk. They were always drunk when being happy, happyness just wasn't possible for them without booze.

OOC: ARGH! Didn't get to give orders :(

okay, use the following in the next update if they don't make it for this:

IC: Jomsviking ORDERS:
-use 1 credit for industry and 2 for a new town
-bank the rest
Update Two- 1800BC
Dawn of the Empire Age

The Indians become the most industrialized nation in the world as they build more Food Storages and trading posts. Spring has come bringing much food while winter brough scarce times, though with the Food Storage, much of this food was saved for times of need. This made the people very happy and more content on the fact they had no need to worry if thier families will be fed.

In the meanwhile, the Happaran civilization awakes and settles thier city in the Indus Plains.

In the arid deserts of Mongolia the tribe of Karakorum strikes. Easily capturing half of the north eastern villages, though found it hard to cross the river and annex the other part. The South Eastern tribe took the advantage of the north eastern's inability to fight with half thier villages burned, and annexed them too, becoming even more powerful. Sixty Seven horse archers drowned, twenty died in the village attacks.

The Malians find that acting kindly towards thier neighbors can lead to kind gestures of diplomatic finesse, and so much of the Burkinian council grew as admirers of the Mali culture. Being much alike, they decided to join Mali and form a true empire on the large empire. Through transition, most of the Burkinian lands dissolved with Mali, so did some of the military.

In the Coast of Many Ivories a new nation arises. These people call themselves the Collection of African Coasts under Chief Gunta Kente. Thier ways of exploring whats around them gives them a more desire for knowledge, thus increasing thier education (+1 Education). Though in the north they encounter a new tribe, a not so friendly one which calls themselves the Nigerians.

The Egyptians expand east and south ecountering no one except the Judeans in the lands of Israel. These people are ever so powerful with a large number of archers.

Just one month before the invasion of the Scyphs (thanks das), a gap was made between the two nations. A strip of land around a couple miles deep was deserted by the Sythians. Soon after, the Slavs invaded, though to much surprise, the Slavs entered deep into Sythian territory, thus in several occasions were ambushed by a group of warriors. Some of those warriors are said to be of another allied tribe though unknown to the Slavs. No territory was gained but many casualties occured.

In Germania, the Deutch begin the construction of thier new city with large input from the economy. Though in result to the increase in taxes, some people begin to speak against it, and many poor citizens feel that there is no space in the world for them and commit suicide. An unbalanced set of power began in Berlin as the rich got richer and the poor become dead broke. Though this is not bad yet, it may grow in a matter of hundred of years.

The Scandinavians begin thier expansions around and through the barbarian tribes, putting pressure through cultural influence. One tribe is contemplating on joining, though the Scandinavic empire does not know who.

The Athenians fail in an attempt to cross the Agean sea with fish boats though encounter the Macedonians in the north as they expand. No information was gathered of these people yet, scouting may be required for this.

Anarchy, 24 hour warning, if you do not post in the next 24 hours, your nation becomes NPC.
The more Jomsviking population grew, the more they had to expand towards the east. When the island had been inhabited 200 years earlier, there had been rumours of a great "icy lake" that the first inhabitants had seen before moving east, towards Reykjavik, where they had setteled.
But when travelling east, the Jomsviking found this icy lake again - in a matter of fact it was just a great valley of ice, not really a lake at all as their legends proclaimed - and they named it "Vatnajökull".
"This looks like a great place", said their leader Pjotr Ingolfsdottir Arnesen, "to build another city!"
"No it doesn't!" yelled back his advisor Leif. "This is a cold, icy place that sucks rather lot."
Leif was executed later that day.

The end.


-use all 3 gold on continuing a city, "Vatnajökull City", to be placed somewhere around real-life Vatnajökull in Iceland once it gets complete.
OOC: Amirsan, a very funny typo I just noticed.

Anarchy, 24 hour warning, do not post or your nation becomes NPC.

LOL. And how the hell did all my archers (who were protected by the spearmen around them) get slaughtered?


Toporvrag returned. Returned with a weakened and damaged army, and told Daroslav of what happened after the cremation of the dead ones - among them, Lukoboi.

"Our warriors advanced through steppe and plain, through woods and swamps. The Scyphs and others such as them were never honest warriors. Led by their greatest warrior - Okrash, the bowman - they mounted their horrifying beasts, Loshadji*. On them, they moved as lightning and ambushed us everywhere we went. Our formation broke. Many of the archers died, and so did many spearmen. Only hope was in that that spearmen could pierce the enemy beasts, killing them and leaving their warriors weak and helpless - they are not trained in battle on their feet, indeed they can only fight when they are not threatened. We had to retreat. But we were surrounded by the enemy, who slaughtered nearly all of our archers. Okrash the One-Eyed approached us, and proposed a battle of few against few. The ten of our remaining archers, including Lukoboi, against him and ten of their archers, including Okrash. We had no other way out. They dismounted, and each side stood on one side of the flat steppe. All raised their bows, and fired. Lukoboi killed Okrash, who killed him too. No one won, all were slaughtered. Scyphs attacked us, but with rage over the dead of our comrades in arms filling us, we raised our spears and fought like we never fought before. They ran away, leaving us to retreat in peace. We took our dead and came here. I still grieve about Lukoboi - for even as we always competed for being first and then second under you, both of us always respected each other. We must avenge him."

And Daroslav agreed. But said - Perun must be asked for a blessing. And he and the Volhv Takov have went to the Dniepr, and offered rich sacrifice to Perun, asking for a blessing and a way to victory, and they stayed at the coast for seven days. The first three days, nothing came. On the fourth day, a bow and two arrows have surfaced, and Daroslav ordered for the new warriors to train with such weapons. Then, on the fifth day, a corpse of a Scythian was found in the river by the fishers. Daroslav thought it meant the Scythians will die soon, but Takov told him that it must show a way to victory - using the Scythian weapons and tactics. On the sixth day, several horses came to the river, and the warriors were told to tame these horses. On the seventh day - a silver spear has surfaced, pointing at the Scythian camp. It floated towards Daroslav, and he took it as Takov told him. The spear was cold. He returned to the camp with Takov. For another seven days, he waited. Then the spear was no longer cold, but strangely warm. And Daroslav led the army.

- Invest 1 econ. point into military. Concentrate on training archers.
- Invest another econ. point into infrastructure.
- 422 spearmen and whatever archers we trained now are to attack Scythians again, using old tactics but being more careful - checking for ambushes and trying to avoid forests and other terrain where ambushers can easily hide.
- Try to domesticate horses and develop horse-back ridding.


*Loshadji - Russian for Horses.
To Judea:
from egypt

We wish to promote peace between our 2 great nations, and hope you do as well. It also wouldn't hurt to start some trade routes in hopes of economy boosts for both of us.

OOC: I know from experience, that many ppl DO things on the weekends, chill out a little on the whole 24 business, I know I was busy all weekend...

Continue production of City, should be 3rd turn now.
Send an offer of peace to the Judeans and offer trade negotiations.
Not writing story this time, did it the past 2 turns, be merciful with me Oh Exalted Moderator.
The orders from India are to send 100 spearmen scouting down along the river in the east, 200 in 3 groups scouting west (i.e. looking for barbs) and 200 as a royal retinue.
Spend 3 EP building Carnummel on the river.

Frederick was mad and angry, how could the aristocrats be getting any money!!!! he threw the paper reports to the ground and called his ministers, it was time for some action, "the nobles will be taxed too!, specially the rich fat ones!!", the royal accountant went fast to proclaim the new law that passed, immediately the peasants were happy and the revenue developed.

tax the rich people too.
all eocnomy into Jena.
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