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the oobs 4th pitboss game (Warlords), 15 players

Just so it's clear

1914AD. I logged in and logged back out, but I'm not finished with my turn yet. I'll finish up later (did not hit end turn, so civstats is correct).
Getting stuck at "contacted host" trying to log in, which also happens on a second game Munro is hosting (GK Pitboss), so I suspect an issue at his end.

Getting into other pitboss ok.

Hmm.. when you save the game on the pitboss host (which I do from time to time on a different drive than the autosaves) it gives you a pop-up to say "Game saved ok!"

Apparently it also freezes the game at that point until you also click ok. I didn't know that, but that seems to have been the problem (I saved both at the same time last night..)

Sorry for the inconvenience folks. Both back to normal now. :) Looks like the timers paused also so I assume with 40+ hours still on the clocks no-one will miss their turn(s) as a result. Let me know if this isn't the case though.
Different problem - it really was a server crash this time. Server restarted - let me know if you are still having problems.

However, this does mean I did have to reload from one of the recovery autosaves.

Tommy - sorry, you were the last to log in so I used your recovery autosave, but I'm afraid you'll need to replay your turn.
I have played my turn, except for some worker moves and city MM back home which should be pretty much independent from the rest of the game (I've run out of time to finish just now) so oyzar you are fine to go ahead and play if no objections to my coming back and finishing that up later today (i.e. possibly after you have played).

Edit: I have now played. :)
I got several examns comming up and then i will be gone for christmas vacation. Since this game is not going to last too long, i would perfer if you could find a permanent replacement for me...
I am timing out trying to connect ... and civstats is down.

Are we on hold to fulfill oyzar's request?

We could give the honors to tommy ... or if not that, IanDC might be interested?

got back in ... maybe Munro had an auto reboot for some reason?

I played, and have paused the game while we sort out who is moving for Arabia next ...

Thanks dV. I spoke to oyzar and his exams start monday, then he is on christmas vacation until the 12th jan. Unfortunately I am away myself at a conference from jan 12th - jan 20th.

I would definitely like to continue this game (with oyzar and everyone else still in it). It has been very interesting with a lot of power swings and it's still not at all clear who will win (or how). Is everyone ok with picking it up again on jan 21st?
I would definitely like to continue this game (with oyzar and everyone else still in it). It has been very interesting with a lot of power swings and it's still not at all clear who will win (or how). Is everyone ok with picking it up again on jan 21st?
I am fine with waiting until Jan 21 to resume.

I am good with resuming when ever it works for everyone...I will probably be away for a week or so at Christmas also.
I'm still keeping an eye on this from time to time, when I'm bored at work :)

With one of my previous games I emailed everyone about a few weeks beforehand to ask when they'd be busy over xmas, and took it down for a period so that no one would be inconvenienced. HTH.
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