The Deity Challenge Lineup - Game # 2 - America

Walter, whats the advantage in chosing liberty here? As I look at your screenshot, you got similiar city location like mine, but less population, BPT, GPT and happiness, and you even have to build aqueducts still.

NC is too late too.
Why are you not attacking Attila with these CBs btw? The rams cannot hurt you, so you can wipe out his army while you wait for machinery, if thats what you are doing.

Good points. I'm by no means an efficient Deity player (I usually get by with >300 turn wins) so pointing out how and where my strategy sucks, helps. Here are my thoughts:

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Liberty: I'm playing a hybrid between a domination and a science game, which is sub-optimal at best I suppose. The general idea is that in the long run the benefits of Liberty start to outweigh Tradition, and I'm setting up for a longer game. Besides I felt I needed the free settler and cut in half build time.

BPT: Should increase with NC, but I'll need more population in the cap. caravans are going out at the moment though. I'll also need more general population from conquest to get the most of a (semi) wide strategy. In that light waiting for conquest is bad. I'm not sure turn 100 NC is late, given that I do have 4 cities with basic infrastructure (monument, granary, library) and a military gearing up. All in all I realise I am neither fast on the science development / NC and I'm missing the best window of attack for CB's.

GPT: Dissapointing, not sure what I'm doing wrong outside fielding 10 units that aren't being used.

Population: What would be a good time to get aqueducts in this scenario?

Happiness: I'm not receiving the bonus from city connections yet as there are no roads. In the long run this is one of the points that should outweigh a straight Trad opening. I think I need more workers and/or change their priorities.

Attacking Atilla: You are right and I was planning to wipe out the rams and farm some XP in the process. I'm not sure I can take that capital at the moment.
@ Walter:
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OH, I am by no means a deity expert :) Still I think I have good idea what I am doing, unless it comes to early domination. So my plan here is also domination but late game - I am playing a science game until flight.

I am not sure that liberty is better long term, it actually feels better short term because of the free worker, settler and GE/GS, but in the long term monarchy gives you something like 15-20 happiness, and a lot of GPT + the huge growth and the free aqueducts. Maybe when u puppet 20 cities and road em all you can get as much happiness with liberty.

I'd just attack Atilla here - waiting is rather pointless, as hes army is not gonna become smaller :D

About Aquaducts - probably when you are done with building Military? And ASAP in the capitol ...
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I think you are in a decent spot.

Beakers are fine. GPT should be propped up with trades and city connections.

Workers: I only see 3, that is not enough! Because you need earlier city connections, I don't think Liberty needs fewer workers than Tradition. It looks like only New York is working raw tiles however, so if you really only have the three workers then you've been using them well.

Aqueducts: I aim to have them up/building in satellite cities by t100, a little earlier in the capital, so I think you are fine.

I think the difference between Liberty and Tradition is actually very small. The gap, regardless of social policies, between us mere mortals and the glory7/tommynt/DaveMcW/etc crew is much, much larger.
Tough slog for me - I don't usually play Domination, so I planned to set up a 3-4 city Tradition open for a SV. Had read the non-spoilers on the first page (nothings since), so I already knew map type and some Civs. I had to keep dipping into the lower tech tree, ugh. Luckily I have stolen 4 techs from my enemy. Plus I have swapped the same worker and enemy GP for the last 30 turns or so, LOL.

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Settled the river hill SE of the mountain for Observatory and good defense. Got my settler there and all the lux were 3 tiles away. :rolleyes: No problem - cheap tile buys! :lol: I bought so many tiles I was slow to upgrade to CBs. Was able to snatch the gold from Jerusalem. Planned boot camp there, but my 100+ year war with Attila and barb trouble made me give up.

Got the 3rd pantheon, Sun God - niiice. My food was really good until Pacal started spamming Miss., and I was 2 turns away from 5th religion, so my cap got converted - 4 food lost. :cry: So I am buying Cathedrals, which is probably a bad move as I don't plan on having much art.

I only got 2 cities built, so had NC on t85, New York on western hill by horses. I stole workers from Jerusalem, Huns (almost a double steal, but Scout would have died), and Nebby's lone settler as he passed Jerusalem - not in my backyard! Rescued a barb worker and eventually gifted it back to Budapest, so had 5 at one point, none built/bought, a first for me. Downside was pretty bad trades for a while for being a warmonger.

Ended up building 4 Archers and buying 5th. They have all survived and 4 have Range and Log, 5th soon. Attila's first push was about 12 Rams and maybe 8 HA, 5 CB. He never fell for worker baiting, and Rams would bypass near dead warrior all day (wtf?). He had NY down to 0 for many turns, but as long as I killed the Rams and occasional melee I was fine. I have tried to have 2 horse units going, and 1-2 Pikes. I have spawned 3 GG without Honor, wow. I have killed 3 of his GG, he had 2 near my border unprotected, about to Citadel me hard I assume, killed both and only lost one Horseman! :D That's why I love me some hills near cap, road 'em up and slow enemy.

100 turns later and my first Range XB is still at near 0 health, it has been relentless. I built Boston on the west coast, poor food, but I needed a coast city, and used a Citadel to snag Wine and iron. Had been eying Mekness to raze and settle coast near it, and actually started to pound the walls, when the second wave came. I must have killed 1-2 units a turn the last 60 turns, often on two fronts. Where does he get all of them??? Have a scout sniping caravans to Pacal, sniped some going to Kathmandu too.

Nebby went Full Honor and is just sitting on 2 cities...? William is being nice. I cannot get any war bribes going, even for 30+gpt and a lux. Argh.

Now my dilemma - Just no chance for peace, and Pacal is wonderwhoring and running away. Finally took Opis to get more food for Boston, and citadeled east to get horses and wheat for it Opis. I can pound Meknes to dust, and maybe settle the coast (I always want a coastal city on both sides if I can), but Attila has Pyramids and Petra and is about to have Himeji Castle. I sort of want to take his cap and leave him stranded inland. My exploration is crap, not sure what lies SE of him. I do not want full-game warmonger, and I am bound to meet other civs soon. Any suggestions?



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I just read the spoilers up to mid-game, really fun reads! Congrats on the good play.

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Wow, I have the worst city placements of anyone! I guess I probably could have settled the coast SE for second or 3rd city. It looks like I can still settle there and citadel the bananas - thoughts? I can easily hold Attila at bay with that setup, but it is frustrating to not get any DOW bribes going. Since I took a city, my warmonger hate is higher, I am about to get Caravels - if I go for his Cap and then some of Pacal's sweet wonders I will surely be the scourge of the planet. Plus after I take his cap, I will likely get backstabbed by William and DOW'd by Neb and Pacal, I will need to build barracks and double my military.

Other comments - Neb even built SOZ with his full Honor, but I guess taking his Settler confused him, unless he has settled east of his start overseas.

It looks like my DOW on Attila has caused me all my problems - I almost never steal workers from AI when going SV, I want good relations to sell lux. Then turtle with range units.

I could use some feedback on my above spoilers and here!

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Yowsa, only 33 years of peace with Attila all game, this is grueling. Pretty sweet peace deal after the first war - 2306 gold and 30 gpt. Bought a Lib, 2 Unis, and an Obs. Of course he attacked again. I probably should have stayed on him before, as by the time I took his cap 30 turns later it was at 62 strength with an Arsenal. He kept producing 2 units/turn forever, I had to use my super-charged XB on the Muskets and XBs, wave after wave. He was stealing techs from me, although I did steal Chemistry just as I captured it. He paused only to build a Pub School, then a canon, then it was mine. :lol: I have 5 300+ XB, never been that high, and w/o Honor. 2 Knights and 2 Minutemen (will build 2 more, hopefully), 8 workers, none built/bought, 2 Hunnic GP for bait. :D

Meanwhile Pacal has Frigates and Canons and turned super friendly for quite a while - if I do go after him I will need to ramp up like crazy. I went for Gunpowder early to get Minutemen (I never, ever go lower tree), and should have gone Industrialization to get sweet Gats, but stuck to my original Sciencey plan and got Sci Theory on t174. I am now 6t away from Radio - still thinking about order for Factory science boost, but will decide later. Pacal has 10 wonders, Morocco 13. Mor has kicked ass on the other continent, every game I have played he is a pipsqueak. He took Monte's cap, although Monte has Haile's. Haile has been sitting at 0 gpt forever, I always want to trade with weaker civs if I can.

I'm trying for silver on WF. I have to decide whether to take Boise for the eastern ocean access, or just pause and build until Attila attacks again. :lol: I got minor warmonger on his cap, I have no idea at what point Boise will fall to minor. He will give a crappy 5 pop island city SE of him in peace, but not 3 pop Dallas up NW corner of continent with marble, 8 aluminum, and 2 fish in view. I could run food boats to Seattle from there, which could be a production powerhouse, but has been so food poor, only pop 12 now.

I have been in almost constant WLTK in my cap (several max gpt deals), and most other cities often, but plains suck. Tempted to run to Fert next, although I really want to find coal ASAP. I have only 2 GS planted - only 1 river city until Attila's Court, which has 4 GE pts/turn from Pyr, Himeji, and Petra. Wm has stayed DOF forever, asked me to DOW Neb with him, but he won't declare, nor can I bribe him. I can bribe Mor on Pacal, will do that soon...

Other weirdess - Zulus showed up the turn after peace w/Attila (my war) with 4 GPs. He converted my cap, but I didn't have enough faith to buy a Mosque. Then Pacal reconverted it, then all 4 Zulus swam away! Didn't even try to convert any other cities but Wms. Also, only one CS trade quest, that didn't arrive until t156. I have been allied with Geneva for much of the game for whales and faith, and need to sway Kathmandu when I can if I go for Pacal.


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Why did you not go for Attila's cap sooner? Now you're not on track for domination or science (at least it could have been faster without the war effort and warmonger hate you attract). Or was it never your intention to take cities but just defend from Attila?
Not having coastal city will cause a problem when you go to the other continent, as you cannot get carriers. Also you seem to be a bit late to radio. but the main problem is the bpt. Shortly after ST I had over 500, and that with less cities.
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My spy in Babylon gave me Industrialisation before I got ST two turns later. Purchased 2 schools. I even had coil ...
Got Forbidden Palace on T162 and continued to tech Radio on T181.
All 3 options had one taker at this point - Holland picked Order, Ethiopia - Authocracy and Maya - Freedom. I went for order.
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Sad thing happened on the WF - with full production on, it finished 4 turns later than it started and I even did not get a free social policy :(
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After that I proceeded to get biology, then flight, with slight detour to get Military Science. Rushed Brandenburg Gate in the cap. I was already tech leader at this point.

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Soon after that all cities except NY had Military Academies, and I started up with the army. Got plastics T223, rushed a lab in the cap and proceeded to Radar. Got it on T236, immediately upgraded the 9 planes i had and attacked the Maya.

8 turns later I had their cap and 2 other cities. This got me to -15 happiness :D
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I sold Tikal to Babylon for 20GPT (it had 4 WW inside ...) and razed Uxmal.
Then proceeded to Babylon and cleared em shortly after. Took Tikal back with a landship and an Infantry. This time at a reasonable size of 5 :)
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Now Holland is my best buddy, so I will let him live, but I have to figure out how to kill the other continent, as its a bit crowded, and its possible that I am running out of time ...

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Nice game - it looks like your AIs have their game face on. Early Ideologies and solidly large cities (can mine have some of that secret sauce, please? :lol: ).

I think you have plenty of time. Even the path to Stealth/Xcom is shorter than space, so ... to war! Attack the AI tech leader first, imho.

How is your tech position?

Edit: Not to mention that WF. Wow. Are you sure you didn't miss a few turns?

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I crushed em like bugs :D

First was the Aztec dude - Moved the 11 planes (think 8 bombers and 3 fighters) with the carriers, put him at war with Morocco and paid Ethiopia (my friend at that time to attack him).

Went directly for his capitol, then took Teotihucahan (grrr these city names ... ), and Morocco got Texcoco. Rigt after this, I made peace, and started working on Morocco.

First was Casablanca, then liberated Texcoco and then Marakesh. For some reason, the dude didnt want to make peace, so I took some shots at Rabat too.

Gave me 2 cities, which I sold to my buddy William :)

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Then moved the planes to Aztec cap and their surroundings to kill Ethiopians.
This was a bit harder, as they had AA guns and Triplanes, but still my bombers didn't care much. They had way bigger army tho, so it took some time. Killed the coastal city with 5 planes, and gave it to the dutch, after Milan didn't want it ...

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After that moved everything back to the mainland. It was time for my best buddy William to die ...
Rather sad, as you can see how happy was he with me, even after I conquered everyone else.

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Before I declared on him, Babylon told me he has nukes :D
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I didn't care much :)

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One turn away from the stealth bombers - I was going to get em from RAT finisher ...
So that was it, plan well executed.

Some random comments about the game:

1) I am not sure if I did the timing with the bombers right. Maybe I had to go directly radar, instead of plastics. At the end I only had the rushed lab in the capitol. On the other hand - if I had build em + the National Epic, that I forgot to build maybe I'd get the win a bit faster, maybe not ... As the problem was the movement of the planes, not their power.
2) Happiness was a bit of an issue the whole time, as I had around -20 unhappiness from ideologies the whole time. The thing that saved me was the Forbidden Palace I guess ...
3) Killing ppl with bombers is way more complicated on continents.
4) B17 is awesome ... That was my first game with the US on any level, the cheap tile purchase is very nice too. That saved me probably few thousand gold :)
5) I'd probably get a way faster SV here, but it feels sooo boring ...
6) Wonders I built - Oracle, Forbidden Palace , rushed Brandenburg, Neuschwanstein und Cristo Redentor. Could take something else at the end but it didn't really matter.

Anyway, nice game! Although it felt a bit less challenging than the one with Assyria. I don't think I was in danger of losing at any point.

@Olodune - no, have not missed anything. Its maybe 5 turns, not 4, but my production was very low, esp in NY and Boston. Maybe if I had noticed that the wars have stopped on the other continent ...
@dragonxxx :sad: Do you not feel horrible to betray such a good friend? :lol: William is one of the nicest AIs out there... now if it were Monty who was your friend on the other hand... I'd have no qualms :devil:
@dragonxxx :sad: Do you not feel horrible to betray such a good friend? :lol: William is one of the nicest AIs out there... now if it were Monty who was your friend on the other hand... I'd have no qualms :devil:

Well, yeah, but it would be a bit cheezy if I just hit next turn button till I get CV (after I wipe out Babylon) :))

And yeah, he's nice overall, don't remember a backstab from him. Btw - did they fix the dutch UA? I am pretty sure the AI still required huge amount of cash for the last lux, where this game I was paying something like 13-14GPT for their last. And I am sure that it was last, because they had no CS allies.
Well on behalf the backstabs, Willam backstabbed my from DoF to war and once from Peace Treaty into 10 Turns later instant DoW but i guess getting two hunnic cities was enough warmonger hate to get this going.

And yea 13-14 gpt is really cheap for the last copy of an AI lux, lucky you
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Yes, I had originally planned a defensive game, at least until later - I am a poor Domination player, and so wanted to try SV, or at least 1st half of it and decide later with USA UU's.

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I did get 4th city on the West coast, and a Hun peace deal gave me a NW coastal city which I was able to gold buy to a great medium city quickly because of Big Ben and Skyscrapers. They both pumped out many naval units because of 5 Year Plan.

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Well, the last half of the game was much more mellow, for me anyway. I chose to hunker with my sweet units - the forever war was irritating. Monte moved N to eventually take out Ethiopia, while Morocco took all of Monte's S cities, funny. Near the end Bill-O really hammered Neb, had the military lead, and planted some cities on the other continent, which got nuked at some point. Isn't there a nuke notification? Pacal had a middle island city nuked too, I assume it was Morocco. I couldn't get anyone to DOW Pacal until Mor on t232. Bill-O started massing troops my last turns as I was building deterrent ICBMs, so I had to buy an A-Bomb quick. It took me the rest of the game to upgrade everything, I even had battleship tech with Galleases for a while. :rolleyes:

Oxforded Plastics, then went for RR early, to get Fert and Neuschwanstein, one of my favorite WWs (21 gpt, 18 cpt, 7 happy). I screwed up my late tech order, going Sat-Nano-Adv Ball-PartPhys, meant to go Adv Ball second, derp! That meant I had time to build Space Factories in 2 cities. I had 3 Faith GE's and 2 GS, last GS just a few turns before the win, GE built most of last space part. Nuked Attila just before blast-off, take that, a$$hat! :spank:

I was 4th of 7 in most demographics, sitting at about 1/2 of leader in each. 1483 bpt, 190 cpt, 56 fpt at the end. I got RLabs in all but Opis, built expos to about 20 before shutting down growth and adding Eng specialists to Scientists. 7 cities instead of 4, hence sad faces and less science.

Arts Funding and lack of Gardens, etc. probably meant losing 2-3 GS. Cap only got to 32 - I struggled with gpt a lot, so had to work gold tiles more than I would have liked early. Didn't get East India until t 240. :blush: Had constant WLTK in every city.

I had Revolutionary Wave (raw -45ish) going forever, except for a short time when Neb had some clout. Had to build all happy buildings everywhere, a first, finished +8 net happy. I went Order t195 with Neb, Morocco, and Attila - Pacal went Autocracy with Monte - Bill-O went Freedom. I had to add every Order happy policy, which kept me from 25% GP boost too. :cry: First time I've had to do that. Took Skyscrapers (and had Big Ben), but didn't buy nearly as much in cities as I was constantly out-teching my upgrades! Full Trad, 2 Commerce (cheap roads), 2 Rat begin (Secularism, filled by end), 6 Order.

I beat Pacal on WF by 10 hammers. :lol: Skipped Intl Games. Voted against Intl Space Station as it would have helped AI more than me at that point. It seems like as I tech towards Satellites I can feel the game is won already - maybe this is part of why SV seem to be viewed as boring? Ended with Attila's Himeji, Petra, and Pyramids; GE'd Neusch, Big Ben, and Hubble; NYC hard-built Apollo and Manhattan. Usually I get Cristo Redentor, and should have taken Eiffel instead of Big Ben.

My CS allies were really weird - always 2 West Coast Religious, for flank protection for Boston (they both had whales, meh) and Samarkand for happy. As everything this game, I was behind in culture and faith, I didn't even finish shrines/temples everywhere for a looong time. Didn't bother with Grand Temple in Att Court as I figured I'd get last GS w/o it.

I was pummeled by Tourism - Pacal even got Sacred Sites near the end game, but I knew it would be a while until he caught Bill-O and Mor. Bill-O was my friend until I finally dropped him late, which was lucky because it was just before he started DOW'ing.

I am bummed I didn't take advantage of the UU's. Had the early game been more mellow, I would have been more likely to give 'em a rip! I may replay a little from mid-game to see if I can tech Arty or something and at least clear my continent. I have 4 Level 8 and 1 Level 7 Range units. :)

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Sorry for semi-hijacking the thread, but it seems pretty dead. New challenge Friday but I won't be able to play it for days...

BACKSTORY, skip if you want:
No spoilers, but I will speak vaguely. I reloaded my early game and did not take peace to the South, so captured the cap in a short time. I decided to see what would happen if I got amazing Gats, so I actually just froze all units (workers, scouts, even caravans) for 10-15 turns and teched. DOW SW civ, and I took first city in 2 turns with 5 Gats, wow. Tried for a coastal city while heading to Arty, but a Frigate inside gave just enough punch to kill a Gat, boo-hoo, so had to pull back and try to bait units. Lost a nice Minuteman too, some horseys. Finally got cannons/Arty over and am steamrolling, liberated a Merc CS too. :)

Bought my 3rd Factory - N civ went Order, and I considered Order to keep good mojo all game for trading, even with losing a free tenet. Warmonger on other continent also went Order (?) so I was getting happy hit, with low tourism and lowish culture. Am wracking up the Wonders now though from captures, and semi-runaway on other continent went Autocracy - DOF with BOTH of them for huge loans and selling tons of resources for cash.

Holy crap does Arty make conquest easy! I have used them before, but on lower levels with tons of other great units in the mix.

So I went Autocracy for the first time. Had done 2 in Commerce (cheap roads) and 3 in Rationalism (left side, needed gold from science buildings I thought). I should have just finished Commerce for cheap buys and happy boost maybe. Runaway civ on other continent also went Autocracy, but it didn't help my happy much.

Tenets - I found some older threads, and found some suggested rankings for Autocracy, but am curious what sequence folks did or would have done in this game? I took Mobilization (33% cheaper units) and Ind Espionage (double steal speed). After just 2 more fast steals I am tech leader, but it seemed that Tenet is temporarily useless.

1.) Is it worthwhile to leave spies in caps for a while, until they get a tech in another line? It seems like I will waste many turns making introductions or preparing CS influence.

Annex/Puppet - It looks like Militarism (2 happy Barracks line) is super cool, but puppets apparently don't build barracks line. I would like to go Police State (quick Courthouses with 3 happy) and start annexing, but I think part of my success currently is selling a city to other continent player at war with SW civ, and not annexing 2 Southern civ cities (faster policies). I am fairly aware of annex vs puppet generally, just curious what mix I should take with Autocracy.

Puppets ARE building walls, castles - so looking to Fortified Borders lvl-1 when needed (Neusch looks promising too), but I am saving GE for Prora.

2.) Should I go Police State and Annex my 2 conquered caps to prioritize tiles and buildings, and build defensive units for the home-front while elite forces go on a world tour later?

I captured a sweet coastal city with GLhouse and Uffizi, I would like to hard-build some navy there (I do have an original coastal city, nearby on West coast) as it has a Seaport and already tons of happy buildings... Or am I better off doing Big Ben and trying to buy most of my military from my core 3 cities?

So far I am not capturing many Great Works (but many GW buildings) - I assume SW civ cap will have many. I have been scattering/capturing Archeologists like crazy and there are many Landmarks created. So annexing would give me 100% of culture (at 10% cost to policies, yes?).
Update - +3 culture for wonders was passed, so tested Police State and annexing S cap with 3 wonders actually made my next policy go down from 21 to 20 turns... :) Sw cap has up to 8 wonders.
palenque should have all the culture u need. In my game I annexed it and it was really awesome. core of your army are the starting war units anyway, but annexing some good cities leaves you the freedom to stay happy. also the cultural CS are key on this map. I didn't bother even with opera houses
Spoiler :
So I am still playing my redo, taking Hun cap with no peace first. I'm doing pretty well considering I burned 10-15 turns freezing all units to tech ahead to see how Gat rush worked! Too much to build, I had to build Barracks and Wall lines for happy, etc, and am about to get my trade routes rebuilt finally (Caravans mostly, small navy so far). After taking Palenque, Huns and Bill-O DOW'd me. I have taken Rotterdam, lost it on purpose, retook it small pop, just took Amsterdam at 17 pop on t243. I would like to lose it again to get pop 9-ish.

DOF with Neb and Morocco [edit - (Autocracy)]. Neb finally agreed to DOW Bill-O for 28 gpt 2 turns ago, very friendly for a while, still no Ideology. Neb has a huge navy (mostly Privateers), and I sold him Pacal's island El Mirador next to Valetta, cuz I was going to lose it soon. (I also sold Pacal's Calakmul to Haile). I know Babylon should be next - I think I will have to plow thru Breda (raze) and Utrecht to get there, where I can build more navy. Otherwise, had planned to sail from my Western shores army and navy together to Gondar. Currently allied w/Jerusalem, Budapest, Cohakia and Geneva.

1.) I would like to take NW coastal Nijmegen to force Bill-O to send me Caravans (remove all sea routes). This will give Neb time to maybe pound Utrecht. Too much of a diversion? I must admit, it will be fun. Peace now or take 2 more cities? No more Wonders or unique lux.

Attila is a constant buzzing near his old cap - I kill everything easily with 2 Gats. I think Bill-O would be much tougher if I take peace soon, and finish Neb last. Freedom is preferred, and I assume Neb will take it? I am 2 turns from Ballistics, and 3 from a GS to bulb towards Electronics or Radio-Plastics, plus a GS from PT in about 8 turns. Need 2500 faith for next GE. (I chose to build a GE in Att Court instead of a GS in my cap to get Big Ben - coulda had Machine Gun upgrades by now.)

2.) Tech path? My bpt is poor, only 600-ish, but am bringing more science on-line as I go, will peak about 700-800+ w/o RLabs if I work more non-science specialists with Secularism.

I know Gondar is the key to the other continent. My plan is to keep selling Haile any crap cities as I go. Morocco and Monte keep swapping Tenochtitlan. Monte's cap is Adwa, center of his lands.

3.) Kill order? Do I take out Neb first, and wait for B17's for other continent? I won't get them for like 14 turns, Carriers in like 8, And only if I avoid Plastics line.

4.) Policy? I am at my 6th Autocracy policy - obvious choice is Klausewitz, but I am thinking of waiting until next policy because the 50 turns will end before I get to Morocco (with GW), I assume. I need to burn a level 1 to get level 2 Nationalism or 3rd Alternative.

I have Nueschwanstein, Prora, Himeji, Big Ben, Gr Lighthouse, Forbidden Palace, Kremlin, Sistine, Taj Mahal, and 10 other art/culture/faith Wonders. I am near the top with 46 Tourism, 18 GWorks, yet my influence is crap, -24 pressure. 7 landmarks/planted GP - will get Historical landmarks in 16 turns.

Military 2nd (halfish of Morocco) - 5 Art, 3 Cav, 6 Gat, 7 GWB, 3 GWI, 3 Frigate, 3 GG, 1 GAdm, Scout, Caravel, 9 workers.

Happy 32, gpt +82 but will stablize about +110 (some war loans). 316 cpt (up soon) 71 fpt (up in a while - no time for shrine line!).


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