Sullla's AI Survivor Season Eight - Begins 31 May 2024 at 1200 EST


Best Resource; Always Wins
Oct 25, 2022
In Your Capital's Starting Ring

Season Eight of Sullla's popular series AI Survivor has been announced for 31 May 2024 at 1200 EST.

Master Playlist of AI Surviror Season Eight Content:

Sullla's Twitch:

What is AI survivor? It's a CIV IV watching party on Twitch where we witness various AIs from one of the most enduring CIV titles duke it out on a pangea map, max difficulty, no tech trading, no vassals, and aggressive AI turned on. The player civ, also known as the observer civ, will not participate in any fashion and will be isolated from pangea with a wall of ice apart from the continent. Sullla randomly picks the AIs and also randomly generates each new map. He also goes into world builder mode to make sure nothing gets missed, commentating on the wacky events that seem to get nuttier and less predictable every year! In Sullla's own words, "Civ4 AI Survivor is a tournament competition pitting the 52 leaders in the game against one another in a battle for supremacy. Each season starts with a random draw, then proceeds to eliminate the AI leaders across 13 games before crowning an ultimate champion. Have you ever wondered what type of leaders perform the best in Civ4: warmongers or pacifists? Wonder builders or religious fanatics? Let's find out! Who will survive?"

Please join us for discussions in the Civ IV General forum at CFC HERE

You can catch up on the excitement from Season Seven here:

Want to be more active in the fun? You can participate in a picking contest that's open until about the time that each game starts. Pick who's going to win and how they'll do it, who'll come in second, the number of wars declared, the turn the game ends on, and more. Score points and get your name up on Sullla's AI Survivor leader board while cheering for your favorite leaders. You can find Sullla's posts about the season as well as access to each picking contest as they open to the public here:

Want to check out previous seasons, picking contest results, predictions, AARs, and more? Take a look at the AI Survivor Archive here:

Apart from Sullla's active and supportive Twitch chat, each game for the season typically has a companion thread on civfanatics where posters comment on the game as it's happening live on Twitch and talk about their picks, the game's aftermath, and share in the general excitement.

Which civilization will outwit, outplay, out-AI their way to the champion's trophy this year?

Tune in to find out!
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I'm sticking my neck out right from go: Saladin will take it this year, mark my words!! I'm also betting this post will age extremely well.
Zara and Mansa each have a plains-cow capital in Game 4. Sal is CLOSE to a plains-cow tile though, so there might be some kind of upset if he gets a pasture up first.
The announcement is on the front page! :) I hope to do this for each week's competition as well.
Is Hannibal the unluckiest leader in AI survivor history? He's had some awful starts and this year isn't looking great. He's the most cramped on land with metal far away and Sitting Bull close.
I'm sticking my neck out right from go: Saladin will take it this year, mark my words!! I'm also betting this post will age extremely well.

Just looked at the maps for few minutes and wrote down my predictions for all without thinking so much in a first impression way. Guessing who's going to win the championship before the start would be a fun thing to do. So then I placed all my predictions to those play off maps and I can see Saladin as our new champion. Both game 4 winner and runner up will start in better spots of play off maps. Play off 1-Bismarc and Play off-3 Darius starts look great in that regards.

Let me share my predictions as one step ahead, I placed them in play off maps and so the championship map like this:
from team player 1 to 6 (Alex to Fred)

Play off 1

Play off 2
Wild. (too wild to guess)

Play off 3


Lets see how it turn outs, this is even much more exiciting for me to watch then the europe football tournament coming. (And harder to predict then)
Have fun
Just wanted to pop in here to say thanks to Plains_Cow and everyone else who's taken an interest in this little side project that I started back in (yikes) 2014. The CFC crew did extremely well in the picking contest last year and I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with for the new season!
Just wanted to pop in here to say thanks to Plains_Cow and everyone else who's taken an interest in this little side project that I started back in (yikes) 2014. The CFC crew did extremely well in the picking contest last year and I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with for the new season!
Thank you for taking time out of your life to be the anchor for a fun community and organize these games. Everyone always loves them!

Now about having plains-cow tiles in the S8 championship game for the finalists...
Spoiler :
It might actually be too dangerous to give each AI one of those, though.
AHHHHH SO COOL! I'm finishing the leader draw video, and I just realized that there are plains-cow tiles on the map. That's an AWESOME design, too. I can't wait to see which AIs back-settle first as opposed to going for the middle.

Screenshot from 2024-05-14 21-18-43.png
Hi folks, mind if I join you here to discuss this season? I'm the exact opposite of a regular to these forums, but the only other place where there's active discussion is the Discord server, and Discord doesn't really lend itself well to this sort of discussions. The forums here would work much more nicely, I'm thinking.

I've gotten super deep into AI Survivor stuff. I've been following live since Season 3 in 2017, was in the fantasy draft for Season 6, am doing that again this season, have been contributing official writeups to Sullla's website over the years, did almost all of them for last season, and intend to do so again this season. I'd love to engage in some of the discussions here as well... but if you'd prefer to have this be more of a discussion place for people who were already here, I totally understand that as well.
Hi folks, mind if I join you here to discuss this season? I'm the exact opposite of a regular to these forums, but the only other place where there's active discussion is the Discord server, and Discord doesn't really lend itself well to this sort of discussions. The forums here would work much more nicely, I'm thinking.

I've gotten super deep into AI Survivor stuff. I've been following live since Season 3 in 2017, was in the fantasy draft for Season 6, am doing that again this season, have been contributing official writeups to Sullla's website over the years, did almost all of them for last season, and intend to do so again this season. I'd love to engage in some of the discussions here as well... but if you'd prefer to have this be more of a discussion place for people who were already here, I totally understand that as well.
Do we mind? Hmmm. I can put your request up the foodchain here, but it all depends if you're able to commit to the following:

1) Show up here and chat about the AI survivor games/CIV IV (when/if your schedule allows).
2) Have fun!

Legal made sure the "!" was added to bylaw #2 for extra emphasis. I am but a humble cow, so if there are more rules than those two, then Eauxps I. Fourgott.
Hi folks, mind if I join you here to discuss this season? I'm the exact opposite of a regular to these forums, but the only other place where there's active discussion is the Discord server, and Discord doesn't really lend itself well to this sort of discussions. The forums here would work much more nicely, I'm thinking.

I've gotten super deep into AI Survivor stuff. I've been following live since Season 3 in 2017, was in the fantasy draft for Season 6, am doing that again this season, have been contributing official writeups to Sullla's website over the years, did almost all of them for last season, and intend to do so again this season. I'd love to engage in some of the discussions here as well... but if you'd prefer to have this be more of a discussion place for people who were already here, I totally understand that as well.
absolutely! You are most welcome here at CFC! :)
Thanks folks! I didn't just want to waltz in here as an outsider and start bombarding you with extra analysis without at least asking first, you know?

Is Hannibal the unluckiest leader in AI survivor history? He's had some awful starts and this year isn't looking great. He's the most cramped on land with metal far away and Sitting Bull close.

I don't think we can confidently label any leader as the most unlucky - quite a few have had their share of stinkers over the years. That said, I think Joao, Liz, Hatty, and Lincoln are all also good candidates.
Thanks folks! I didn't just want to waltz in here as an outsider and start bombarding you with extra analysis without at least asking first, you know?

I don't think we can confidently label any leader as the most unlucky - quite a few have had their share of stinkers over the years. That said, I think Joao, Liz, Hatty, and Lincoln are all also good candidates.

Liz and Hatty for sure.

Lincoln I remember being incompetent more than unlucky and Joao is such a blah leader that I probably didn't play attention! If you can expand on your point, I would love to see.
Liz and Hatty for sure.

Lincoln I remember being incompetent more than unlucky and Joao is such a blah leader that I probably didn't play attention! If you can expand on your point, I would love to see.
Yeah, some leaders are just not destined to win much with their personalities and tendency to be disliked. Joao is actually one of the better AIs - IMP is always stronK - his one issue is not being able to plot at Pleased.
Liz and Hatty for sure.

Lincoln I remember being incompetent more than unlucky and Joao is such a blah leader that I probably didn't play attention! If you can expand on your point, I would love to see.
On review, Lincoln definitely has the weaker case here. But he has been mostly-surrounded by aggressive leaders in his openers for Seasons 5, 7, and now 8. Season 4 saw him get screwed over by an unexpected Pericles backstab, and he SHOULD have had second place in his Season 3 opener, except that Mansa attacked him at the end for no reason. (I picked Lincoln to finish second for that game and am still a bit bitter about that result.) On looking back I'd revise my point to say he's been pretty unlucky on the whole, but not as outrageously so as some. (He's also not a good AI Survivor contender, I agree with that.)

As for Joao, he keeps getting stuck in tight positions in the very corner of the map, without very much room to move - I have this as his fate in his openers for Seasons 1, 2, 5, and 6, plus his Season 2 playoff game, or half his games in total. Then in Season 4 he was stuck between Julius Caesar, Shaka, and Suleiman. He's been decent when he's gotten a fair shake, with two wins in four such games, but it's true he's not that dynamic of a leader, which means he can't really make something of the worse starts the way that somebody like Huayna might. Still, he keeps having to play from a position of disadvantage in a way that somebody like Kublai simply does not.
Hannibal has probably been the unluckiest leader in the last few seasons with his terrible starts. I think the fact that he manages to remain in the game so to speak as long as he does speaks to how strong of a leader he is and I think if he was handed stronger starts he would rack up some wins.

Zara and Justinian have also been handed some unlucky starts the last 2/3 seasons
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