Suggestions and requests

Hey, um could the US get stability on Hawaii? Also could you get them to not build 30+ cities?
The US should get access to trading company corp, while it wasn't as big as others it did wind up with a bit of a colonial empire
Since said trading company expires with 1800 AD that wouldn't be worth it.
Since said trading company expires with 1800 AD that wouldn't be worth it.

We could always make a special one for America called the "Intervention Lobby" :rolleyes:.

And have the stack spawn anywhere south of the equator :lol:
(You only need to look at the sheer amount of countries we have propped up dictatorships and supported coups for)
We could always make a special one for America called the "Intervention Lobby" :rolleyes:.

And have the stack spawn anywhere south of the equator :lol:
(You only need to look at the sheer amount of countries we have propped up dictatorships and supported coups for)

US needs to be more interventionist in game (in real life the opposite).

Perhaps Hawaii could be independent cities?
I know I could figure this out just from playing the game or looking through the threads, but TL;DR. What are the mechanics for the spawn of Orthodoxy?

Also, are you contemplating including Sunni and Shi'a as sects of Islam, since you have Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Protestantism as Christian sects?
# Included Orthodoxy as a religion, which will be founded by the civ that controls Jerusalem when the Apostolic Palace is built (or when from the 9th to 11th century)

It's in ~ v1.9 history.txt .
Inca and Aztec are really hard to play in the current version. Spain would come with conquistadors and bombards, and even if you try tricks to avoid conquerors they still pose a great threat to you. Settlements right before 1600/1700 AD would ruin your UHV, and if you try to settle all the areas to prevent it from happening they would just declare on you and send in some invincible conquistadors. The barbarian/native dog soldiers and conquistadors all have no direct counter, just to make matters worse.
Leoreth, can you make Khmer's third historical goal to be of a later date? 35% Buddhism+ Hinduism in 1000 AD is still sometimes auto-done.
Inca and Aztec are really hard to play in the current version. Spain would come with conquistadors and bombards, and even if you try tricks to avoid conquerors they still pose a great threat to you. Settlements right before 1600/1700 AD would ruin your UHV, and if you try to settle all the areas to prevent it from happening they would just declare on you and send in some invincible conquistadors. The barbarian/native dog soldiers and conquistadors all have no direct counter, just to make matters worse.
I don't think it's possible to avoid Conquerors now.

Inca's land is naturally very defensible, since enemies can only come from 2 directions. Especially if you build Quito (on the Gold Tribal Village), enemies coming from the east and north will have to attack this Hill City across a River. Alternatively, if you don't want to settle on the Gold, Fort it. Fortify CG Archers and Formation Axes (you get Formation at 5 XP due to your UU) in it. Actually settling on the Gold hill has an economic advantage as well - it allows you to spread Irrigation later with Civil Service, so giving up the seafood in the west isn't a big deal.

The Aztecs have it harder, but you can always get Floating Gardens in your capital (I prefer on the Coast between the Corns) very early. Mine all around it. Floating Garden is amazing, solves the Food problem (which you will have despite the double Corn + Spices), and makes your capital a Production center rivaled by few others. Keep pumping Cats and Jaguars. Build no Settler (and naturally, no Worker, due to your UP) before the Conquerors arrive. Crush them when they do.

Also, you may want to go 3000BC instead of 600AD. Spain is much weaker, and you usually get other (often English) conquerors instead. They'll have Knights instead of Conquistadors.
I don't think it's possible to avoid Conquerors now.

Inca's land is naturally very defensible, since enemies can only come from 2 directions. Especially if you build Quito (on the Gold Tribal Village), enemies coming from the east and north will have to attack this Hill City across a River. Alternatively, if you don't want to settle on the Gold, Fort it. Fortify CG Archers and Formation Axes (you get Formation at 5 XP due to your UU) in it. Actually settling on the Gold hill has an economic advantage as well - it allows you to spread Irrigation later with Civil Service, so giving up the seafood in the west isn't a big deal.

The Aztecs have it harder, but you can always get Floating Gardens in your capital (I prefer on the Coast between the Corns) very early. Mine all around it. Floating Garden is amazing, solves the Food problem (which you will have despite the double Corn + Spices), and makes your capital a Production center rivaled by few others. Keep pumping Cats and Jaguars. Build no Settler (and naturally, no Worker, due to your UP) before the Conquerors arrive. Crush them when they do.

Also, you may want to go 3000BC instead of 600AD. Spain is much weaker, and you usually get other (often English) conquerors instead. They'll have Knights instead of Conquistadors.

On Normal, there is maybe a margin of 20-30 turns or so from the time that you spawn and the time the conquerors come.
Which leads me to think of some interesting strategic considerations.
A big part of the Mali UHV for instance, is that it's extremely hard (and boring by default, but that's a different story) to win without migrating.
What if, as the Aztecs, you tried migrating north and settling inland instead?
I don't think it's possible to avoid Conquerors now.
Yes you can, at least with Inca. Send your scouts to the northeastern-most of SA and
Rio de Janeiro, if they encounter scouting caravels it'll be peace. For Aztec it's a little different, I haven't figured out AI's scouting pattern yet. But you would want to send a galley in the middle of their way so they can't see your land when you meet them.

Inca's land is naturally very defensible, since enemies can only come from 2 directions. Especially if you build Quito (on the Gold Tribal Village), enemies coming from the east and north will have to attack this Hill City across a River. Alternatively, if you don't want to settle on the Gold, Fort it. Fortify CG Archers and Formation Axes (you get Formation at 5 XP due to your UU) in it. Actually settling on the Gold hill has an economic advantage as well - it allows you to spread Irrigation later with Civil Service, so giving up the seafood in the west isn't a big deal.
I get the impression that (cities on) hills cannot spread irrigation.

The Aztecs have it harder, but you can always get Floating Gardens in your capital (I prefer on the Coast between the Corns) very early. Mine all around it. Floating Garden is amazing, solves the Food problem (which you will have despite the double Corn + Spices), and makes your capital a Production center rivaled by few others. Keep pumping Cats and Jaguars. Build no Settler (and naturally, no Worker, due to your UP) before the Conquerors arrive. Crush them when they do.
So you would suicide attack with the catapults to weaken them first? And hold with your Jaguars?

Also, you may want to go 3000BC instead of 600AD. Spain is much weaker, and you usually get other (often English) conquerors instead. They'll have Knights instead of Conquistadors.
For later civs I always play from 600 AD start now. And Spain (almost) always has fearsome conquerors. And annoying quick settlements too.
On Normal, there is maybe a margin of 20-30 turns or so from the time that you spawn and the time the conquerors come.
Which leads me to think of some interesting strategic considerations.
A big part of the Mali UHV for instance, is that it's extremely hard (and boring by default, but that's a different story) to win without migrating.
What if, as the Aztecs, you tried migrating north and settling inland instead?
On flat lands you'll probably get crushed by the dog soldiers. I can only think of shock catapults as a counter. And you still need to worry a bit about the conquerors.
Yes you can, at least with Inca. Send your scouts to the northeastern-most of SA and
Rio de Janeiro, if they encounter scouting caravels it'll be peace. For Aztec it's a little different, I haven't figured out AI's scouting pattern yet. But you would want to send a galley in the middle of their way so they can't see your land when you meet them.
I know that. But that's the old story. It's no longer true with the current SVN version.

I sent out a Fishing Boat and met them off the coast of Cuba. I found them, they didn't find me, let alone see any of my land. Still, Conquerors.

I get the impression that (cities on) hills cannot spread irrigation.
Pretty sure it does. You can Farm on hills, for starters, if there's a cereal resource.

So you would suicide attack with the catapults to weaken them first? And hold with your Jaguars?
You need to mass suicide attack them before Plague hit. Don't need to kill them, just do enough collateral to prevent them from taking your cities in the first round. Get a few CG Archers too - Fortify and do not attack with those (unless you have overwhelming odds of course). Use your City Heal bonus to wear them down.

Walls also give you a few extra turns advantage (they won't attack you and bombard instead, but you can attack them) over them.

For later civs I always play from 600 AD start now. And Spain (almost) always has fearsome conquerors. And annoying quick settlements too.
3000 BC has much better variety.

I also hate mega-Spain. Mainly Phillip's stupid face and his constant stupid demands. I may need to delete his leaderhead too - why does Spain has Isabella AND Phillip?

I'll accede to any demand from Isabella (just to make her smile). But not her loser husband.
I know that. But that's the old story. It's no longer true with the current SVN version.

I sent out a Fishing Boat and met them off the coast of Cuba. I found them, they didn't find me, let alone see any of my land. Still, Conquerors.
I only said that because I tried and it worked, for Inca at least. For the Aztecs I tried but failed. I also thought that trick wouldn't work anymore but for Inca it does work, so either the code is only for Aztec or there's still a way.
I also hate mega-Spain. Mainly Phillip's stupid face and his constant stupid demands. I may need to delete his leaderhead too - why does Spain has Isabella AND Phillip?

I'll accede to any demand from Isabella (just to make her smile). But not her loser husband.
First of all, Isabella's husband was Ferdinand I of Aragon, and Phillip II was her great-grandson.

I've also nerfed Agrarianism in my current working copy to +1 commerce for pastures, which had quite of an impact on Spain because they benefited most from that.
Now I'm sure this has been asked before, but from what I could find I couldn't see anything about it in the past couple months, but how about an Australian civ? I think that there needs to be more competition in that area, as I often see England settle a few cities there, rarely the Dutch, and nobody else. It is often under-developed.

A good start date would be 1850-1860, around the time Australia's states were all pretty much founded and they were gaining in autonomy. There isn't much time until the end, but there would be plenty to do with them, and I think it would have a similar play as America.
I also hate mega-Spain. Mainly Phillip's stupid face and his constant stupid demands. I may need to delete his leaderhead too - why does Spain has Isabella AND Phillip?

I'll accede to any demand from Isabella (just to make her smile). But not her loser husband.

Philip is Izzy's great grandson. Also, we have her grandson Charles leading Germany way too many years in advance.
Could we have the Queen Elizabeth class as a modern British/French carrier, rather then the Generic nimitz that everyone uses? Purely a graphical change, maybe you could use it as a "European" general carrier, seeing as I suppose any modern euro nation would use it as a base design. The unit is available on the forums, I'd add it myself but i have no idea how, and I think it'd make the mod look more realistic too.
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