Strange reaction to BlueMarble Mod

Hhehee, gosh I'm stupid ... I have seen the "Blue Marble Mod" title a few times and tohught it was a graphic change for the Marble resource ... PERIOD. :p I *did* wonder why anyone would be so offended by the current marble icon, but - hey - each to there own!

Now I can see that it's a much grander undertaking.

Anyone who has installed this, I can't really tell from the Blue Marble screenshots, but what are the main graphical differences?
Kolyana said:
Hhehee, gosh I'm stupid ... I have seen the "Blue Marble Mod" title a few times and tohught it was a graphic change for the Marble resource ... PERIOD. :p I *did* wonder why anyone would be so offended by the current marble icon, but - hey - each to there own!

Now I can see that it's a much grander undertaking.

Anyone who has installed this, I can't really tell from the Blue Marble screenshots, but what are the main graphical differences?
Plains are green -- grasslands appear beautifully fertile -- mountains appear far richer -- tundra and snow areas look much better -- oceans are a darker shade of blue that resembles real oceans from settelites among things.

I love the way the game looks with it.
I prefer the original as well... less realistic but the differences between different terrains are bigger. That means it's easier to interpret the map. However, if bluemarble indeed would make rendering easier, I'm sold! huge & large maps are unplayable for me even with all graphics settings tuned down, and standard maps lag with medium graphics settings.
weasel77066 said:
If you install the B.M. mod, can you choose which graphics to use when you start a game? Either original or BM? or can you switch in'game?
If it doesnt run well for me

No. Once you install Blue Marble ALL games you start use it.

Don't know about scenarios, though. :hmm:
Yea, I like B.M. much better. Its much the same, but with a tight, well defined effect and very rich colors. Definitely a keeper.
I need to remember to thank the creator.
Also- it does run smoother now, when Im scrolling the map. Much smoother actually.
Note- It is a tad darker, but not drastically. It runs the terrain colors together with less contrast, and seems to be much easier on the eyes. I especially notice the difference in arctic/forest contrasts, and desert/fertile,green.
I was holding off ading anything till the patch, but very happy I got this. Thanks everyone! J-
for those who are noticing improvements with this mod...what are you system specs? I have a amd 3000+ 64, 512 ram, and geforce4go 44 64 megs. Just curious if this mod will slow my game down or speed it up
dave443 said:
for those who are noticing improvements with this mod...what are you system specs? I have a amd 3000+ 64, 512 ram, and geforce4go 44 64 megs. Just curious if this mod will slow my game down or speed it up

juz download and try urself, it's well known that performance of civ4 varies even on identical setups. if it slows u down, just uninstall using the same installer. if it improves, u'll be glad u tried it :)
In the civ scale tool,( I havent adjusted anything yet) what is the "Bonuses" slider for? Im trying to think of what (on screen) it adjusts.

For Dave- I have AMDathlon64 2800+ (1.81g) 1gRAM Geforcefx 5200 (128mg)
tried it...barely any performance drop if any drop at all. The mod is very nice and visually appealing =). It is nice to have grasslands that look like grasslands
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