Terrorists Apparently Attempt To Burn Down A Mosque In Oregon

Not enough CAPS and BOLD there to effectively make your point.
I've donated my caps and bold (and half my italics) to the terrorist warning system and the Fox News scroll. What have you done to contribute to the war effort?
I'm donating the text from all my closed threads to good causes.
Yeah you just invade countries on trumped up evidence.
Yup. The difference being, we target the people wearing suicide vests and carrying guns, and we AVOID targetting those who don't (though those people do get caught in the crossfire now and then). Don't go starting another argument with me on intentional vs. accidental killing of innocents, I've been there a million times.

The fact is many muslims did speak out against it
This bit here is worth a "me too".

If you focus on the negative rather than the positive, the terrorists have won. It makes me wonder if you are for us or against us.
That was weak, dude. There IS nothing "positive" about a church getting burned down. And it's a plain old basic fact that a few thousand people died at 9/11. If you focus on wishful thinking rather than facts, the terrorists have won.
That was weak, dude. There IS nothing "positive" about a church getting burned down. And it's a plain old basic fact that a few thousand people died at 9/11. If you focus on wishful thinking rather than facts, the terrorists have won.
I was focusing on the survivers (where the terrorists failed) while you are still focusing on those that died (where the terrorists were successful). I don't understand why you are siding with the terrorists here.
Yup. The difference being, we target the people wearing suicide vests and carrying guns, and we AVOID targetting those who don't (though those people do get caught in the crossfire now and then). Don't go starting another argument with me on intentional vs. accidental killing of innocents, I've been there a million times.
You mean like those murderous economic sanctions we placed on Iraq? Or our unending financial and military support for Israel's brutal oppressive policies towards the Palestinians? Or the fact that we've destabilized entire countries? Or the fact that we've consistently intervened in that region to protect our oil interests(or those of multi-national corporations)?

We're such a great nation.
I was focusing on the survivers (where the terrorists failed) while you are still focusing on those that died (where the terrorists were successful). I don't understand why you are siding with the terrorists here.
And if you explained why 2 + 2 = 5, I wouldn't understand that either.

You're focusing on the successful burning-down of a mosque and trying to make an outrage of something in which nobody died.

Too easy.

Moving on: If nobody was killed, there's no reason at all for Americans to be outraged. That's just how we Americans roll. We didn't care about the blowing-up of the Alfred P. Murrah building in 1996; we cared about the fact that 168 people got killed in it. We don't mourn the Twin Towers, we mourn the just-under-3,000 innocent dead people. I don't give a crap if Muslims want us to mourn the burning-down of a mosque that killed zero people. This is not Muslim culture; this is America, and American culture predominates.

American culture says: If nobody gets killed in an arson, there is no outrage. Therefore: no outrage.
This is not Muslim culture; this is America, and American culture predominates.

What he actually means by American is white culture.
Just keep justifying your obvious dislike of Muslims

You're focusing on the successfulburning-down of a mosque and trying to make an outrage of something in which nobody died.You're inciting violence and siding with Muslim terrorists.


A mosque was burnt down because of somebody's prejudice and you don't care because no one was hurt? You might as well be saying "Yeah i don't care if this already marginalised group in society gets attacked and if you disagree well your the one who lacks morals!"
I guess we should ignore anti-semetic vandalism of synagogues, if no one is hurt
All those cross burnings in front yards in the South didn't really mean anything unless someone was actually lynched. Everybody knows that.
Why? A mosque is just a damn building. It can be replaced. People can't.

Know what else we Americans do? We presume innocence until the damn jury returns a verdict.

But wait, there's more!
You have a valuable lesson to learn from these guys.
Gone are the feelings of anger, hurt and resentment.

Instead,pastors Bob Little of Galilee Baptist Church and Walter Hawkins ofDancy Baptist Church in Pickens County are preaching forgiveness forthe 3 men who destroyed their churches and 7 others in an arsonspree across West Alabama 4 years ago.
I appreciate your support of unsuccessful terrorists, Basky. I am sure you are calling for forgiveness of the guy that killed no one at the Christmas tree lighting.
Nope. The Xmas Tree Lighting bomber tried to murder civilians.

And that's not just obsession with boldface. It's what makes terrorism terrorism: when civilians are the intended target. And we don't know what the target was at this mosque in Oregon. Why start a fire in the office when the place is empty?? Why did the perp do it? We don't know. You're just assuming you do.
If nobody was killed, there's no reason at all for Americans to be outraged. That's just how we Americans roll. We didn't care about the blowing-up of the Alfred P. Murrah building in 1996; we cared about the fact that 168 people got killed in it. We don't mourn the Twin Towers, we mourn the just-under-3,000 innocent dead people. I don't give a crap if Muslims want us to mourn the burning-down of a mosque that killed zero people.

Nope. The Xmas Tree Lighting bomber tried to murder civilians.
It appears you have put yourself in a headlock. :goodjob:
If I make it know that I want a gun to kill someone, further more make in know that I need training on the use of said gun, how is it that I would be totally innocent when the FBI, hearing of this, shows up to teach me these things?

The FBI targeted him for a reason, probably talking on the phone to someone in another country.
It appars you have put yourself in a headlock. :goodjob:
Wrong. We don't know the motive of the arsonist in Oregon; we do know the motive of the Xmas Tree Lighting bomber. The Xmas Tree Lighting bomber is a terrorist. The arsonist is probably not.

And, on the side: I never said I supported the burning-down of the mosque in Oregon, either. When you assume, you make an ass out of.....well, actually just you.
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