• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .



Wanted in Monte Carlo...
Dec 16, 2003
Southampton, UK
I'm not too sure if this is the right forum for adding suggestions to the game or not, so please forgive if I've posted in the wrong forum. Anyway here's my suggestions.

1) Add a "current version" list to the Civilopedia, so that you can check the current version, patch and media pack you are running at. This'll make it easier for the player and yourself to diagnose problems in the future. I'm guessing the XML files are granular enough to enable you to ship out a new XML file that overwrites the old one with each update.

2) A bug. I was playing the Amurites and cast their world spell with about 10 enhanced mana nodes and some fairly high level wizards. I was expecting to get an XP boost to help push Gavannon and chums into the stratosphere, but they seemed to all get frozen in level, and no longer showed their XP.

3) Another bug. The civilopedia is unfinished in a number of places. In some places it wasn't clear what any of the spells did and Body 3 didn't seem grant me any spells at all - maybe it should enhance the defensive strength of my summons or provide some kind of healing spell (although that's probably more in the domain of Life magic, to be honest)

4) A suggestion. The Grigori get a lot of Adventurers, which makes them a nice introductory tribe for new players - in fact I'd go so far to recommend them for the first game - but their alignment are fixed at Neutral and can't research adopt Order/AV to flip it, which is a bit awkward when you want to play a bunch of adventurers or a hive of villains. After all, just because you're an atheist doesn't mean that can't be virtuous or villainous.

I recommend two units - Envoy of Good and Envoy of Evil. These should be cheap National Units, limitted to one apiece and available by researching Ways of the Wise/Wicked and only available to the Grigori. They should have very low strength, high movement and only should only be available for construction whilst your alignment is Neutral. They should have one spell - Advise. This spell can only be used in the Grigori Capital City. Once this spell is cast, your alignment automatically flips to Good/Evil.

5) I understand that you're working on a new (final?) version called "Ice" Any hints on what you plan to include? It'd be nice to see some of the Espionage System from BtS - Rogues and intrigue seem to fit in well with the fantasy milieu.
You're better off posting suggestions and comments in the main forum one tier up http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=190

You will get more responses. I don't think many posters check this subforum unless they are having a problem or can help with one.

The only one of your points i can really speak to is #3. The civopedia is intentionally not up to date. New versions and patches come out frequently that would invalidate much of the pedia. FfH (FfH2 technically) is Beta right now. The best source for info on spells, units and such is probably one of the two manuals or the Wiki page. You can find them by looking at the thread titles in the main forum above.
As to your specific question on Body 3. The spell is Graft Flesh and it allows you to make a flesh golem. You can then graft units to it and the base strength will be modified and the flesh golem will acquire any non-magical promos the unit had. I haven't played with the mechanic in awhile but a favorite tactic used to be to summon Krakens and graft them to units as the Krakens have a nice base strength.

Good luck and hope you enjoy the mod. I'm a long time fan myself. As i said post your questions and comments in the main thread. It is also a good place to look for answers if you don't mind digging a bit.
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