I prefer whichever thing gets you guys posting more. ;)

How do you write like you're running out of time?
Write day and night like you're running out of time?
Everyday you fight like you're running out of time
Like you're running out of time
Are you running out of time?
How do you write like you're running out of time?
Write day and night like you're running out of time?
Everyday you fight like you're running out of time
Like you're running out of time
Are you running out of time?
...yes :sad:
Like, constant repetition stuff, look great on a Thorvald w/ small work, way more challenging and cruder-looking on hi-res CivGeneral art - maybe lesser; doable. Super-easy and quality if I don't have to alter art myself between frames.

Long pauses easy to do. Just a frame timing number.

It's no different than smilies, only easier because a lot more pixels to work with, and here's a selection of some-moving AC2 smilies I made up to six years ago: https://alphacentauri2.info/index.php?action=articles Most, entirely original work. -I fixed the popcorn and tarted up the shading to closer match house style.

-Or, you know, read the articles, and learn to animate .gifs by hand yourself. All the same techniques apply to larger .gifs.
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I actually have experience in 2D animation and have pondered some simple sequences for a while. The trouble is I've had this tablet for over three years now and my hand-eye coordination is still so poor I can barely even sign my name with it. :(
I actually have experience in 2D animation and have pondered some simple sequences for a while. The trouble is I've had this tablet for over three years now and my hand-eye coordination is still so poor I can barely even sign my name with it. :(
I am at your disposal as backstop. -I'd especially not mind if you did all the basic work and had me look over the file for fixups fine-tune and tweaks. -Minimizing the extra filesize, too, if you're not familiar w/ how...

Hmm. There's an obvious animated gag to write and draw to, no matter the story, but I just backspaced it out to not ruin the funny. If anyone wants it to maybe use, ping...
Say - I'm looking through old PMs this evening for buncle reasons, and I saw an extended back and forth with StylesJr five years ago about some story ideas -ISTR for this here DYOS still not concluded- and, is there a Styles story? Hasn't been by at all in two years.

Am I being indiscreet to ask in the open?
RJ seems to have fallen off the face of the Earth, and JL was last seen active on DeviantArt in August, so I doubt we'll be hearing from the horse's mouth.

To be perfectly frank, I don't know if Stylesrj even knew where his story was going. Tabitha was supposed to be a total break from everything he'd done up 'til then; needless to say it never went anywhere. If I can get CG to stop throwing in more kitchen sinks every five minutes, there are elements of the Andromeda Galaxy subplot I think I can use, otherwise I'd say anything you have is now right of salvage. :p
If I can get CG to stop throwing in more kitchen sinks every five minutes,


Just for that, I’m gonna import the Diablo franchise! :p
Spoiler Open if you thought I am serious :

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Thor, Artist-Formerly-Known-As-CG, are we having notification phail? I have flooded your inboxes with golden, golden comedy...

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