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Terios - Signup and Worldbuilding Thread

Tani Coyote

Son of Huehuecoyotl
May 28, 2007
Note: The actual game will likely be hosted in NES. This topic's primary purpose is to gauge interest and help build some backstory.

Terios - A Background

Spoiler Gigantic Map :


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Perhaps most striking is the fact Terios is a gas giant. The large quantity of gases being heated up, fused and split in the the core beneath generates enormous pressure, many continents and islands now skyward. Through some miracle, perfect temperatures and atmospheres exist on - and in many cases, between - these landmasses, enabling a world to exist that is built on an ocean of gas.

Apart from these differences, however, the continents look much like those on our Earth. There are mountain ranges, rivers, forests, cities... all the water that spills over the edges of the continents is heated up and returns to the Skylands through condensation. The environment is somewhat chaotic, and there is no real "trend" of climates as there is on Earth. A frozen tundra can easily be mere miles away from a scorching desert.

Periodically, violent bursts of energy erupt from the surface. As time has gone on, these bursts have concentrated at the poles, allowing stable continents to form (albeit with powerful storms and currents making air travel unwise in most locations). However, this energy passes some residue into the rain itself. The chemicals that come down with the valuable nectar of life possess all sorts of enhancing traits, with greenery growing lush in the most barren desert, and primitive societies growing with terrifying speed upon exposure.

More importantly, however, some sort of concentrated substance that alternates between the forms of matter is left in numerous places. Packed with energy, renewable and clean, it is something we humans could only dream of. It has been dubbed inventively “Terium” by most international bodies.


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Like Earth’s, life is mostly water and carbon-based. However, due to some freak incident or another, there is no clear dominant species. Many species have evolved intelligence, either moderate or advanced, and they take many shapes and sizes – primate, canine, insectoid; evolution has been far more kind to the various biologies than on Earth.


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The abundance of hot gas from the surface and the Terium has created a technological base different from Earth’s. Whenever the inhabitants aren’t mercilessly cutting eachother’s throats, their society shows surprising advancement, with energy-based weapons coexisting with objects that look like they came straight out of the steampunk genre. Perhaps the most notable divergence from Earthling technology is that the distinction between navies and air forces does not exist; they are one in the same. With the natural current of the air beneath them and a bit of propulsion, sky fleets have become a reality. Even so, energy keeps them aloft in areas of unsteady support from the pressure below. Nonetheless, the sky islands come complete with sky armada.


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The meat and potatoes. The world is composed of around fifty nations. The ideology of self-determination has oddly not gained near-unanimous credibility yet; the cyclic destruction of the planet is likely why. The last war's use of Terium weapons has more or less evened the playing field, though some powers clearly stand above others. Whether they will pursue a path of peace or war, who shall know.


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Every turn you have your GDP and it is taxed at a rate (meant to represent the overall tax burden) you decide. Economics is fairly straightforward. This GDP * tax quantifier is primarily to avoid the powergaming of previous minimal mechanics games I've hosted. You cannot claim to be the richest or have the most resources without actually being so.

Barring that, you may spend your money on whatever you wish – your army, your navy, your healthcare, your education, your roads, your secret services, etc. Anything you can think of. Your actions will have consequences down the road: pouring no money into infrastructure will see your economy move along sluggishly, for example. Use common sense.

Like a real government you can spend more than you have; national debt will accumulate and be visible at all times. Debt, like heavy taxation, however, will inevitably cause a crowding out effect and harm economic growth as less money is available for private actors. Use it sparingly.

Of particular note are defense forces. You can make it as large as you want to gain an edge in battles, but the larger it is the bigger strain it will put on your economy. As government spending/taxation as a percent of GDP grows things will get worse rapidly (conversely, absent government has drawbacks as well...). With spies, simply designate a percent you want to do this or that each turn. Spies automatically are on defense if not assigned elsewhere.

When it comes to actions, conduct as you will and I will reward/penalize accordingly. Forge trade agreements, close your borders to imports, declare war, make alliances, pursue weapons of mass destruction, all are doable. If a government could do it IRL, naturally it could be done here. Just take into consideration that a peasant country, for example, isn’t gonna have much success with a space program or computer production. You have a “support” percentage – whether a dictatorship or democracy, this represents how much pull you have among your supporters. If it falls too low you risk being thrown out of office, whether by coup, assassination, election or otherwise; barring that you may find some of your proposals hampered or blocked entirely. Avoid destructive policies; going around telling every world leader "your mama" will quickly result in a defeat.

A final note: You'll notice I'm not using many hard numbers. That is because there are extremely few; there are almost no "stats" that I can give you. You see what you see... and that is it. You will receive a general grade on the quality of your traits of course, but nothing that is easily gamed; you will not be able to invest x to beat opponent y. Roleplay and strategy are just as key as any amount of money you could pour into something; keep this in mind.

The Mechanics of Terios

Mechanics are kept to a minimum specifically to hamper gaming and also shift emphasis to the story and roleplay of the game.

I don't believe any IOT has had this before, but this game runs on a relatively unused principle: budgets. Rather than money pooling into tech like a bank account, you instead designate how much you wish to spend on various fields annually.

On the military:

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You can make it as large as you want to gain an edge in battles, but the larger it is the bigger strain it will put on your economy. As government spending/taxation as a percent of GDP grows things will get worse rapidly.

Troop number, troop quality and war plans are all factored into combat. When in doubt have a defensive plan in case you are attacked. Always try to factor in the terrain (large bumps are mountains, small bumps are hills, the small arrows are trees, thick lines are rivers) to make your war plans more effective.

On espionage:

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With spies, simply designate a percent of your you want to do this or that each turn. Spies automatically are on defense if not assigned elsewhere. There is no limit on what you can do to other nations. Logically your chance of success or failure is tied to both the inherent difficulty of an act (compare assassinating a country's leader versus hacking the local power grid), and the quality and quantity of forces involved.

Fiscal Policy and the Standard Orders Format.

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To speed up updates I request all players follow this orders format:
Army - Controls quality, useful in combat
Navy - Controls quality, useful in combat
Espionage - Controls quality, useful in combat
Education - Inevitably controls the amount of skilled labor you have.
Healthcare - Healthier citizens are more productive and live longer.
Infrastructure - Investments here cover transfer payments, roads, factories, power grids, etc. and more or less determine the market capacity of your nation.

Just put numbers, please. I copy/paste them into my spreadsheet and run them through the equations system. Enter 0 if there is no spending. So, as an example:


This is a simple request and will make everything smoother (since I can copy/paste the amount into my records). Once you have done that, feel free to add specific details as to where your investments are going, or touch on anything that wasn't already explicitly covered. The categories will cover most topics of government spending, but feel free to add anything not covered. Spending can be public or private.

Your orders PM each turn should look like this:
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Army spending here
Navy spending here
Espionage spending here
Education spending here
Healthcare spending here
Infrastructure spending here

Any special projects here

Army size here
Navy size here

Black Ops missions here; devote a percentage of your force to each task. Any leftover percentage remains on defense by default.

Any special war plans here

I do keep records of how much you've invested into a field over the course of the game, so states that invest regularly will reap the benefits. Final note: you CAN use percentages. Due to the large numbers involved, your budget will almost always end with zeroes, enabling the use of percentages for spending (i.e. 10% army, 25% navy, etc).

Starting Out

Choose a color and pick a spot on the map. Depending on your roleplay you will have a varying territory size. There are no actual provinces; logic says, however, that a larger country will inevitably have advantages in terms of population and resources. When in doubt, be very detailed with your signup.

While everyone is free to join, I do vet signups. There are no aliens allowed. No clear ripoffs of something Earthling or fictional. I'm fine with inspiration, but I request all players show creativity and design a faction that is to some extent original. I allow a great deal of nation ideas, but please no "Russia" or "Mushroom Khanates" or anything of the sort.
Is MP3 ending so soon?
Well, MP3 likely will end in about a month or so with the way things are going. I'm expecting either a gigantic economic victory or the world going down in nuclear flames. :p
The Gaslight Kingdom.

The Mechanical Empire.

Protector of the Reptfalk.

The Children of the Celestial Scrapyard.

We are all those things.

We are GRUE.

OCC: I've ceeded the island on the leftmost to AA's nation, so the map is outdated.
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Baltik Peoples

Overview -
The Baltik Peoples are a hardy, seafaring people from the distant north. They mostly sustain themselves through hunting, foraging, and fishing; their land isn't suitable for farming, as it is far too cold and harsh. Thanks to the harshness of the land, the Baltiks have evolved as a fairly savage, brutish people; strength of arms is the most valuable skill a man can have in Baltik society, and, while Baltik leadership is a hereditary monarch, the monarch will be ousted if s/he cannot prove themselves strong enough to keep the throne. The Baltiks worship a pantheon of gods, with Kodin as the King of the Gods - the God of war, storms, and pride.

Religion -
The Baltik pantheon (usually referred to simply as "The Pantheon" by Baltiks) consists of 6 major gods and a large number of minor gods, numbering in the hundreds - mostly the children of majors. I will list only major gods here. There are three locations in Baltik mythology: Forfador's Jord, a paradise and home of the gods. It is where women, young children, and men who perished of natural causes go to spend eternity.
The second location is Kampejord; the locations of warriors, heroes, and kings. War is fought every moment of the day, but for the last hour. It is a place where all warriors strive to reach and where, even in death, glory can be won.
The third, and final, place is a dark one; mørket hjem, the home of cowards and those who disgraced the gods. No Baltik wishes to go here, or wishes it upon anyone they know; not even their bitterest enemy. It is a place of no honor, glory, or feasts; just one of eternal, unbroken darkness.

Major Gods:

Kodin, God of War - The King of the Gods, he is also the god of storms and pride. All other major gods swear fealty to him. Often described in Baltik mythological texts as being cruel and arrogant, but fair.

Thork, God of Death - The second most powerful god, and also the most lonely; his throne is not in Forfador's Jord but rather in the dark pits of mørket 'hjem. His castle is made of the hardest, blackest stone, unbreakable by the hands of the spirits. Inside it there is light and the court of Thork. He is also the god of pestilence, disease, and famine; he is described in Baltik texts as one of the kindest and gentlest gods. Though his realm is in mørket 'hjem, he sends the dead to every afterlife.

Thurin, God of Drink
- A very popular god indeed; the god of alcohol, food, and entertainment. He is usually portrayed as a very capricious, but generally amicable, god who enjoys only the finest liqour. He looks over the owners of inns and taverns and provides the feast and alcohol for those who make it to Kampejord.

Anron, God of the Hunt - Hunting is an activity integral to both the continued survival of the Baltiks and their cultural heritage. Hunting can form friendships, end feuds, and is generally a very large part of any Baltik's heart. The god of hunting, Anron, is portrayed in Baltik lore as a cold, calculating archer who will use all of is ingenuity and strength to catch his prey. He is usually labelled arbitrary, though he has great respect for what he hunts.

Ythurn, God of Kings - Though Kodin may reign in the sky, it is Ythurn that watches over the various kingdoms and duchies. He protects and guides kings and emperors and is the one who is able to grant them their titles; a king must make a large personal sacrifice to Ythurn if he wishes to ascend to the throne.

Erik, God of Subtlety - A mysterious god, portrayed oftently with a mask of black, stained bandages covering his face, he stalks those who would make enemies of the gods or their chosen peoples. He is the patron god of spies, liars, thieves, and travelers; protecting them and seeing them on safe journeys. Though often fickle and volatile, he is nevertheless always loyal to his father, Anron.


The Baltik government, no matter how decentralized it is in practice, is based off the concept of one ruler, blessed by the divines, who is the lord and master of the seven håndlangere, who have more direct control over smaller pieces of land. In practice, the emperor - the kesjer - has very little power outside of inter-tribal diplomacy and serves a mostly ceremonial purpose, with a varying level of power depending on the strength and will of the kesjer. The Seven Provinces, ruled by each håndlangere, vary in size, power, and influence, but control most of the power within the Baltik nation. The provinces vary between hereditary and elective rule, with some resembling absolute monarchies and others liberal direct democracies. The most common method of picking leaders, however, is through combat: prospective leaders will fight - rarely to the death - and whoever wins, becomes the leader over whatever post they're fighting over. This has the unfortunate consequence of all Baltik leaders being more military and less socially minded, but has kept the Baltik peoples safe.
The provinces are further divided into states, regions, and finally counties, no two ruled identically, that manage local micromanagement.

The Baltik peoples are extremely warlike; the cold, bitter north from which they hail demands it simply for survival. From the age where they can stand on their own, Baltik children are bombarded with training and combat; the rite to become a man involves using either your strength or cunning to bring down a wild boar single handedly. During their young years, until they are at least 10 years of age, all Baltik children are trained identically; both weak and strong, smart and stupid, male and female. After they reach 10, they begin training in what they excel at - they usually get to choose, but in times of crisis or shortages, local elders can force them down a path. This usually branches into a military related job for boys (or at least hunting) and a homekeeping job for women (or farming), but there is no explicit ban on women serving in the military. As Baltik people are constantly struggling to survive, the dichotomy of male and female has blurred over the ages and, if a woman is strong and cunning enough, it is possible for her to receive military training. On the flipside, effeminate and weak males are often assigned to homekeeping careers or, at best, political paths.
The Baltiks have long evolved from a tradition of trade and war. Ethnic bonds are tight amongst Baltik communities, and if one village cannot produce something, another nearby will trade for it. Outsiders, however, are not quite so welcome; much of the Baltik expansion across their continent has been through war and pillaging, often wiping out entire ethnic groups to make room for new settlements and gold for funding them. This has led to the remaining tribal groups on the island to view them completely hostile, and has fueled Baltik views of outsiders - while the various Baltik provinces will probably deal with you, they will most definitely not like it due to the ingrained xenophobia they've been brought up with.


The Baltik military is broken down into 3 branches, each with their own laws, customs, and rank.
The ground forces are the first, and least appreciated, branch. They are the smallest due to the low level of unified political threats facing the Baltik people at this time, and mostly serve as glorified hunters, guarding villages against the wild beasts of the wilderness. Despite this, and their low level of prestige, manpower, and funding, they have helped immensely with the expansion of the Baltik settlements up rivers, clearing out tribals and beasts along the way. Because of said lack of funding, they also tend to be fairly innovative and trim fat whenever possible.
The navy is the second, and most important, branch. To keep the Baltiks isolated and protected from those on different continents, the kasjer and the various håndlangere have had to maintain large standing navies. These navies serve a few purposes: the aforementioned protect from foreign threats, but also to protect and, in crisises, serve as fishing vessels, and to transport amphibious troops to targets.
The amphibious forces are the final branch of the armed forces. They are ground troops, trained and specialized in landing on foreign soils from the hull of an airship. They are the cream of the crop, the best of the best; led by the most cunning generals that can be found in the Seven Provinces and possessing some of the strongest and most skilled soldiers in all of the Baltik lands. From berzerker to expert swordsman, the amphibious forces are the dream of any militarily-minded boy to strive for.
Here is the basic outline of the Necrocracy of Baase.

Basic Outline of Baase.png

The star represents the capital or rather the location of the grand academy/ruined moutain city turned meeting place for necromancers.

The circles represent location of notable settlements.

The population density is spread out.

Necrocracy of Baase

The land of Basse was once known as Thalloo

Head of state: Marroo-ghruaieaae ; a arch necromancer
Head of Parliament: Fweekeeir
Parliamentary Council: the Leighderscaa
Highest Cabinet of the Council: Bingdoo

Current Marro-ghruaieae: Aquilus Regina
Current Fweekeeir: Vepallidus Obsignator
The New Supremacy of the Kingdom of Ajah

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Along the riverbanks of the Ajahbi River, the Ajah people flourished for a thousand years before any other heavenly creation even lifted its eyes from the dirt. Its celestial spires still stand stark against the night sky three thousand years after their construction, their brilliant marble facades faded but not lost. The Kingdom of Ajah was one of the most stable and constant nations on all of Terios, and if it were not for the Celestaine invasion they would still be a fabled power.

Alas, those Celestaine foreigners brought their superior technology, refined culture and monotheistic religion to the Ajahbi basin. Fleeing their old and broken home Celestae, the Celestaines brought to bear their full might against the overmatched and spiritually pacifist Ajah. Though the Celestaine lost many when Celestae collapsed into the core of Terios, they retain power over their new Ajah subjects. The great port city of Shur bi-Yut was renamed Tallharbor; the ancient home of the celestial spires Badif bi-Gaz was renamed Highnest, its temples turned into mansions and palaces and cathedrals to the new god Celest of the Celestaine.

Now, the Steigne rule from their new palace in Highnest. The old families of Celestae likewise restored their dominance, with the Blackburnes taking Tallharbor, the Callsways taking Breakriver, the Aldmores taking Fairbend and the Bulcaines taking Westreach. They continue to settle into their new homeland, convert and civilize the Ajah people, and rebuild the cities of their future.


I feel the need to provide a description of these two humanoid species.

The Ajah are short, the tallest coming to five feet. They have short thick legs and long thin arms, and their graceful hands belie the intelligence that hides behind their smashed canine faces. Short fur covers their body, which is traditionally shaved both to release heat and as a sign of deference for their hairless gods. In its place they wear light and colorful cloth in various and mesmerizing patterns, that covers all but their tan faces.

The Celestaine are nearly opposite the Ajah. They are tall, the shortest no less than six feet tall. Their legs are long and strong, and their feet are large and wide. Celestaine males are natural warriors, with barrel chests and muscled arms highlighted by bright plumage that grows from their rear, and extends to form a bodily halo around the body and all the way above their avian faces. Only royalty and nobility are allowed to completely grow their plumage to this extent; lesser Celestaines must pluck it out to show their station and lack of Godly beauty. Female Celestaines are even taller than the males, and slender, with stunted grey plumage. Both males and females wear loose white sheets, the noble males having a unique style to show off their plumage.

The main goals of the Celestaines are to establish their dominance and convert the people and culture of Ajah, develop more advanced Terium mines and processing plants, and set up new trade flow to jumpstart their new but strong economy.

Ajah's main exports are food from their great valleys and semiprecious minerals from their hills and mountains. The library at Fairbend is also being examined, as it holds great texts from the past 3000 years; plans are in motion to establish a great university there.
The brotherhood of the Lx’tau
Lxei = Plural

Lx’tau, the insectiods that have roamed this world for ages, has finally come out of their ancient pits; eager for expansion, eager to meet other civilizations and kill them.
Spoiler :

Lx’tau literally means children of the hive.
It is the hive, the residence of the queen mother that is the source of all of their settlement and civilization. Without the hive, lx (children) are nothing, but insects in a vast world. Her words and guiding are needed so that we can take our settlements to the next level of achievement.

<An adult Lx'gran>

An adult lx grows upto 2 metres in height and about 3 to 3&#8217;6&#8221; in length. Lxei are known to have a tough exoskeleton (krepx), made out of their own body fluids that accumulate and forms a tough thick layer. The more krepx a lxei has, the more ferocious he is, and hence more is his position and desirability in the social hierarchy. Two tough pincer like claws serve as devices to carry out all of our functions. Lx&#8217;s have 4 legs, the source of their Krepx secretion. It has been learnt that Lx leg appendages are actually traded as goods among several other factions.

We of the Tau (hive) are some of best examples of living organizations that can be found in this world. We have learnt of live and evolve under the most difficult scenarios; we have faced the most extremes of temperature, we have seen the earth split apart from the Demons Breath, and then we have seen, the demon waiting to devour the earth. Yet we live on, we live on, because our queen mother has ordered us to. We have things do before this world is finally devoured... so much open lands to conquer, such that the glorious hive can extend its presence to all the 8 corners of this earth.

Lxei society is highly classified : At the top of the social hierarchy is the Queen Mother, known as the Lx&#8217;tei, then comes her associates the Lx&#8217;krei. The middle strata of the social ladder consists of the Lx&#8217;gran, the soldiers, the Lx&#8217;drox, the workers. The lowest level belongs to the Grigas, slaves, that have been dominated by our brotherhood for the last couple of centuries.
Green Merchant Republic​

Government: The executive body consists of the three Doges. The duties of the Doges are left intentionally vague. However, two Doges can override the actions or decrees of a third. In the past, the Doges have largely been responsible for military affairs, foreign diplomacy and trade agreements, and key administrative tasks.

The legislature, the Council of Merchants, theoretically is in charge of the budget, setting laws, and the like. However, since the Doges usually come from wealthy patrician families, or have otherwise amassed a personal fortune, Doges regularly circumvent asking the Council for funds or ships. Notably, however, the Council of Merchants are the only ones that can authorize conscription or the hiring of mercenaries.

Economy: The Green Merchant Republic is a trading republic. The island on which the nation was forged is rich in resources that, when processed and further manufactured, are valuable luxury goods. Manufactures are then exported via the pride of the GMR, the Merchant Republic Fleet. However, the Merchant Republic does lack for basic food and materials needed for practical constructions such as ships. In recent years, the Republic has taken steps into forging relations with the "mainland" in order to secure imports of food, raw materials, and Terium. This has allowed the cities of the Republic to flourish, granting the island's population a far larger carrying capacity than what would otherwise be impossible.

A second key sector of the economy is banking and the stock market. Merchant bankers are renown in the region for offering low-interest loans that are used to start up new stock ventures and trading companies that do business with the mainland. One of these trading companies is the House Baryl Trading Company, owned by Doge Jean Baryl. The HBTC imports silver and gold from the mainland, which is used by the National Mints to create the coins used for transaction.

Society: Being a trading republic whose harbors sees a diverse number of ships carrying a diverse number of people, the cities are entrepots are language and art. However, a domestic culture close to pure form does exist the farther away you get from the harbors in the cities. The vernacular is Berican, descended from ancient Berian, a language still used in official documents due to the language being taught as part of a good education. Berican is hardly spoken anyway, and a combination of Berian, Dalmakian, and Tri'que is the majority language around the ports.

The people are polytheistic, taking cues from the spirtual and, sometimes, political center of the Bane religion, Bera. Bera, once the center of the sprawling Bera Empire, is where the Patriarch of Bera, chief of Banism, resides. In times after the fall of the empire, but before the rise of the merchants, Bera had been the political, religious, and economic heartland of the land. Despite the lost of economic and political prestige and power, the Patriarch still holds sways over the millions of Bericans who hold the Dual-Trinity in their heart.

The ports are a different story. To list the myriad of temples and beliefs merchants have when near the harbor is beyond the scope of this article.
BTW: we need to consider the enviroment and histories of the continents. I can make a history of necromancy based powers on my continent if one fancies...
If you wish. This thread needs much more love.

I'll flesh out my article later with military descriptions, technology, and infrastructure.
Yeah, I've got some stuff on the society of Grue, I've just been sidelined by work. I'll try and get it up by the weekend.
More love? I'm on it.


The mighty Ajah continues to flow her great path down from the Celestial Mountains, ignorant to the fact that her people no longer celebrate her marriage to Ehorab, Father Night. The water still runs black in the lofty headwaters, yet no longer do bells toll and women sing from the spires near them. Strange foreigners from a strange land now celebrate Brother Day, the lowly Rab whose temples were already in continual disrepair a millennia before the first Celestaine stranger heard of the Ajahbi people. Why, the Ajahbi could only guess; many had and were declaring conversion to this overly-honored "Celest" just to see if Rab had truly matured into a greater deity than his lordly brother. Some thirty percent of the Ajah indeed had found Rab- Celest, now, to them- as being at least as powerful, if not moreso, than his brother. For why else would Ehorab refrain from striking them down for heresy? Why else would these converts be blessed with Stranger wealth and privilege if not for a shift in power in the celestial court, which would have (and indeed had) in turn blessed the Strangers, the followers of Rab, with hegemony and the power to spread the word of Rab?

It was this reasoning that drove High Celestial Son Murak to urge his still-faithful people to accept this new celestial order. If Rab- now Celest, as He seemed to prefer- had taken power, then it was only right to give Him due worship. Thus Ehorab and his wife Ajah were given a new, lesser position in their prayers and daily worship.

This great conversion pleased the Celestaines, especially the pious Prince Damas Steinge. He saw this as a great victory for his nation and a great display of the power of the One True God Celest. Little did he know of the continuing polytheism of his Ajah subjects, whose complex and ancient language had only partially been translated; it was by this issue that his misunderstanding formed. Nonetheless, the Ajah grew more restful now that they "converted," and the Celestaines took the Ajahbi attendance in chapels a sign of their good new faith, not knowing that the Ajahbi simply added these chapels and cathedrals to their list of temples, as earthly palaces of Rab. Little did they know the Ajahbi still prayed at home to their local gods as well as favorite minor gods, two of whom were typically the newly-humbled Ajah and Ehorab.

Only now, some thirty years after the invasion and ten after the great conversion, has the Ajahbi tongue been fully translated, both its modern and ancient varieties. Too little too late for the great misunderstanding of Rab to be corrected, but with plenty of time for the fresh King Damas and his administration to study the wisdom of the Ajahbi Empire contained in its library. But that is a story for another day.

Some things:
Obviously Ajah is based on Egypt, but with "magic" (you'll see- some innate power over Terium!). I think of the Celestaines as a Victorian Romano-British. Both species are more human than Pug or Peacock. For the cities, think half classical Egypt, half Victorian England- with steampunk, of course. Walls of sandstone and buildings of clay, temples of marble, new structures of brick and wood (the latter brought from far southern reach of kingdom- less prominent the farther downriver one goes).

There is little dissent, as the Ajahbi are peaceful and the Celestaines are not overly domineering. The administration is good, the royal family is strong, and the armies are powerful.

For now, most of the army is Celestaine regulars, with growing Ajahbi irregulars providing support. Ajahbi pups raised in Celestaine schools are not as pacifistic as their peers; they are more Celestaine than Ajahbi in culture, and that Ajahbi culture is losing its fight with the Celestaine one.

Celestaine regulars now wear sandy-colored uniforms of sandwyrm silk and rivercow leather. They wear helms that bear the crest of their respective liege lords, from the Royal Peacock to the Falcon of Fairbend to the Eagle of Westreach to the Osprey of Tallharbor to the Owl of Breakriver. Their great natural strength allows for them to carry many tools, and each is proficient in a specific military discipline, from bridge building to brick making to food preparation. They carry the respective tools of their trained discipline, as well as the weapons of the era. Most carry modern lever-action rifles as well as a short-barrel shotgun and a saber. Elite soldiers, some 10% of the forces, specially trained and disciplined, carry expensive Terium rifles. Their terrible payload wreaks havoc never before seen on the battlefields of the Ajahbi, power crackling from one corpse to the next.

Ajahbi irregulars are not in truth irregular; the Ajahbi's natural abilities lend them towards precision, and thus theirs are the bolt-action scoped rifles of snipers. Many are also simply light-Celestaine troops, for all intents; they carry lever-action rifles and wear uniforms, but carry only minimal supplies, no armor or helms, and no shotguns or sabers, opting for revolvers instead. They are faster than regular troops.

Land vehicles are used primarily for transport and supply, though artillery does accompany the land forces. Water bound forces are nonexistent; boats serve commercial purpose only. Sky ships are another matter entirely. The Celestaine are neck and neck with the most advanced nations in the world when it comes to two things: sky ships and Terium processing. Ranging from massive transports to tiny scout gliders, from dreadnoughts to dogfighters, the Celestaine dominate the sky with a massive navy based out of Tallharbor, with docks carved out of the very side of the floating continent.
~ reserving large forest south of Ajah on the largest continent in anticipation of preparing a nation to be there established. (area indicated general region of impending claim, not claim itself)


Map of Reserved Region

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post to proceed with detail as soon as possible (which is to say tomorrow at the latest)
ooc: someone let me know if the map of claims i have posted is visible or not,
The Dermul

The Dermul are broadly humanoid in appearance. They are shorter and stouter than humans. Their heads are broad and large with their widely spaced eyed at the sides of the face, the occular socket extends somewhat round the side of the head affording the Dermul a far greater visual field. Each eyeball has two pupils allowing for excellent depth perception even at close distances. They have no nose, their olfactory organs being located in the mouth and doing double duty for taste and smell.
They are bipedal and fur covered with two arms and a tail. They have seven digits on each extremity, in the case of the hands these take the form of five fingers and two thumbs on opposite sides of the hand.

Dermul civilisation devloped on the island they call Hulor. It developed quickly and coalesced into three nations based around the early cities of Nadrat, Korin and Galash. It did not take long for the nations to go to war over the resources of the island. The usual progression of the wars was that one nation would attack another for resources, the third would join one side and the alliance would grind down their enemy, at which point one of the allies would backstab their erstwhile partner giving the almost defeated party time to recover. In this way a balance of power was maintained despite a state of almost constant war.
Eventually Nadratian engineers developed the first Dermul airships, a development that of course led Korin and Galash to ally against them. As usual the war stalemated when Galash turned on Korin just before the alliance secured victory, eventually leading to a peace treaty between all three nations. Following the war the airships were used for trade between the nations, however the pilots of the airships became the first Dermul to lay eyes on other lands, the continents between which Hulor lay. With none of the nations recovered from the last war and not wanting their rivals to get an advantage from the untapped resources of the new lands the leadership of the Dermul nations did something unprecedented - they negotiated. It was decided to create an international organisation, the New Land Authority, to organise joint expeditions to the new lands and share the spoils between all three nations.
The first expedition, to the northern continent - named Junor, got off to a bad start with arguments and outbreaks of violence between the different nationalities, but these were quickly put aside when the entire expedition was attacked by the natives, a lizard-like species called Kata. The Kata killed many Dermul in the first assault but the superior technology and military experience of the Dermul allowed them to repel the attack.
The Kata attack forced the fractious members of the expedition to put aside their differences and fight together, often defending those who were the bitter enemies in the war. This fostered a spark of respect between them, a spark which grew during the campaign to secure Junor and wipe out the Kata.
After Junor was conquered and the last Kata slaughtered the NLA began exploitation of the resources and launched the second expedition to secure the southern continent, Telmar.
The Telmar expedition went much smoother than the Junor expedition, as it was mostly composed of the veterans of the first expedition the infighting was avoided. In addition the natives of Telmar were a semi-sentient species the Dermul called Jort. The Jort had a rudimentary social structure and ability to learn making the Dermul view them as valuable slaves. As securing Telmar was little more than a formality the NLA began operations immediately and shipped Jort slaves to Junor by the airship load until the entire population had been divvied up between the nations.
As the major military operations came to an end the veterans returned to their homes and took up civilian roles, many going into politics. As thee veterans took up ever more senior positions in the home nations political structure their camaraderie with their counterparts led to ties being formed between them. The role of the NLA was expanded to expedite communication and cooperation between the nations. The power of the NLA was slowly expanded and it was renamed the Hulor International Authority. The Jort population has exploded since they were enslaved and they now make up the bulk of the labour force, freeing up Dermul to study and pursue interests in the arts, sciences and any other field they desire. The unprecedented peace and the freedom afforded by the slave labour force has led to a golden age of Dermul science and culture.

Modern Politics:
Now the HIA is the de facto Dermul government. In theory Nadrat, Korin and Galash remain independent nations and they all maintain their own political structure and armed forces but in practice they defer to the HIA Supreme Council. The General Secretary of the HIA represents the Dermul to other races, although the President of Nadrat, First Councilor of Korin and High King of Galash remain the titular Heads of their respective States. The HIA maintains its own armed forces separate to and greater than the forces of the individual nations which resemble more of a combination of a police force and military reservists.
The Jort underclass concerns some Dermul but as the Jort are unable to fully comprehend their situation they do not complain and their erstwhile champions are derided by their fellows.
I have done a map of the ecology of the continent I am on: Macantagh


The green represent different climate areas of green lands. The brown represent barrens. The large forest area is in a serene style of grass land. The north light grey is tundra; the hard grey represents the moutain range which I will label as Crysslagh.

The purple represents the lands of the undead, the one surrounding them tend to be like transition lands between the undead and the living. The land of Baase is in a more grass set but darkly land. That is the purple be. The one under Baase is almost lifeless, its inhabitence tending to be primally of the undead. There is a massive marsh of the undead you might note in the other purple. Purple spots deploy areas of undead still present...

Now: I have not classed on swamps and such but mainly on the climatic areas themselves. This map is not final in enviroment but is a stepping stone.

I left the isles blank in note as I was focused on the continent.
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