Superrobo scenario -- any known details?


Dec 5, 2003
An incredibly old subject, I know, but I was reading old BTS previews for whatever reason and I recalled seeing the two scenarios that did not make it in: Chaos, and Superrobo. Chaos, which promised many random events happening frequently, seems to have been remade into the Defense scenario -- and it's somewhat understandable, given how it didn't seem to have enough legs to stand on its own as an official scenario from that description, and/or could have been melded into something else.

Superrobo interested me more: "Be the first civilization to find and collect the parts to a giant mysterious robot that crashed on Earth." This sounds a lot more interesting to me as scenarios go, given that it had a rather specific storyline and objectives, likely took place in the present day or near future... and speaking as somewhat of a weeaboo/otaku type, struck me as having some anime-like elements in it. (Or at least sure it sounded like it!)

But even that is speculation: all we know is the official tagline. Did any other official details ever get released on it? Do we know of the designers of the scenario, and if so, would they be able to tell us what they were planning? (Or even maybe release the stuff they did complete on it.) Speaking as someone who was already planning some anime-style mods into the main game, I always thought an official mecha scenario sounded like an incredibly fun idea to try and put into the Civ series, and any details, material, or information we could get out of this cancelled scenario would be a boon.
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