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the oobs 4th pitboss game (Warlords), 15 players

I can't get in either way right now. Same conditions as Elkad states above.
I also connected to the game server over 10 mins. and get kicked. The connection speed is very slow.
ok well this is going to be a problem till the 17th of November when my cap resets. Normally I wouldn't go over the cap till just before it resets (so if they cap me, it would only be for less than a day) but I made a mistake which cost me about 10 gigs of my cap, plus I had something very large I downloaded a few days ago. I could pay $30 to get an extra 20 gigs this month (the internet is a rip off in New Zealand) but I'm not prepared to do that when the only reason to do so would be so the Civ server is going for the next two weeks. Strangely enough it's only my upload speed which is affected, not my download speed, so if it weren't for the PTBS server I wouldn't give a damn. So we have three options here:

1) Someone else can host till then
2) We can switch the game to PBEM till then, if that save file changing utility can do it
3) Leave the game on hold till then
What does it "really take in a server to host a pitboss game"? I am getting ready to buy a new box and might be able to use an old one to host. I just don't know squat about "servers" and am more or less a computer illiterate in general. I can hit the start button and load any version of civ going back to Civ II however. :D
You should have Civ4Warlords_PitBoss.exe in either the main game folder or one of its subfolders. Try creating a game with that, get a hamachi server going, and then see if people can connect to it through that. If they join your hamachi server, and you leave the game on the default port, they should be able to connect by just putting your computer name (or hamachi IP I think) into the address field in Civ.

I suggest hamachi because it means you won't need to sort out any port forwarding, which requires a fair amount of computer literacy... hamachi is easier.

Other players: PM Ronnie1 if you want to help him with this.
I can host it. I already have a pitboss server up and running for the GypsyKings pitboss game, and the server doesn't seem to have any problem hosting two games at the same time. (Just tested it out with Elkad).

To connect,
  • join oobs hamachi network (oobcivserver / civfanatics) - or you can skip this step if you are already connected to the GypsyKings hamachi network
  • load warlords as normal: multiplayer, direct IP
  • for server name, enter

It's currently running a test game, so pick a civ and make sure you can log into the game proper. (If all civs have already gone, use the Koreans / Munro - no password). Then reply here to indicate you've got in.

Once everyone's successfully logged into the test game, I'll replace it with the real thing.

Sound good?

Yes, I'd be happy to (assuming everyone can connect ok to the new server).


How is everyone getting on with testing their connections to the new server? It doesn't look like anyone has tried to connect since I tested it out with Elkad yesterday. It would be good if we could try to get this going in the next day or two. I'm going to be away for several weeks over Christmas and it would be nice to get as much of this game played out as possible before then.. as I am not sure how feasible it is going to be to find a suitable sub over that time.
I see you're relying on my hamachi network... my server is currently off so this won't work. You should make your own one and put it on your server. Or better yet, get this which will give you a fixed DNS address that people can connect to directly, rather than having to go through hamachi. If you have a good router (like me) you can configure no-ip in the router itself, otherwise you'll have to run the service on your server (which I used to do).

Or do both.
Actually a hamachi network works fine regardless of what computers are connected. It doesn't have a host server that needs to be present..

No-IP is fine, but it doesn't fix the problems with other players not setting up firewalls/routers and multiple logins.
Actually a hamachi network works fine regardless of what computers are connected. It doesn't have a host server that needs to be present..

I see... carry on then.

No-IP is fine, but it doesn't fix the problems with other players not setting up firewalls/routers and multiple logins.

Yeah it's nice to have both options IMO. People who can connect ok normally would do so, people who have problems would use hamachi. No big deal though.
Test game works great...I'm in the lead!!!
I think I left my warlords disk at my parents house ... I will be there tonight and can check out the new connection system then.

Been a busy couple of days with my dad in the hospital ...

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