The Biggest Iceball Ever Competition


The Fall of the Eleventh
Sep 16, 2010
Help me. I don't know where I am.
So I was playtesting a mod, Kjotleik's LongPlay, and started a game on one of the larger mapsizes and slower gamespeeds included... I got this:
Spoiler :

Yeah, see the minimap? That sucks a lot when you're probably isolated.

Mind you, I'm guessing there's going to be people here with more impressive iceball continents to show off. So here's the challenge: post your biggest iceball start ever.

Spoiler terrible pun :
Trust me, it'll be cool.
I found this one on my planet:


  • antarctica.jpg
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hey, Strijder, with enough techs, a lighthouse, and some windmills on those hills, maybe a settled great merchant or two, you could get McMurdo base to about pop 4, what is that, 10,000 peeps?
hey, Strijder, with enough techs, a lighthouse, and some windmills on those hills, maybe a settled great merchant or two, you could get McMurdo base to about pop 4, what is that, 10,000 peeps?

What? You do underestimate the power of Sid Sushi!
Man Earth is so poorly balanced. What amateur made this? Don't they know it's gonna be nigh impossible to spawnbust with just penguins?
Man Earth is so poorly balanced. What amateur made this? Don't they know it's gonna be nigh impossible to spawnbust with just penguins?

Pinguins and polar bears. Yes, polar boors live on Antarctica. Their camouflage is just too good to good for them to be noticed.
@General Olaf: This means 100% Research for a while.

I think you need Caravels (read Caravels, again...Caravels) as soon as possible to find your closest rivals. Then Galleons to Settle a coastal city or two on the better of the in-range continents to prepare for the war to take it over.

Moving your capital seems to be a "must" once that is completed.

The above is written with the limited information from your screenshot in mind!

I wish you luck with finding greener pastures :lol:

And yes, as said by Strijder20, Sid's Sushi is probably your friend in this game...

I look forward to other "Iceballs" from other users. As I play on the PerfectWorld2 mapscript I have not an "Iceball", but I do have a continent that reaches all the way down to antarctica. I can walk on snow all the way to the southern edge of the map. Screenshot unavailable today, but maybe towards the weekend...

Yours Sincerely

Kjotleik of Norway:)
on "sid's sushi in antarctica" guys are RIGHT...omg! .....all we need to do to turn those, 10 population to 100 population research bases into metropoli of at least 40,000 peeps is to open Mio Sushi joints in each of them....maybe I can get a Biology/peace prize from Sweden for this idea....
Attached files: 1)Settings, 2)My capital, 3)I can walk to Antarctica, and there are beavers living there. I got to get some furs from them to avoid freezing to death.

I hope the attachment works...

By the way, in AD 100 I have managed to get 44 cities, some in the New World. Even on Noble difficulty that would be economic suicide if not for State removes not only Distance-from-Palace maintenance, but Colony Expenses as well...Yohoo!

Maybe I should try a higher level next time. I seem to win on Noble these days. But I do enjoy a large empire more than getting my butt kicked by the AI's...soo...I don't know. I just want to enjoy the game, really...

Yours Sincerely

Kjotleik of Norway:)


  • KRoE_T0001_Settings.JPG
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  • KRoE_T0030_My capital.JPG
    KRoE_T0030_My capital.JPG
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  • KRoE_T1201_Beavers In Antarctica.JPG
    KRoE_T1201_Beavers In Antarctica.JPG
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That's... rather impressive. :eek: I also like the fact that although the Ottos almost certainly can't see that Oil near Aryan, they chose to keep the city even though that's its only possible use :lol:
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