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The Ancient Mediterranean MOD (TAM)

Ropes4u: Well, the Lincoln should be there, because the leader heads haven`t changed in this mod. But that`s one of the few things unmodified ...

Thamis: Is there any way to implement single picture leader heads instead of the animated ones? If this is possible I could try to help and find some graphics.

Yea, I can do that and I was gonna do that. I can just make one FLC file with one frame, no problem. Someone even wrote that you can rename the pcx to flc, but I doubt that.

I already have heads for:

Hannibal (Carthage)
Taharqa (Kush)
Queen of Sheba (Not included yet)
Decebalus (Dacia)

I would also like to use ancient pictures, I mean reliefs of busts of the leaders. Made in ancient times. That also gives a feeling of the art of that civ and adds to the flavour! :)
Why is Mamaluk next to the Arab Horsemen? Weren't Mamelukes turks in the Medievel period? They weren't Arabs. IIRC they fought the Crusaders in some of the battles, and ruled over Egypt (slave dynasty). Kicked out their masters and took over the whole little empire in Egypt. They don't have anything to do with Babylon.

Thanks for talking me through it I'll try again. I'm really looking forward to giving it a try.



Yea, the naming is not correct, I admit. The Mameluck will be renamed to Camel Rider soon. It's just a flavour unit and replaces the Horseman (with same stats).

The Arab Horseman just refers to the typical southern Desert Riders (opposed to Knights and Mounted Archers). Arab just refers to the region, not the culture. I could rename them to North African Horseman, but that's kinda long...
Sorry I only just got round to posting this:
A Brilliant, wonderfull and wicked mod! :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob: :)
Originally posted by thamis

Yea, the naming is not correct, I admit. The Mameluck will be renamed to Camel Rider soon. It's just a flavour unit and replaces the Horseman (with same stats).

The Arab Horseman just refers to the typical southern Desert Riders (opposed to Knights and Mounted Archers). Arab just refers to the region, not the culture. I could rename them to North African Horseman, but that's kinda long...

Ok, i understand. I'm going to download this mod. Looks good! :goodjob:
I downloaded your mod, it seems good, but whenever I try to meet an enemy civ, civ 3 quits. It only happens sometimes, and with some of the civs. For example, I can meet the Iberians and then have it quit on the Romans, but other times I can meet the Romans and not the Iberians.

Am I doing something wrong in the way I am trying to play it, or is it because I am using a wrong version, or is it something else?
Mongoloid Cow:

I have had similar problems in earlier versions of CIV. With 1.21f this problem has been fixed for me. I'm playing with CIV 1.21f and AM 0.3.5 and all is wonderful. I've played many times and play-tested every civ. I have no idea what's wrong. Maybe someone else has encountered this problem?
was my first thought when I "accidently" saw this thread.
This seems to be a very promising effort to create an ancient Civ3... :) And even one of the most respected pioneers of historical Civ2-design is assisting you, you're lucky :goodjob: Seeing Harlan here convinces me this will be a splendid mod. :)

Feel encouraged to present your project also on the German Civilization Webring Forum.

Other Links:
I think you shouldn't miss the Scenario Ressources linked on Mathias Civ2-Page, which obviously can also be helpful for Civ3 scns.

Originally posted by thamis
Addition in the next update. Please correct if you know better. :)

CIV: Etruria

Militaristic & Commercial


Lars Porsenna

Ca. 3 years ago I started a scenario project about the decline of the Etruscans and did some research for it. I choosed to use Etruscan names and still have the city.txt file as well as lots of infos (most of the links I collected have found their way to Mathias Civ2 ressources page above).
If you're interested, I can post its contents here.

BTW, I rather would choose Volsinii as Etruscan capital than Caere (which is really too close to Rome I guess). Caere (etruscan: Cisra) possessed the important port of Pyrgi and its religiosity is supposed to be the origin of the word ceremony, but Volsinii (Velzna) appears to be the only city which ever came close to a "capital" of the Etruscan League of the most important 12 city states as far as this term can be used in that context.
What kind of info could you need? Of course, Mathias list of links is huge, but it also has a wide coverage of ancient times ;)

Here's the list of cities with "etruscanized" names I used:


I also have one correction for the Carghaginian/Phoenician city names: Although I first made the same mistake, refering to my sources it seems that "Hadrumentum" actually was spelled Hadrumetum.
Originally posted by SCDARS
I also have one correction for the Carghaginian/Phoenician city names: Although I first made the same mistake, refering to my sources it seems that "Hadrumentum" actually was spelled Hadrumetum.
You're absolutely right - guess I should turn on the light when reading through old notes ;)

I may be able to dig out some more leader names. Velthur Spurinna off the top of my head, but I'm sure SCDARS is way ahead of me already :)

About the capital - personally I would prefer Tarquinia/Tarcxuna - the first major economic power among the city states, but since the cities of Etruria went "up and down like the Assyrian empire", there really isn't an obvious choice, I guess.

Good to see the mod still coming along - haven't had much time to play it yet (due to some other project I'm involved in), but still following it closely.. keep it up, Thamis.
I like the idea of this mod but I was playing as Carthage and everytime my scout met up w/ a warrior from Egypt the game crashed. It seemed if either of us wanted to begin communications it cause a fatal error to occur.

How do I fix this?
I can't get the civs like the Trojans, Kush, Hittites (i think), Etruscans, Phoenicians to pop up in the area where you pick your civ. I think these were the ones you added last. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? They appear in the civilopedia.
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