Suggestions and Requests

Small feedback on the byzantines:

I noticed there is one and only tile east of Qurtubah that is "historical area" for the byzantines. This is an unrealistic tile as the moors capital is situated exactly one tile away, which means if you settle a town there before the moors spawn, your city will be destroyed. On the other hand, you can raze Qurtubah but why would you do that? most likely they will have 2 or 3 wonders by the time you capture it. Maybe this historical area could be extended to the qurtubah tile as well as there is contested area atm.


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Small feedback on the byzantines:

I noticed there is one and only tile east of Qurtubah that is "historical area" for the byzantines. This is an unrealistic tile as the moors capital is situated exactly one tile away, which means if you settle a town there before the moors spawn, your city will be destroyed. On the other hand, you can raze Qurtubah but why would you do that? most likely they will have 2 or 3 wonders by the time you capture it. Maybe this historical area could be extended to the qurtubah tile as well as there is contested area atm.
It already does. Contested means "Historical but in another Civ's core".
Small feedback on the byzantines:

I noticed there is one and only tile east of Qurtubah that is "historical area" for the byzantines. This is an unrealistic tile as the moors capital is situated exactly one tile away, which means if you settle a town there before the moors spawn, your city will be destroyed. On the other hand, you can raze Qurtubah but why would you do that? most likely they will have 2 or 3 wonders by the time you capture it. Maybe this historical area could be extended to the qurtubah tile as well as there is contested area atm.
Zaragoza being a corruption of Caesaraugusta just blew my mind
A bit of a controversial suggestion (again I may have already suggested it before)

But it always bothered me CIVs sending scout's across Siberia early or Sub-Saharan Africa.

I would suggest desert and tundra causing minor damage to units until cartography or exploration is discovered?

Controversial because it might hurt some human player strategies. Might be a bad suggestion but thought I'd mention it anyways
I could get behind that. Desert/tundra tiles -- though I'd prefer to limit the effect to tiles outside of your culture borders -- cause minor damage (10% per turn?) to units that end their turn on them?
Desert, Ice and Tundra will by default by impassable on the new map, though I expect Reckon units to be one of the exceptions.

It's always been a bit ahistorical how you can use units to keep contact with distant civs even in the Ancient Era but that's just a feature of the game I guess. Scouts are also naturally limited by how vulnerable they are to Barbarians.
Thanks for fixing immigration (and so promptly!) Hehe now may I request a sound to accompany?
And there should be more of them.
I consider Hitler or Walesa AI as a kind of easter egg.

More of those conditionnal leaders !
For Ethiopa, we need a communist leader from the junta.
For Russia, we need a more democratic leader like Gorbatchev.
For a possible communist Germany, maybe a leader from GDR ?

Let's make a list.
- Arabia : Muhammad Ibn Saud
- Babylonia : Nebuchadnezzar II
- China : Chiang Kai-Shek
- Columbia : Paris-Gordillo
- Congo : Kasa Vubu
- Ethiopia : Haile Selassie
- Germany : Konrad Adenauer
- Japan : Yoshida
- Khmer : Pol Pot
- Mali : Modibo Keita
Haile Selassie is already in the game.
Let's make a list.
- Arabia : Muhammad Ibn Saud
- Babylonia : Nebuchadnezzar II
- China : Chiang Kai-Shek
- Columbia : Paris-Gordillo
- Congo : Kasa Vubu
- Ethiopia : Haile Selassie
- Germany : Konrad Adenauer
- Japan : Yoshida
- Khmer : Pol Pot
- Mali : Modibo Keita
Follow-up :
- Maya : Méndez
- Mongolia : Doksom
- Netherlands : Wilhelmina
- Portugal : Salazar
- Russia : Kerensky/Gorbatchev (not still-alive Eltsine)
- Spain : Felipe Gonzalez

Must be missing some.
After you collapse if you click through the menus you're prompted with a "return to main menu" after being called Neville Chamberlain.
Could there be an option to either:
* Enter worldbuilder
* Switch to another civ
* Enter "observer mode" (if there is one, which I'm fairly sure Civ 4 doesn't have)
Or at least make it possible to Ctrl+W from in that screen.
A simple question: has Frederick II aka Stupor Mundi a worthy place in the mod? Was he included anywhere, such as great people or civ-specific ranking lists? If not, I think it's a huge absence.
A simple question: has Frederick II aka Stupor Mundi a worthy place in the mod? Was he included anywhere, such as great people or civ-specific ranking lists? If not, I think it's a huge absence.
He's in the victory rankings for Holy Rome, but as far as I know that's it. Maybe he should be added as a Great General for Holy Rome, there are very few medieval ones at the moment.
I have a 2 end game suggestions that are meant to prevent the third American UHV from being painfully easy. I have played too many America games to be healthy and have found a bit of a "cheat code" for UHV3 that could use a plug. Specifically, I've found that right now a bit of an America UHV3 cheat code is to build nothing but ICBMs between 1950 and 1989 and then nuke everybody (particularly Russia, England, Japan, and/or Germany) to get 75% of the military and economy right before 1990. I think this kind of goes against the spirit of the UHV which should be to "vassalize" America's modern day allies (ala post-WW2 NATO / Japan) and collapse its rival's empires without causing Armageddon.

Building on this, I've noticed two flaws in AI behavior that makes the ICBM spam strategy possible. 1. The AI never builds ICBMs and only ever builds nuclear bombers. 2. The AI is very prone to using up all their nukes on the independents / their neighbors immediately after they build them. This AI behavior leaves them without a credible nuclear deterrent when I do unleash oblivion in 1989 as America.

To prevent the American player from ICBM spamming for UHV3 (which feels a bit like a cheat / exploit to me) I had two thoughts that I'd like to humbly humbly suggest:

1. that America's last UHV be changed to the following: "Acquire 75% of the world's military and economic power without using a nuclear weapon."

2. that the AI could be hardcoded to build 50% bombers/50% ICBMs and to only use ICBMs if nuked first (if possible). That way if I nuke them in 1989, the AI can retaliate--which will somewhat negate the benefit to me of using the exploit in the first place.

Again, just two suggestions. :) Not sure if the intended point of the third American UHV is to cause a massive nuking of the world or not.
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I have a 2 end game suggestions that are meant to prevent the third American UHV from being painfully easy. I have played too may America games to be healthy and have found a bit of a "cheat code" for UHV3 that could use a plug. Specifically, I've found that right now a bit of an America UHV3 cheat code is to build nothing but ICBMs between 1950 and 1989 and then nuke everybody (particularly Russia, England, Japan, and/or Germany) to get 75% of the military and economy right before 1990. I think this kind of goes against the spirit of the UHV which should be to "vassalize" America's modern day allies (ala post-WW2 NATO / Japan) and collapse its rival's empires without causing Armageddon.

Building on this, I've noticed two flaws in AI behavior that makes the ICBM spam strategy possible. 1. The AI never builds ICBMs and only ever builds nuclear bombers. 2. The AI is very prone to using up all their nukes on the independents / their neighbors immediately after they build them. This AI behavior leaves them without a credible nuclear deterrent when I do unleash oblivion in 1989 as America.

To prevent the American player from ICBM spamming for UHV3 (which feels a bit like a cheat / exploit to me) I had two thoughts that I'd like to humbly humbly suggest:

1. that America's last UHV be changed to the following: "Acquire 75% of the world's military and economic power without using a nuclear weapon."

2. that the AI could be hardcoded to build 50% bombers/50% ICBMs and to only use ICBMs if nuked first (if possible). That way if I nuke them in 1989, the AI can retaliate--which will somewhat negate the benefit to me of using the exploit in the first place.

Again, just two suggestions. :) Not sure if the intended point of the third American UHV is to cause a massive nuking of the world or not.
While I don't necessarily disagree with this, and generally agree UHVs shouldn't be achievable with cheap tactics (eg, Maya galley in Greenland)...
1. American global supremacy was quite literally coronated with the detonation of two nuclear weapons.
2. It's kind of fun that you theoretically can win the global war for ideological supremacy by total nuclear destruction. Mao: "We have a very large territory and a big population. Atomic bombs could not kill all of us.", General Turgidson: "Perhaps it might be better, Mr. President, if you were more concerned with the American people, than with your image in the history books."
Also I think it's quite possible to achieve without nukes, the exploit is more that you try forcibly collapse civs and vassalise rather than mutual treaty.
can we not have Natives move on the turn they spawn cos losing 6 workers to a Mahawk that appeared out of nowhere into the middle of your colony is not the most fun experience IMO

Civ IV_ Beyond The Sword 2023-12-31 오후 5_25_19.png

It's been a long time since i played DoC but the last time I played, natives couldn't move on the turn they spawn.
(It did happen on RFC:Europe, and it was horrible)
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Can mohawks lose the double movement on forest? I hate babysiting workers in NA
Concerning the fate of cities upon owning civ's collapse: Not sure if any distinct changes have been made to this part of the code recently, but I've recently *perceived* an increase in instances of major cities (high pop, several wonders, etc) either being assigned to Barbs or being destroyed when owning civ fully collapses. Currently re-running some autoplay to see if this happens on collapse to core and to control for cognitive bias. Two notable stand-outs include Athens and Alexandria becoming rubble more than once, though cases in which an ancient metropolis flips to Barbs doesn't fare much better instead dying a slow death. If this is by design, as always I defer to the Big Guy, though in this case I'd at least request the implementation be reviewed? I will emphasize that I can already see historical and gameplay merit in this design choice so please don't feel pressed to defend. I'm not even convinced I can make a case that amounts to more than "Seeing this happen makes me sad" yet. You're also encouraged to file this post in the "Will Respond After 1.18 Is Done" folder.
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