The future of Fall from Heaven

It is sad, but I believe that sooner or later every game would be pirated
Why sad? It is a fact of life. Just like everyones grandmother must die one day.
I can assure you thou that no one from the CivFFH community will do that thou.

But still, you have to understand that some people here just won't use steam. I just don't like the idea of having to run another program in the background that is going to do who knows what while I play.
Why sad? It is a fact of life. Just like everyones grandmother must die one day.

The fact that my grandma' must die is also very sad :crazyeye:

Facts can be sad, You know
Facts can not be happy or sad, they are facts. Like the value of pi or the speed of light in vacuum. Since these things are unchangeable, they become excluded from any and all morality.
Using something Impulse related would be preferable for me.
Facts can not be happy or sad, they are facts. Like the value of pi or the speed of light in vacuum. Since these things are unchangeable, they become excluded from any and all morality.

That's the most stupid thing I've heard all day.
Facts can not be happy or sad, they are facts. Like the value of pi or the speed of light in vacuum. Since these things are unchangeable, they become excluded from any and all morality.

I will agree that FACTS themselves cannot be sad... I'm not going to anthropomorphize them. :)

But they CAN make me sad... (You now, it's MY MIND. Maybe facts cannot drive YOU sad, but they certainly can do it to me. As a child I have even been sad because dinosaurs are extinct and I cannot meet a living one...)

I also do not understand why are You writing about morality... Being sad, in my opinion, has nothing to do with morality. It is just emotional state. Morality concerns good and evil, not happiness and sadness
Facts can not be happy or sad, they are facts. Like the value of pi or the speed of light in vacuum. Since these things are unchangeable, they become excluded from any and all morality.
humans are emotional and irrational, assume nothing, on the internet no one knows you are a dog

You must have just eaten breakfast. Don't worry, the day is long.
I like it... it balances well Ekolite's dry comment.
But... is not it also a fact ?:crazyeye:

Anyway, too many off-topics posts...

I join the anti-Steam posters.

I also join those who suggests Impulse/Stardock. I use 3 computers located in 3 different continents/countries (France, Mozambique, travel computer from/to Asia). I have installed about 8 games from Impulse in the 3 laptops (2*XPsp3-32, 1*W7-64-ultimate). Installation without problem. activation without problem. Play without problems (of course, I play only 1 computer at a given time).

I also appreciate Direct2Drive.
and I won't use any torrent stuff. I want to buy FFH !
Could You tell something more to people who does not have a Facebook account?

I noticed Brad Wardell was on there, which suggests stadcock, but did not recognize any other people in Kael's friends list. Stardock does make some sense, since the Elemental engine could likely be adapted to all sorts of fantasy type games that would fit the Fall from Heaven world, but I'm not sure if the other people in the thread are talking about another studio that I didn't notice.
Brad is a big fan of FfH and has even posted on these forums. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he'd made Kael some kind of business offer.
The best idea, is to have a Steam and Impulse version.

There's no rule that says you can't have both. Would make everyone happy.

Yeah, I hate Steam, and will never buy a non-Valve Steam exclusive, but there's no reason to crap on people who want to use Steam.
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