Star Wars Civ/units only for C2C


C2C Supreme Commander
Mar 13, 2006
This is some of the units i found, i am going to place in more, and anyone that wants to help can and or make suggestions what to change, add etc.

Again, some of the UnitClass does not match but its all Civ4 has to offer for now.

This does work with current SVN.

Leader: Darth Vader

Units: ATAT as Infantry, ATST as rifleman, Avenger as Mech Infantry, A Wing as tank, E Wing as tank, Jedi bluesword as scout, Jedi greensword as explorer, Landspeeder as marine, Link as warrior, Sith as archer, SithAssassin as crossbowman, Sith Marauder as longbowman, Sith Master,as horsearcher, Tie bomber as bomber, Tie Defender as musketman, Tie Fighter as jet fighter, Tie Interceptor as Stealth bomber, Vader as maceman, spring worker as worker, X Wing OPen as Modern Armorer, Yoda Greensword as axeman, Yoda redsword as Swordsman, and Y Wing as cavalry

Spoiler :
Zerver /bernie14 / danrell / Roamty /Darque /and
/Kael and FfH2 Team/CivGoldTeam/Duel/Chugginator/civmansam/
Robo Magic Man/TheBladeRoden/krowtrobot/seZereth/PSYX/
ggganz/Italicus/ArdRaeiss/Hell's Angel/McGlocklinMA/mirtan/
Cafegio/korvgubben/The Conquests/Chiyu/hrochland/Khai/
Swarog/Walter Hawkwood/Fëanor/Nickolai/Axel/Mozza/bmarnz/
Bakuel/Gedemon/Grave/Zebra 9/bhiita/GeneralMatt/Houman/
if i missed some let me know and i will put you here.


This is the MLF that you need to load also, i forgot it, sorry.
I am in the process of making ALOT of civs, some Fantasy, some Standard, and some World ones. So i will need all the comments/suggestions/ideas etc i can get to make it a better gameplay experience for everyone to enjoy, and the main operative word if "enjoy."
Will this work with the SVN and when you update the SVN will this folder stay intact

You betcha, i got it working just like the other civs that are currently in there.:)

Since this is a modmod and not in the SVN, it really has nothing to do with it. I hope this clears it up, and thx for asking.

This modmod will work, at least for another year even with the SVN, as long as i keep it uptodate.
Cheers !! Nice units ! :goodjob:

Iam a big fan of the AT AT Battle walker. But this one has no strike sound effect !?
I do something wrong ...... ?

Hello All,

I add the ATAT to C2C but the fireguns have no sound !? is this right. The unit have no firepower sound ?

Sounds aren't modular. StrategyOnly may have forgotten to add them here and explained how to use the woc_installer.jar file in the Modules folder to merge the sounds in. Without the woc_installer they require some editing of the sound files. I don't know where the sound files are.:sad:
How I can find out which sound effect name is in use for this model.
So I can add it in AudioDefines.xml.

Using nifscope and the model works with effect: "EFFECT_WEAPON_MECHANIZED_INFANTRY_BLAST" for the cannons.
The visual effect is ok but no sound.

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