Succession game LK5 - America

Lee takes over after 1070 AD. We review the game, and establish an embassy with Germany and Russia.

1080 AD - I take over, to lose the race for Sun Tzu :( Washington builds university wasted 41 shields, and New York switches to Bach's Cathedral.

I begin any deal to gain money, even junky $1 for a map. Our potential trades are lousy. All the civs are broke.

1100 AD - I scrap the scouts. No use at this point, and why waste the money?

1140 AD - Scrapped up enough money, and an embassy with Greece. Finnaly, Germany will give us $2 for spices. Not much, but we have plenty to spare.

1150 AD - Japan declares war on Egypt.

1160 AD - Revolution. I think we need the cash flow from Republic.

1210 AD - I still can't get a dime out of Japan for spices. ALRIGHT! $4 a turn from Greece for spices.

1220 AD - The American republic is formed, and the last embassies are in place.

1230 AD - Lousy trade, but I continue to get incense from Japan for spices and furs.

1250 AD - Corp Obs is built by someone else.

1255 AD - Meaningless war - Peace treaty between Egypt and Japan.

1260 AD - As my reign ends, my final gift - Bach's Cathedral. With our continent size, not to helpful to us. However, it keeps it away from those guys on the big continent. We can use a big culture boast. Detroit built in the jungle area. I want to lock a potential source of rubber.

Goals -

Don't bother with Leo's. Way to many people ahead of us.

I started a palace in New York. Research economics next. Smith's trading company would help our economy big time!

Some more military, but development is ok again.

My 20 turns scapped the archers, scouts, and regular units. Majority of defenders are now veteran Pikeman.

Up next - Hobbes
The attachment.

We are still a bit behind, but I think we are starting to recover. If we can get the boast from Smith's trading company. :)

edit - Deleted old game save.
I very boring rule :sleep:. Attempted to put another settler on the island with Houston, but the Russians beat me to it, so we settled the island next door, city of New Orleans. Found another city on the Iroquois island. Got banking and noticed that the Egyptians already had it, so I decided to shop it around. Got gunpowder from the Russians, and gold from all the other ones (who can make a worthwhile offer). Discover economics, and decided to have Washington build the ASTC (21 turns vs. 27 for New York), New York switched to University. Have started to build a few Knights and have started to upgrade a few pikemen to musketmen. We have a source of saltpeter on our home island.
Originally posted by Hobbes
Will post the story tommorow, but it was rather uneventful. No, wars, a few trades and one new city, and that is about it. Starting to upgrade military and build a few more units.

Uneventful is fine by me. The Iroqouis war took a toll, and we need time to recover.

Up next - magicbacon
Another uneventful reign here. We were running a slight deficit, but once Wash. finished ASTC and New York finished its bank we were making a healthy surplus of +27/turn. Elephantine finished Magellans voyage. We discovered Physics and started on theory of gravity. I suggest we trade that tech when we get it for metallurgy or some such. We also gave the greeks our extra iron in exchange for printing press. (Hey! It wasn't DOING anything)
And some such. We are strong compared to every civ except Egypt and Russia. Once we are finished building our current stock of banks and happy buildings we need to get some serious military mojo, otherwise the comps will push us around.
Up next - Jaffa Tamarin

Be extremely careful trading iron. If a source expires, we are screwed. I never trading iron unless I have one spare as a safety factor.

Good news - Forbidden palace in 5 turns. We finally see the production boast.

Switch the specialist in New York to entertain. It will trip WLTK day.

Our culture rating is stuck, so start Newton ASAP. Nobody is building it yet. Big science / culture help.

Cancel the Musketman in Cattaraugus - I will disband it on my round. I hate non-vet troops.

I agree, we need a build up of vet military.
Review: renegotiated to current (higher) market rates all the expired (past 20 turn) trade deals where we were giving away our luxuries for peanuts. Didn't touch the deal selling iron to Rome - we're getting 3 gold/turn, and can safely cancel it if our local iron supply expires :) Gain one extra luxury (Ivory from Egypt) - WLTK celebrated in Chicago, Philadelphia and Atlanta!

(2) 1445AD Discover Theory of Gravity. 6 turns to Industrial Age! Washington switches from Bank to Newton's University - complete in 11 turns (after careful population shuffling).

(3) 1450AD Russia demands Theory of Gravity, for free. Piffle. Don't give it to them. Instead we donate our territory map. Egypt wants to trade their world map for our world map. And metallurgy. Instead, trade them metallurgy for 15 gold/turn. Agree to right of passage with Rome after they complain about our galley near Virconium.

(5) 1460AD Forbidden Palace completed :)

(6) 1465AD Entertainment tax raised to 2 points. WLTK days break out all over :)

(8) 1475AD Japan demands Printing Press. Again, say no and give them territory map. We discover Magnetism and enter the Industrial Age!!

(9) 1480AD Traded Economy to to everyone who didn't have it for whatever they could afford.

(13) 1500AD Newton's University completed in Washington :) :)

(18) 1525AD Steam Power! Railroading begins :) Trade spare iron to Greeks for Military Tradition and 5 gold/turn. All knights upgraded to cavalry.

(19) 1530AD Rome wants to trade territory maps. Whatever :confused:
There's something wrong with the zip file. Please re-zip it and repost it.
I have a problem with the zip also.
1540- Renegotiated with Egypt, Traded her furs for dyes and 1 gold/turn

1545- Iron Cald built...somewhere (I forgot sorry!). There's 6 turns until Industrialization. Per turn money intake dropped quite a bit; from 27 to 11.

1550- Salmanca, Oil Springs builds Barracks. I'm trying to get all of the cities that havent built one. The city of Memphis in Egypt builds Shakespeare's Theatre.

1555- Railroad work

1560- Temple finished in Detroit. Yeesh this city is not very productive. Scanned all cities for garrisoned warriors. There was 2 and they were upgraded.

1565- Salmanca finishes it's barracks and starts on a musketman

1570- Discover Industrialization, Yay! I set it to Electricity.

1575- Set the workers to do some more railroading.

Pretty boring turns. :)
up - next Scoobs

Boring is good, if we are improving our position.
Gotta a christmas party tonight, Ill play tonight after i get back, Ill be pretty trashed though. Or, Ill play tommorrow morning-ish.
Pretty uneventful 20 turns for me. Trying to get us ahead in the science race. We can probably squeeze a Space Victory out of this. Culture victory is gonna be almost impossible, our people are impressed with other civs culture. I worked on that a little bit.
We are no longer a republic either, I switched us to Democracy.
Egpyt, Germany, and Greece are at war with the Russians. The Russians might be able to fend them off on thier mainland, but Egypt is tearing em up on the outskirt cities. The Russian city below Buffalo is gone, and has an Iron deposit. I got a settler 1 turn from founding a city there.
Were at 1200gp making 70/turn at 2.7.1 right now. Scientific Method is almost researched, and im focusing on the bottom half of the tech tree, until we build ToE. Speaking of Wonders, Wall Street was set up to finish in 6 turns at 1580, but i switched Wash to Universal Suffrage, and put New York on Wall Street. WS will be finished in 13 I think, and US will be done 6.
Got our Island cities linked to the luxury network, and currently Irrigating all those mines by Seattle (Mines on plains suck). Courthouses are in the works where they need em. Our science is going good, but we still lack Universities in key cities. We could probably get a big lead before hitting the Modern Era. I suggest we dont trade too many techs this late.
Every Luxury is coming in to all cities, and WLTK is going on in most cities. I'd watch out for Egypt, and put some defense up in Buffalo. They look antsy to go to war with us, and they have MPP with Greece and Germany (both are weak, but provide us with income). Anyway, heres the game.
I will work on this one to Monday night.

Finished all day travel, laptop modem works.

Now will Civ install?

"Mines on plains suck". Well there, I disagree with you. Even with Monarchy I prefer mines unless there are nearby hills for extra production.
Hard to utilize all those "Mines on plains" when your city cant grow. :)

And I think we should use the sheilds that New York has for Wall Street on ToE.

If the city is going to grow with ocean squares, what does it gain?

1685 - I upgrade a handfull of troops to rifleman. I plan to do more of this during my reign.

1690 - Denver formed by yet more iron.

1700 - Universal sufferage is completed. Greece declares war on the Russians.

1735 - Russia and Germany sign a peace treaty.

1740 - Boy, talk about short lived peace. Germany declares war on Russia.

1754 - Bad news, no rubber :(

1758 - The theory of evolution is completed.

1762 - Wall street is built.

Up next - Hobbes

:sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

edit - Deleted old game save.
Here is the short story, I will post the rest tomorrow. Not sure if it was exactly 20 turns, it switched from 4 to 2 in the middle, and I was not keeping an exact count, it should be close. No wars, just a lot of RR and micro managing cities to get population and shield production up. We just discovered refining, and we are also short of oil along with rubber. Now I am not saying to start a war with the Egyptians, but the island that Houston is on, has two oil tiles and a rubber tile. Just a thought, and by the way, I have started to move forces to Houston, just in case.

:shotgun: :egypt::ripper:

1764 – Another glitch with the patch. Look at the foreign advisor screen, and it says we are at war with the Russians. Nobody told me that, so I pop up the diplomacy screen, and it says peace, WTF. Well, since were not at war with the Russians I trade furs for dyes & 1g/turn.

1768 – Manage cities to get population up (change a few mines on grassland to irrigation).

1776 – Greece is attacked by Russia, Greece wants an alliance, check to see if they have anything to offer or for that matter if Russia does, neither do, so decline alliance.

1780 – Greece cancels furs trade, won't even accept counter offer. Shop furs to Russia, get 10g/turn, WM, and 160g.

1786 – Cleopatra demands tech to stay in her good graces, I tell her I'll take my chances with making her mad. She walks away. Russia and Greece sign peace treaty.

1792 – Discover Refining. We have NO oil. After a careful examination of the map, it is noticed that the island that Houston is on, has two oil tiles and one rubber tile, two strategic resources that we are deficient in. Don't forget Cleopatra came to us a short time ago demanding tribute, maybe we should do the same?
Duh. Here's the file.
Up Next - magicbacon

I looked, culture flipping the Egypt city is out. We are way to far away from the next flip.

Tough call.
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