The Body of Christ, Discovered For You?

I already told you. Unless you don't get the History Channel in your area, then your loss :p.

Then I'll simply support this theory and disregard any arguments of yours relying on the History Channel :)
Then I'll simply support this theory and disregard any arguments of yours relying on the History Channel :)
However, your theory is bogus and false. Jesus was never married nor did he have children. The notion that he had children of the Merovingian line is utterly false.

Since you chose to demand proof and disregard my claims, Well here is the source!
Da vinci Code debunked
The history channel is propaganda bunk at times.

They broadcast a WW2 program about USN ships versus the Kriegsmarine.
It spoke about battles with ships that had never met in any engagement.

Either they got their facts massively wrong or they are just lying to create
a false historical perspective that is digested by the intellectually lazy...

The history channel is propaganda bunk at times.

They broadcast a WW2 program about USN ships versus the Kriegsmarine.
It spoke about battles with ships that had never met in any engagement.

Either they got their facts massively wrong or they are just lying to create
a false historical perspective that is digested by the intellectually lazy...

Thats because you like the glory days of the Old German Military of World War II ;).
Thats because you like the glory days of the Old German Military of World War II ;).


That is because US, British and German veterans write accounts of naval
battles, and the history channel ignores them to make 'info-tainment'...

I like truth, not lies.


That is because US, British and German veterans write accounts of naval
battles, and the history channel ignores them to make 'info-tainment'...

I like truth, not lies.

Well its eather PBS or the History Channel. I rather go with the History Channel than be annoyed with PBS's annual "Call up for donations" junk. ;)
I think that certain media channels were trying to over-
emphasise the input of the USA in the Atlantic struggle.

The Pacific theatre was where the USN done mighty deeds.
But in the Atlantic, the British Royal Navy had all the aces.

Anyhoo - This is leading off the topic, so let's end it.

However, your theory is bogus and false. Jesus was never married nor did he have children. The notion that he had children of the Merovingian line is utterly false.

Since you chose to demand proof and disregard my claims, Well here is the source!
Da vinci Code debunked

So, your proof that Jesus wasn't married is the bible? Hardly a credible source. It would have been quite easy to change some details - after all, Jesus was a touch divine, the image could've been ruined by marrying a prostitute and having kids with her.

Relation to the Merovingians: I believe the term for them having European DNA is "integration".
No. We all know that Jesus never died. He recovered from his crcifixtion and traveled to India. There he died in Kashmir and he is buried in Srinagar. Mary is buried in Pakistan, Muzzafarabd I believe. Her tomb is sorrouded by barbed wire, I've seen a picture. Jesus undubtdly came to India and Kashmir is the Holy Land. Thus you are pwned.
Nylan said:
and how is DNA evidence supposed to help when nobody knows what Christ's DNA is anyways?

This does seem a fairly inherent problem with any kind of DNA testing on these bodies: no reference sample. Proving the bodies are related is pointless, since that is highly probable with them being in the same tomb anyway. Finding someone living related to them is also pointless, since that merely proves those people had descendants, not that they were related to Christ.

The only thing I can think of which (sort of) makes sense would be an attempt to compare the DNA of these bodies with any recovered from relics which are supposedly from Christ (hitting the obvious snag that these are all of very doubtful validity).
and how is DNA evidence supposed to help when nobody knows what Christ's DNA is anyways?

Spear of Longinus and the Shroud of Turin!

Or, if Jesus is related to the mother but not the father and has a little cross instead of a y chromosome.
Well crackers can supposedly turn into the body of Christ and the red wine can too, so if we take a DNA sample from the crackers and wine, we can do a DNA analysis with any newly discovered DNA.
You'd think Christians would like Jesus with a 'family man' image, what with all of them apparently the only ones keeping the "traditional" family alive.
This whole thing is meaningless. They don't have the DNA of Christ to compare it to, so that's out, and considering how common these names were, I wouldn't be the least surprised if they weren't even related people. In the New Testament alone, there are several Mary's, several James, several Lazarus's and I believe several Judas's. Many, many people had similar names in First Century Israel, simply because they have the same names means absolutely nothing. It's not like they had birth certificates and social security numbers to keep their identities separate.

So, your proof that Jesus wasn't married is the bible? Hardly a credible source. It would have been quite easy to change some details - after all, Jesus was a touch divine, the image could've been ruined by marrying a prostitute and having kids with her.
Except we don't have to prove that Jesus didn't marry - you have to prove that He did. :p You guys are the ones proposing a new theory, you need evidence for it, and actual evidence - not "Well, you can't prove us wrong!"

By the way, the idea that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute isn't actually found in Scripture. It's a myth.
Then I'll simply support this theory and disregard any arguments of yours relying on the History Channel :)

Yeah, the History Channel is not too reliable, these days. They have one show on a few weeks ago that "(..)proved, without a doubt, that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone murderer of JFK."

A few weeks after that particular show, they had another one that supposedly proved, without a doubt, that it was a conspiracy. They can't get their story straight.
You'd think Christians would like Jesus with a 'family man' image, what with all of them apparently the only ones keeping the "traditional" family alive.

Nah, it would piss off a lot of the clergy, because the whole celibacy thing is based on Christ having not had a family. It would make them look pretty stupid if he did have one, not to mention all of the "restraint" they have supposedly showed.
Another claim about Jesus' supposed marriage and children? Man, if people are going to attack church doctrine, at least have some creativity.
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